
Chapter 304

They both appeared on a tower over an ocean where there are immortals of marine rulers.

This tends to be the exact spot where they could make plans and seek help from the marine gods. If there were anyones who was very effective in giving information and finding information it was the Marine Immortals. Just as their name implies this set of immortals live inside water, the good part about them is that in the ocean there are barely outbreaks of war. This shows that the immortals from the marine world are very peaceful. And one other thing, when you do them a favor,they never forget it and would be happy to do one for you in return, they were not only effective but also very friendly.

Around the tower are some mighty colourful rocks,yet in the ocean.Each rocks have sharp sparkling tips like a sword with a black spotted velvet plant with little clouds above it. If you are looking for a plant which is about a million years old, you would be lucky to find one beneath the waters. The marine immortals are also ruled by a higher ruler, the same as the heavenly Emperor. They had separated themselves away from the heavenly realm and also the Demon realms, they prefer to stand independent. But sometimes they do give an annual report to the Heavenly Emperor to keep him updated. But what's more confusing is that they did the same thing in the Demon realm when the Devil was around. They would appear in both realms to give out annual reports, maybe this was a sign of equality, since they hated partiality.

The sharp edged rocks tend to be a mode of protection. There were no further options than what it is at hand presently.


Earlier Scene 

“Let's plan this out like young men with active brains” Elyrex said to Blaine with a serious look on his face.He actually meant his words.There was no cause to joke around with such important mission in Selom's favour.They have both sacrificed their time with great sincerity to carry out this mission inorder to avoid Selom's fall. This ocean was just the only one which stands as a Portal between the human world and the other side. The Immortals living here also have a great responsibility to protect mortals. And they did this job very well, it was very rare you see or find a drowned body. The water doesn't kill anybody, if you mistakenly fall into the water or you're thrown into it and you had no skill to swim, the water would take you back to the shore unharmed.

“(Smiles) We have always been that smart, active young men for decades, it's only that as the years goes by, you've become a total mess and all you do is bring shame to those around you." Blaine said as usual with a serious tone of disappointment

(Speechless) " Can you please let it slide? We are here for business, it wouldn't be nice if you got me killed before then. I was just suggesting that we play wisely" Elyrex said, sounding depressed,he didn't want to go through any emotional trauma.

"From the way you sound, it seemed we were never one. You made it sound like we were nothing but fools when it comes to sensitive matters. So we ain't wise?”Blaine asked

(Looking speechless)“ That's not what I meant at all, I meant no harm. I just said it as a way of (pauses to find the right word, but to his surprise his brain was a total disappointment) What I mean is that, I just said it like a booster. Something you say when you're about to perform a task" he said stuttering 

"Is that so, what you mean to say is that you said it like 'words of encouragement?" Blaine asked

(Runs his fingers into his hair) "I actually forgot the right word, it's less an encouragement but more like an advice" Elyrex would only run his hands through his hair when he was confused. "This is because it is no easy task.We ought to be smarter this time.Powers can’t solve everything you know…I have come up with a plan to help achieve this which will hopefully work out with a 90% assurance to go well. We know those who owe us a favor don't we? So that's been settled, my plan would be great”

“Which is….?"

“OK, Listen. All we need is a mode of transformation.”

“what? How necessary is that? You mean we will have a different appearance order than this? Can’t we carry it out using our forms and powers?”Blaine asked

“(Smiles) You are getting it all wrong Blaine. We won't carry this out as the powerful men we are.As I earlier said…Powers can’t solve everything.We need to think and behave like real humans in order to achieve this and also lock our powers by taking a break” Elyrex replied

“umm..taking a break like living without using powers?"


"Ok then...That Reminds me…It seems Phil is up to something.But I can’t predict.I said this so that I won’t forget getting carried away by this mission of ours.Could it be that he is after the vowed necklace?”

“I sensed something fishy but we would handle that in due time." After Elyrex was done giving this answer, his face sank. It now turned on him and this made him (Speechless) "You can't be serious right now" He knew better than anyone else that his old friend was making a mockery out of him and he didn't realize that until his brain gave him a clear interpretation.

(Laughs) "It seems you live in another world, maybe you make a life out of your imagination because to you it seemed so real"

(Sigh) "The least I need now is your torture Let us focus on this particular mission before time runs out and after that you can taunt me anyhow you like" he said calmly.

"Hmm ..you're right So..what's the plan now?"Blaine asked looking so focused.

"As said earlier…"

"Yes …I am all ears"

"we will make a transformation.that is we will have to change our look entirely.But we need to know the kinda personality we will transform into."

" Stupid, when you say transformation I understood what you mean." He said glaring at him " But what do you mean by 'kinda personality'? Put more light to it"

"Ok. more like a character.You are conversant with movies of various characters right?Some personalities are shown.An angry rich man …a poor lazy dude and so on. Just something of importance"

"Oh..ok..do we need examples of personalities or we choose and create whom we wanna transform into?"

"Well..I will want us to transform based on the mission to be achieved. I have some good ones that would come in handy" He said with a wide smile.

"Ok..so tell me..What personalities are we talking about that will work out for a successful mission?"

"I have some masks specially designed and trust me, those personalities are of great importance here in the Marine world" Elyrex said smiling cunningly

"So we would go through these personalities and not by a 'return of favor?'"

"Yes, that's the plan A, if it doesn't work out then we would go through the other method, that's finding those who owe us for a lifetime " (stops to think for a second) "According to Selom's record, we could tell the day she conceived. Even though millions of people could conceive a day, we will figure it out. All we need to do is find the right people for the Job,"Elyrex explained.

