
Chapter 305

If he needed connections, couldn't he have married the so-called Alira himself? Why did he have to drag him into such a mess? This was cruelty, he only had one wife in this lifetime, but voila, Elyrex had broken that sacred rule. He was a man of principles and he always stuck to his principles like glue, now he was married to someone he knew nothing about.

Blaine's face immediately turned pale, here he was praising Elyrex for his impressive skill but the Idiot placed his butt on a hot pan filled with coal. Even if he killed him right now, it would not appease his anger. 

"What for?" Blaine sounding threatening cold

"Calm down, you don't have to take this personally, it's all business."

"What is marriage to you? A child's play?"

"You shouldn't he asking me such a question because I don't take marriage seriously" Elyrex replied with a sigh

(Speechless) "You're courting death" he said angrily

"Killing me won't solve the problem would it? The answer remains 'No, it wouldn't ' it can be undone. Anyways just see it this way, you don't have to stick to that commitment as a husband just see it in the normal way it is, I got married to her on your behalf without your permission. It still remains that I did it not you" Elyrex pauses for a second, this was nothing but a logical way if reasoning "Sounds strange and unusual right?"he asked


"I have planned this through, I am not asking you to man up to your responsibilities as a husband. I just told you beforehand to avoid any unexpected events. It's not your responsibility, so give me some breathing face, whereas it wasn't entirely my fault, I would have gotten married to her with my own personality but what she wanted was you and I had no choice but to give in"

"How considerate of you, you're so generous. I never knew with such a face you would still get rejected " Blaine said sounding very disgusted

"Blah, Blah Blah, I wasn't rejected, so don't hurt my self esteem. It just happens that Alira taste was different, she still chose within the circle, so it's a win win situation " he said proudly

"You've always been a dumbass"

"(Nods) uhn?"

"You heard what I said"

"Aaihiii! You always find a way to belittle me, this isn't what we came here for and it seems you are already find with it. You would be impressed, your Marine Queen is very beautiful,she is a goddess that can't be compared with any other. You would be happy that you got married to her" Receiving his terrible glares, he stuttered "I … I… I… mean to you that you will be happy that I got married to her for you" he continued

Blaine wasn't happy but just as he said it couldn't be undone, though they were Immortals but when it comes to time their abilities were limited, they couldn't change or turn back the hands of time. They were already wasting a lot of time on the argument "Can we get back to business? Tell me what your plan is" Blaine said with difficulty he had decided to let it all slide, what was more important was the tasks he had at hand.

(Smiles)"That's the spirit, I knew you would come around. You can't be angry with me you know, Sometimes my decisions are rash and things just happen… I.."

"That wasn't the question I asked you" Blaine interrupted, he wasn't willing to listen to such vocabulary. It was all filled with a sentence of justification and he didn't want to hear it.

(Speechless) " Calm down, this is my first plan, I will seek some agents from them to help find him.They will go through transformation too but will work very effectively behind the door,we will keep them for as long as the mission is yet to be fulfilled."Elyrex explained

"But how will they help out?"

"They will be with the King as guards,maids or even friends. You don't have to worry, I have those that I can trust. If there is any news, I trust them to pass it onto me" he said with confidence 

"What you mean to say is you would go through the King and present the issue to him. Then if there are any updates, you would get to know about it as soon as possible right?"

"That's right, I'm sure you know the kind of power they possess don't you?"

"I don't "Blaine replied

"Ok..let's see what they've got"Elyrex said to Blaine placing his middle and index finger into his mouth to whistle.

At his whistling..A man came out from the centre of the sea alongside some standing waters which kept moving in a wavy direction taking out droplets in motion and making curves all around giving creative structures which put pleasant smiles on their faces. Baline had never paid the Marine world a visit because he had nothing he wanted from them but he had to say the sight was indeed pleasing to him, everyone as an Immortal has a special kind of powers and they way the work is different. Seeing new things can indeed put a smile on your face.

"There is more to what you are seeing,"Elyrex said to Blaine. He could tell that his friend was really impressed. He spoke with confidence because he knew better. They weren't Marine Immortals for nothing, the level they communicate with water was far different but still they were Inferior to the heavenly realm water goddess and the Water Dragon. To the Marine world, the Water Dragon is more like their god, he is far superior to the King. And it happens that the water God Dragon only resides in the heavenly realm, that was why they were still under the heavenly realm even though they had chosen their independence.

"I can see…no doubt about that. Let's get into it"

"So…which will you take?"


"Amongst the person's I mentioned"

"I will take the personality you already created but it shouldn't happen that I get to meet Alira, if I do you would be sorry for yourself"Blaine replied

(Speechless) He already understood what he meant by that, he had no choice than to accept it"Ok then..We are now in the mission field"

"We will finish up tomorrow.Its late already,I brought you over to explain them all to you so as to know that there's indeed a great Task ahead of us. Now we would go to my big mansion, you would get some rest and have some good food"Elyrex replied

"I wouldn't be surprised if you tell me you have kids there as well"

(Shocked) "I am not a whore in any way, and I wasn't created to make babies" Elyrex said sounding dejected

"Master, can we go now?" The marine guards who had just stepped out from the water said

"First thing tomorrow morning..we will continue from where we stopped" Elyrex said looking at him


(They both Disappears into the circle)


(At the mansion)

“Ma’am I am sure you feel at ease knowing that the vehicle is in safe hands”Sam said while opening the door to his madam's room. It has been a very long day, so as usual he knew she needed some rest.

