
Chapter 34

And remembered how her husband would chain her legs to the bed. She would wake up every morning and find her legs in chains, he did that everyday to prevent her from taking her morning run. He would always complain that her run could led to her child's miscarriage but she was so stubborn to listen to him, so he had to result to such means.

Selom hearing this had a smile on her face, she had heard of such stories from her Dad. She didn't actually believe the whole details, because to her, her mother is the most careful woman on planet earth. (Smiling) " Mom, drive safely okay. I am famished and very tired"

"Okay Darling, I am already close by, I will be there in 10 minutes" Teresa said, accelerating the speed of her car. Her Mercedes Benz has an oxblood colour, it interacted with the night making it invincible. The street lights added to its elegance. She wasn't afraid of being caught by the police, she drove at the fastest speed that the car seemed to disappear into the night in the blink of an eye, just like lightning. She had to rush over to her daughter, she didn't find this speed alarming because the road was empty, she was the only one driving through. 

Finally she got to her daughter's Apartment, Selom has unique taste, afterall she had borne this daughter of hers herself. She chose a Duplex out of her own inheritance. Who was Selom? Selom is Teresa's daughter, this young lady had a net worth of over $400 million.

Her daughter's inheritance was Larger than anything one could imagine. This wasn't surprising at all; she came from a rich historical background. Some could just relax and enjoy their wealth since they had a lot of assets but Teresa's kids were different, they worked their backs and cracked their necks independently achieving their dreams and also making themselves known to the society. She was also so proud of her kids. They all had a lot of assets but kept it away from the media, they wanted their own peace and quiet.

Getting into that apartment, Teresa took the keys from her bag and opened the main door. Taking all the goods into the house, she served her daughter immediately, she could tell from the look on her face that she was too tired. She had thought about telling her everything about what had happened in today's board meeting but it seems such information would have to wait.

After Selom was done eating, she felt far better. Now her stomach was satisfied and sure enough the little being in her belly was also satisfied. Looking at her belly she smiled, with such a small belly how was she to remember that she was pregnant? "Do and come up okay, eat as much as you can, mummy really needs you as a reminder" she said rubbing her little stomach. Looking at it closely, one would hardly believe that she was pregnant.