
Chapter 66

Stephanie's good days were now over, torturing her would make things far more interesting. Just as everything had been settled, Roselle and Lylic left the hall leaving the rest of them behind, they had to go take care of Stephanie. Even though she was so rude and arrogant, she was still their cousin after all. But they had a strict plan on how to teach her a lesson.

The two girls had nowhere to run to, The only person who could save them, couldn't even save herself from the punishment given to her. They were now at a loss and had to start work immediately. Suzan on the other hand was confused, she didn't know what to do. She just sat on the couch in a daze, it seems she still didn't believe in what had just happened.

A few hours ago she was thinking about what dress to get but now she had a lot of expensive dresses. She was so confused that she spent about 30 mins in the same spot not moving. Anna on the other hand was happy with her new role, she gave Kit and Precious sweeping and cleaning of the mall. Since they were dogs, they were the best suited for the job.

 But she still had to package the clothes on the counter, Roselle had instructed that she packaged those Clothes and sent them to Stephanie's address. It seems she wasn't so heartless towards her cousin after all.

Anna, walking over to her desk, taps Suzan gentily on her shoulders. This brought Suzan back to reality. She had cried a lot earlier and had no tears left. Looking at Anna she felt like giving her a hug, Anna understanding this stretched out her arms embracing her. "Darling, you should be happy. Your good has brought you more blessings" she said with a smile.

There were a lot of dresses, she had a lot of thoughts running through her mind on what to do with them. She was poor and found it difficult to take good care of her mom. She was indeed blessed, she got a lot of unexpected things today, but on a second thought this was all thanks to Stephanie. She believed if such had not happened she wouldn't have been so Lucky. She could sell some of them and earn some money.

(Laughing)" You're thinking of selling some of the clothes out right?" Anna asked

Looking at her, Suzan smiled,the woman was smart enough to know what she was thinking. " Yes I am," she said, sounding embarrassed. She just got these clothes today and she was already thinking of selling it out to make money. It was indeed embarrassing.

(Laughing)``You don't have to be so embarrassed, I would do the same thing if I were you," Anna said sincerely. "I could help you sell them out, but that would be tomorrow, the store would close in less than an hour. I am sure some celebrities would be coming tomorrow, so the whole place would be flowing with them" Anna said confidently.