“(Sigh) Of course I am, knowing that Kent has taken it. I am much at ease now, I was worried about it earlier. Though the old man wouldn't care if the car got missing but he wouldn't let it slide easily, who knows what he would do behind my back,? She said with a long sigh as she stepped into her room. She had to say seeing Kent was indeed a big surprise, that boy wouldn't pay a visit to the palace even if he was forced too, it seemed she had a lot to worry about cause his presence here meant he was in a big mess.

"But…come to think of it..What has Kent and his friends gone to do in the hospital? He drove miles away to this place, don’t this look strange to you?”Lilly asked to seek Sam’s view about it. She had just realized this big detail just now. When she arrived all she thought about was decorations and cooking. It just turned on her that she had seen him come out of a hospital.

“Well, I thought as much too.I concluded it to be that he came for a visit. It's possible he has a friend who was admitted there. After all, the eldest young Master grew up here, so he made a lot of human friends and cared for them genuinely” Sam explained, this was the only answer he could give.

“Really? OK then…If you say so.. I just can’t picture his cause for being there anyways but what you said made a lot of sense”


"You are really something, one time we are heading to the old mansion and the next you wake up and change your mind, who does that?" Adams couldn't help but complain, they all woke up Infront of a hotel. During the drive they all have been asleep 

"I do that" Kent replied, without wasting time, he git off the car and entered into the hotel. This was one of the family's business, so he received a grand welcome from them and was given the best room in the VIP suite which could accommodate him and his friends. The room was more like a mansion, it had many other rooms and a kitchen. 

Strings, Joey and Lee were quiet all they did was follow behind him. They were all tired from the long flight. They've gotten used to Kent changing his mind without warning. Their presence in another country was as a result of that, they wondered why Adams hadn't accepted this part of Kent yet. Getting into the VIP suite, they didn't say a word, all they cared about was taking a good bath and eating a very nice meal and after that getting a proper rest 

"Why am I the only one talking, you guys are not helping" Adams said prouting like a child but all he got was total negligence and silence. Now he had to swallow them all in.

Kent had a well built body, he just had just a small difference with his friends. This was his room as always, so it was stocked up with clothes his size, and this difference was just little, his clothes would fit them perfectly. He also walked upstairs to his room to get freshened up, they all left Adams behind. He was talking to himself.


Back at the mansion, Sam received a call and he looked helpless at his mistress.

"What is it? Speak up" Lily demanded

"I just got a call from the hotel, the eldest young Master just checked into his usual room" He said, sounding disappointed, this was because his madam had made a lot of preparation to welcome him, this made him feel bad.

(Laughing) "You don't have to sound like that, I understand Kent very well. That boy is really something, he really took after the old man. Now pass my order, most of the dishes should be conveyed to the hotel for him and his friends. He shouldn't know it came from the palace. I have a feeling that he would be spending a day or two there at the hotel. (Smiles) I am happy he paid his grandmother a visit, he would surely come home" Lily instructed.

Sam immediately made some calls and delivered the dishes based on his madam's orders. He had instructed that he receive the meals as a special welcome treat.


Back at the hotel, the men were already done freshening up including Adams himself. They had all changed into the most comfortable clothing and they felt so much better. Just as Sam had instructed, the hotel services presented a table filled with dishes as a welcome treat. And after this the men got busy eating, Kent on tye other hand was shocked by the taste, this was none other than his grandmother's cooking, he immediately called in tye service again. In less than a minute the room services came rushing in, it was the manager of the hotel himself "Master you called"

"Who prepared this meal?" He asked

"Oh, it does taste familiar right, this was made by Madam. On every weekend eve she would make it a habit to come cook for the customers" he explained. Kent listened to his heart beat and it happens that he wasn't lying, so he dismissed him.

The Manager made sure he was miles away before he stopped to catch his breath thank goodness Butler Sam had given him a head up. Kent would have been very suspicious, after all he had instructed that his stay in the hotel remains private. After the men were done eating the delicious and pleasing meal, they all went to get some sleep.

It's already been three days and the five men were still asleep. Lily had gotten worried about her grandson, she had to leave him because record had it that her grandson never left the hotel and his room had been shut, she had to be worried. She couldn't tell her husband about it because he was still busy in the private space training Sammy, it was already three days in the human realm but there in the private soace it was just a few hours, so he wouldn't notice a thing.

She had opened the door with a spare key and walked into the Men's individual rooms and seeing their sleeping faces, she could tell that they wouldn't be waking up any time soon. Now she was rest assured, after this she locked the room and went back to the mansion. She hadn't told the old man about Kent's presence and she wasn't going to tell him, he would have to show up himself. But she couldn't keep this for so long because immediately he Steps fiit outside the space, he would detect his bloodline and thereby he would know bof Kent's presence and she wouldn't be surprised if he goes to the hotel and tries to kill him just like he did to Sammy. 

She appeared in the private space as usual with the same peaceful aura. And as expected they were still training. "You both should come eat, I prepared something so good" She said, alleviating her tune. Sammy and his grandfather immediately stopped and walked into the house, Lily immediately served them.

She had a bright smile on her face, this was actually the first time both men had stayed happily together. She could tell that her grandson Sammy had improved with his skills because now he could defend hits from his grandfather. "Grandma it's been two days here I haven't seen the sun" Sammy said as he placed the chicken wing into his mouth

The word 'I haven't seen the sun ' attracted the Old man and he frowned "What do you mean by that? The sun rise here as well" he said with a frown

"I know what I mean is I haven't seen the earth sun" he corrected

This rendered the couple speechless, lily couldn't help but chuckle "It seems you are enjoying your meal, there's no difference between the sun here and the one there. I can tell you've improved very well" she said smiling