
Chapter 557

Sophie noticed how lost in thought Cecelia was and decided to ask what the matter was.

She never knew Cecilia had something bothering her but decided to find out! that's the curious mother she is whenever her kids are worried.

"Cecilia is anything the matter? Why do you look so disturbed ? You were fine just some minutes ago and here you are …being so moody,I've told you how ugly you look in such mood darling. I should be the angry one, because just like your brothers you are also so annoying (laughs) you look so worried,are you fine darling?" Sophie asked Cecilia looking towards the direction of her face and noticed how pale she looked.

" it's nothing mom..I'm not worried about anything" That was Cecelia on the other hand trying to make everything look ok yet nothing was fine knowing that deep down inside she was thinking about her grandfather which gave her cause to worry. She had a lot to worry about but she didn't want her mother to be aware if it. There was a lot going on in her mind and she had many questions she wanted to ask but all this questions she found it difficult to ask and she doesn't know the right channel to present it to. Sophie seeing how lost she was in thoughts tapped her slightly with a worried look "It's nothing mother I'm ok"she said again

"Cecilia you said that earlier" Sophie said surprisingly noticing the tone in which she spoke which isn't inline with the usual..'its nothing' she had repeated that couple of times and when such comes from her daughter, it meant there was really something wrong.

" oh I did?" Cecilia questioned looking confused. She didn't know when she had said that, was her thinking so obvious? She had to find a good excuse if her mother's questions still persist.

"Yes You did CeCe"Sophie replied looking erect to Cecelia's face. She gave her the look which say 'Tell me something I don't know cause you have worry all over your face and you are thinking of something '

Cecilla seeing the look forced a smile"So sorry mom, I really ain't thinking of anything"Cecelia replied trying to make everything look ok. Looking at her father, he was silent, it seems both her brothers had already pissed him off. What could she do? She needed his help right now but all he did was pay more attention to his meal.

" it's ok dear, if you say so,I'll be at the sitting room then,meet me there once less busy ok? You know what to do, ckear the dishes and get yourself busy" Sophie said while heading towards the sitting room

"I am not done eating yet and the boys are still eating. She could let the maids do their Job after all that's what they are being paid for" Jackson finally said looking at his wife with a smile. The looks she was giving him was enough to kill him but he didn't care, he didn't want his daughter to go through any means of stress.

"(Scoffs) You can spoil her rotten if you want. But I know she would regret it later, and by then she would know it's was all your fault at least I tried giving her the best up bringing but No! You stood firm as an obstruction to all the good discipline she deserves.

"I would be in the sitting room" Sophie said as she was about to leave. She couldn't talk too much to her daughter on the dinning room

" Mom wait a minute is there something you and Dad haven't told us?" Cecelia questions as she looked at both her parents. Her brothers halted and looked at her, they were now interested in what ever she was about to say.

" What do you mean by that darling? Is there anything you are supposed to know that we didn't tell you?" Sophie replied with a question as to a sort of silly question asked by CeCe. There wasn't anything they keep away from their children so she was surprised to hear this from her youngest child.

" Mum...just think through,something you and Dad haven't told us!" Cecilia replied with a pale look, she wanted them to do the guessing themselves 

" oh really? and what's that?" Sophie asked wondering what it is this time because Cecilia looked so serious. Ever since the discussion between father and son, Cecilla had been so quiet and serious. Now she was tensed, her daughter was never this serious and mature.

"I know something is disturbing you but I don't know exactly what it is I know my daughter very well.Whenever you are disturbed,you get lost in thought and.... till you find answers you will not rest. So.. tell me what exactly it is"

Sophie said trying make things look ok yet trying to figure out and compare Cecelia's statement. She had her eyes on her husband giving him this kind of look" Do you have an idea of what she is talking about?' Jackson understanding what her eyes meant, he nodded his head negativity, this was because he had no idea at all.

"Mom…. something bugs me" Cecelia voiced out with a worried look. She understood the worry her parents were having now because of her.