"(Nods) from the way it sounds…I can tell you've figure it out entirely"Blaine said

"Yes I did, that's why I made a plan B if the first plan doesn't work out. But there's a big problem"

"What problem is that?"

(Smiles sheepishly) "How do I get you to put your mask on?"

(Speechless) " After convincing me of how good your plan is and about the so-called transformation, it shouldn't be difficult convincing me to wear your masks. Just as I told you, I love being natural, I am not some criminal that would have to hide from the world by changing my identity "

Elyrex couldn't help but give a long sigh, he already knew where Blaine was taking this matter to. His words were directly towards him in a more cruel manner. Though he was aware of the mask's stuff, Blaine was someone who hates changing from his real appearance, he had barely ever used the transformation skill that was when he knew him. He barely used it, because he hates transforming into something he isn't. Though Elyrex had been talking about transformation he knew it was falling on deaf ears.

"A little transformation does not make you a criminal"Elyrex sighed "It's just for a good cause, we would want to attract too many eyes, so this is the only option. You wouldn't make use of your powers. I have everything figured out, we are doing this for our grandchild Selom and for her happiness "he continued

"(Nods) Ok.." Blaine finally agreed. This was so shocking to Elyrex he wasn't expecting him to agree so soon, he had thought he would have to give like three to four long speeches before he could get him to agree. "I never knew you had this side of you. I thought all you ever cared about is your baby girl Teresa. I never knew such words could work on you" Elyrex couldn't help but voice these words out. Hell yeah! This caught him unaware.

"All I have ever cared about is my little baby girl Teresa. And I could change me mind just as the speed of light "

"He he he, you don't have to, I am well behaved '' (swallows his saliva with helplessness) "You and I very well know that the mission on finding the father to Selom's children is a very big task.We have to find him within two months in this big planet irrespective of where he is.All we need to do is sort it out neatly and secretly. Selom won't be happy if we tell her about finding the father to her children.We shouldn't get a wrong result"

"Umm…you're right. So is this where you give me the mask?"

(Speechless) "It is" Elyrex said, his masks were always silky and comfortable. After all he is an expert when it comes to making it. He brought out two masks from his private space and handed one to Blaine"You don't have to worry, it isn't itchy and it wouldn't irritate your skin," he said, sounding very confident . Blaine collects the masks from him, he was just doing this for his granddaughter. Everyone knew him to be a man who doesn't break his principles but he could easily break time for his loved ones. He placed the mask on his face and the transformation began, Blaine changed into a marine Immortal and he had to confess it was impressive, there was just some minor difference between his real appearance and the Marine image. The changes were just the nose, ears and his hair. Just looking at himself, he knew this had been specially designed for him " Could it be that you had designed this a few hours ago and all you needed was how to convince me to put it on?" He asked

(Laughs) "Actually you are right, I had specially designed this for you but it isn't an hour ago. I had made this for years, just as you know I had walked around the whole World and realms just to have a taste of everything and it happens that I came here. So I created an image of myself here and then I didn't know anything about you, so anytime I am having fun creating a mask for myself I make one for you too. (Chuckles) you won't believe, this look I have one right now, you have yours. You have about a 100 masks of different occasions and classes in my storage " Elyrex said happily, there was nothing to be ashamed of, this was nothing but the truth. He was a big figure in the Marine world, under a different identity and he also made Blaine's identity known as well. Ever since these two parted, Elyrex knew this was totally his fault, he had chosen the wrong path over his friendship and he has always been in regret. But ever since then, he carries Blaine alongside himself whenever he feels like exploring. He had the strong belief that they would come back together and become friends again. He was broken but had to stay alive to meet his one and only true friend and today all his wishes had come true.

Blaine wasn't shocked to hear this, ever since they were young, Elyrex was always the curious one who wanted to know ' what a thing is and why it was like that' this was the best description for Elyrex's curiosity. He had the passion to travel and explore to understand things better that was why he had too many connections both the good and bad. It was either he is running away from something or something is running away from him' "so when you said 'a break from our powers ' what you really meant is that we would make use of a different power source?" He asked

"(Smiles) Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Let me put my mask on as well, you would be impressed" Elyrex said, bringing out his own mask and putting it on. He immediately transformed to the figure he was known with in the Marine world. "I do have a lot of connections here for now, so repaying a favor would count later if this doesn't work." He continued, there were countless times, Elyrex and Blaine had saved a Marine Immortal, this was long before Elyrex chose to pay them a real visit under another identity. That favor hasn't been repaid, this is because they had never come back all the way here to ask for it.

"I am impressed, at least you don't look old and shaggy," Blaine commented.

"Thanks for the compliment, first of all i will seek help from the Marine rulers" 

"So tell me what was your role here, I mean the personality and figure you made for yourself here?"

"I not only created an image of myself, but of you as well."

"How?" This was actually the first time ever that Blaine had ask such a question looking so curious 

(Laughing) "This is very easy, I split my being into two places and make one look like the way you are looking now. I almost got betrothed to the King's daughter because of my fame and wisdom. I am more like the king's right hand man, I oversee matters happening in the human realm and give the report back to them and you, you're no less famous. Your looks as always is a charm, so I got your married to Alira, since from the other Marine kingdom, she's the queen and you are her king"

"What!" Blaine shouted in horror

(Laughing) "I had no choice, I needed as many connections as possible then, and that was the only thing I could think about," Elyrex said, avoiding his eyes. This was a clear sign that he wasn't joking. Elyrex didn't get married himself but got him married? How was this desperate?