"What's that cece?Tell me about it,my little princess, you look so worried" Jackson said looking at her with a smile. He couldn't keep eating his meal while his little girl was worried and confused

"Yes Darling you can ask us anything, your Dad and I wouldn't hide a thing from all of you" Sophie chipped in

"Mom….have you thought it through? Are you are there's nothing you and Dad kept away from us. Something you don't want us eto find out about it. If there is Mom and Dad please tell us the truth"Cecelia asked

"(Smiles) Yes dear,I don't have any. Your Dad and I left no stone unturned " Sophie said sounding very confident 

"Really?ok…mom.. eversince childhood,you and dad never said and haven't said a word about my grandpa like nobody cares about him! And from what Dad just said he was kind of spotted in Japan, why would grandfather go far away from his own family? We are all he has" Cecelia spilled it all out of her mind and them with her face she turned away from Sophie's direction

"Darling…" Sophie replied feeling so bad. This wasn't the case at all, it seems they've misunderstood "Your grand father didn't abandon us at all. There's more to it than what you see darling" Sophie said calmly 

"How…." Cecilla said sounding very confused. What was that statement supposed to mean? If there was more to it then, things like this never comes to an end.

"Never mind Dear…I'll tell you when the time is right okay?" Sophie replied looking at her husband for help.

"Yes Darling, just know that we weren't abdoned by your grandfather. He is a very good man" Jackson said with a smile. "He would never abdoned us, Never, When it was he right time, you just have to trust me and your mother okay?"

"Ok…" she nods her head affirmatively

"Mom….i heard you and dad talk about him! Only then i knew I had,I mean…we have a grandpa and you both hid it from us,why mom? I have never seen him, it seems he left immediately I got born. You all say he's a good man and didn't abdoned us. Could it be that you guys did something wrong!

"Enough CeCe! What's wrong with you? Where are your manners and why did you speak so rudly? We were lucky to have met our grandfather and I am sure you would meet him too. No body is at fault fie him leaving" Mike responded sounding a little paranoid 

"Mom...this is because I overheard you and dad's conversation" Cecilla replied, she had nothing to discuss with her brother Mike Jackson after all she wasn't asking him so she ignored him.

"Pardon! Your Dad spoke about travelling to find your grandfather and if he sees him he would bring him home. So you can ask him all the questions you want answers to"

"Yes mom! That would be a very good idea. Mom you are so smart"

"Really? And when did you begin eaves dropping? Haven't i told you not to engage such?" Jackson spoke out giving her a fake glare. He was giving his little girl a way out he didn't want her to get herself in more trouble with her mother

"Dad, that's wasn't eaves dropping you both were talking so loud that I couldn't help but over hear it.

"Okay darling, I am done eating, I would head to the room now. So I can leave you and your mother alone to talk proper" He said getting up from his seat. Then he glared at his son but they didn't give him any face at all. "Get your asses up and take the dishes to the kitchen, give your mother and sister a good time to catch up on whatever it is" He said and left. The boys immediately followed his instructions, they cleared the table and went to the kitchen.

"Really? You were eaves dropping and I am sure you came to our room door so you could hear how loud it was. Darling just be careful, you should respect others thoughts and privacy " Sophie said lecturing her daughter.

"But mom…."

"Don't mom me! For crying out loud... you're a lady, So darling act as one! Don't be like your mannerless brothers" Sophie said glaring at them, it seems they weren't doing their Job as good brothers at all. If they really were, Cecilla would have been better.

"You shouldn't get used to such bad habits.Gosh!" Sophie said in anger and left to meet her husband

Reaching the sitting room… Sophie held the handle and after much thinking she turned the door knob and got into the room

 Jackson looking at her was quiet "(Confused)"

"What's wrong darling?" Jackson asked knowing his wife had a cheerful look earlier before she went upstairs

"I can't believe Cecelia overheard our conversation about your dad!" Sophie said with a slight frown

"What?"Mr Jackson asked

"Yes! You heard it right,I guess it's high time we tell them about their grandpa.She has insisted on knowing about him and I'm sure she's curious about the fact he's a Gamma immortal and about us as well. I am as confused as she is. There's a lot i want to know as well. Just like I didn't develop any genes of yours. (Sigh) Some questions has complicated answers"

"Oh goodness! Listen darling,it'll be fine ok? I'll tell them about it but I'm afraid it'll get them nervous,calm down"Mr Jackson said trying to calm sophie down

"I just can't believe we were careless about it this time darling. She's becoming so curious, we need to let them know before they get to find things out themselves, it wouldn't be nice." She said sounding very depressing, she understood such a feeling it was bad, very bad.

As parents it was their own responsibility to break the news to them, if they found out through another means then their children would lose all trust in them. And this was what Sophie was afraid of, bit even if they tell them everything would they believe? They might find the story as a fantasy or something in a novel. Now the whole thing was more complicated just thinking about it, she couldn't help but shiver at the thought.

Sophie, glaring at Mr Jackson as he had her hands round her arms,It was like a cold from nowhere fell upon her, 'so chill' she muttered 

"It'll be fine darling"Mr Jackson said trying to make Sophie feel ok. She was always getting so worried over nothing and this kind of habit is really alarming.

Cecelia stoof upstairs watching them 

"But what use was it hiding the fact that our grandpa was a Gamma immortal? Kinda fishy! Was he bad or evil? I'll love to know"Cecelia reckoned.

"Dad…. "Mike called out reaching out to meet sophie and Mr Jackson in the sitting room while they conversated

"What has gotten over that daughter of yours again?" He asked

"She's moody again right?"Mr Jackson questioned knowing the scene that came up in her room with Sophie

"That should be it!"Sophie replied

"Of course.It's annoying,I don't like it when she gets moody,i wonder what it is this time! Mrs jackson,go check up on your daughter(laughs)" Mike said leaving to his room

"That's the update"he continued

"She'll be fine,I'm in no mood for that!"Sophie said with a bonny look on

"I've been watching you all.Mom….i won't rest until you and dad tell it to us!"Cecelia said from upstairs walking back to her room

"Pardon? Mom...dad...what's Cecelia talking about? Tell us about what!"Mike questioned holding back his footstep

"Your grandpa,my dad!" Mr jackson spoke out

"Really?we had a grandpa...and you…"

"We know! We have our reasons!"both echoed

"Common,mom...dad .. common…"Mike said sounding disappointed and head back to his room.

"Gosh,this is gonna be hell " Mr jackson said

"Yeah….guess this is just it's flame"sophie contributed

"Mom...dad...i heard you!, Waiting…"Cecelia echoed.

"Silly girl….you won't stop your bugging,you're grown up already" Mr Jackson said hiding how bad he felt knowing she overheard their conversation

"I won't dad …Jackson...Mike...over here! Guess mom and dad has something to tell us" Cecelia called out while running downstairs to seat readily for their explanation

"Silly girl,you woke me up! What's it this time?" Jackson JNR asked

"So sorry Jack,but this is important."



"Why the silence?"Mike asked them both,

"what about our grandpa were you both trying to hide from us?" He continued

"Listen,we know how it feels but…we have reasons for it ok?"Sophie explained

"Ok dad…we're listening"

"Ok,you all should listen to what we have to say to you right now,what we planned to remain hidden from tiu all is that your grandpa is a GAMMA IMMORTAL"

"Huh? A Gamma immortal?"They all questioned in surprise even though Cecelia had over heard them speak about it earlier

"Really? That means ….you're partly an immortal too and ..we…."

"No!!!"Sophie replied

"I'm no immortal so you all can't be.One reason we hid it from you all!"She continued

"Your grandpa is no evil but generous man, loving and caring too but I was never in support of his decision for my future"

From these words about Cecelia's grandpa ..she could tell hes somewhat a good person

"And what's that?"Jackson JNR asked curiously

"That I marry an immortal inorder to keep his lineage and a continuous generation with no broken bonds but…I find my love in your mom who hapoens to be a mortal and can't let go.So I planned my future with her alone!"Mr Jackson explained

"Oh…"Cecelia said with her mouth widely open

"What happened after you married mom"Mike questioned

"Hmm…it wasn't easy at first,but really,I had it all sorted out by grace,he loves me and wants my happiness too.So…he gave his blessings."