
Chapter 300

"Selom dear, there's no difference between the three of you and your triplet babies. Guess you've been grated triplets for equality, they'll be godmother of three but each to each of them singly"Teresa replied with a smile. This was the fact, Lylic, Roselle and Selom were born the same day and almost the same time. The only difference between them was that their mothers were different.



"You're right"Blaine replied

"You all remained silent watching us both?"Lylic asked

"No no no..not the both of you but the three of you"Beatrice replied

"I in particular,I am aware of such a law"Steve replied, he was around 5 years old or even Seven when his sisters were born. He got three sisters the same day, so what was the difference between the three women and Selom's newborn babies?

"(Smiles) There's no law."


Selom could not help the smile she had gushing all around her puffy cheeks.She had this comfort surrounding her with no cause to worry, she was always in safe hands. Ever since they birthed the three of them, they've always considered themselves as sisters. Though Lylic and Roselle were far related by blood, that didn't matter at all. She was born to this world and was lucky to have three women as mothers who loved her unconditionally. The same thing goes to Lylic and Roselle, they had both their moms and her mother as well. But the right way to put it is that they had one biological mother with three extra ones because Aunt Clara loved them just as much. So her children were very lucky to have the same, Roselle and Lylic would love them just as much as she does or even more.

"Well…Lunch should be ready in 30mins time.Hope I'm not the only hungry one here?"Lylic asked, showing concern to avoid being selfish. She had the feeling that her meal might actually be the last one she would ever eat, because Roselle would surely make it happen but she didn't care. She always had her ways of handling those around her without having to flinch.

"We are"Everyone echoed, their stomach was already grumbling and they were very pleased. They've never had the opportunity to taste Roselle's cooking, so this was more like a golden opportunity all thanks to the two girls.

They didn't have to be told, all their girls were perfect in everything they did. This was because they all learnt from the best. Tina, Beatrice and Teresa were not bad themselves, they were multi-skilled that it would be surprising to know that they had passion in virtually everything and sure enough they've tried it all out. Knowing fully well that Roselle is good with dishes and lots of incredible spices..they're all indeed happy to know that they were considered too.

Everyone was already deep in their thoughts. Selom had already breast fed her triplet, while Lylic tucked them to sleep. She was already exhausted and she was famished. It seems they had eaten the last part of food she was meant to survive with "I need a refill, I feel like I haven't eaten for centuries' ' she said, forcing herself up. After the delivery of the triplets , it was actually her first attempt to get out of bed and her legs were a little bit fuzzy. "I feel like I have been hit by a truck" she complained 

(Coughs) "Is it me or is there something different about your granddaughter?" Elyrex said, whispering these words to Blaine. All he got from him was nothing but a terrible glare, this made him speechless. (Clears his throat) "Have you ever wondered how that necklace would feel around your neck"

(Coughs) This caught him by surprise, what sort of question was he asking? When Beatrice spoke about her father's level of being terribly curious that it led him to hell, she wasn't joking about it.

That was Blaine trying to give a signal to Elyrex. He has lost focus right from the arrival of the vowed necklace, that's all his curiosity had led him to. It seemed he has something bothering him and wanted to have a word with Elyrex outside the room, this was too much. If this curiosity goes out of hand, who knows what could happen? 

The signal was understood by Elyrex without much stress for a noticeable signal. In order to avoid the attention of others.Eylex heads out leaving Blaine indoor so as to avoid others knowing they were up to something or that they had something to talk about.Blaine remained indoor for about 5 minutes before leaving the room.

"Don't know what you two are going out to do,It's ok then..,don't miss lunch.Make sure you're back within 30 mins' ' Beatrice said to Elyrex as she walked out the room, when it came to this man, her sense organs were activated to tye maximum level nothing skips her. Even his tiniest expression would be detected by her, if she had this earlier, he wouldn't have been able to leave home and abandon them. She would have woken up at the exact time he was about to leave.

(Nods)" (smiles with embarrassment) I won't stay long.Can't miss this amazing opportunity with you all"he replied sincerely.

Selom whose nose was already active had been controlled by the aroma, she immediately followed Beatrice out and heard their conversation."Get me some oranges on your way back please"Selom requested.

"Sure"he replied

 Elyrex immediately disappeared , but now to the point ever since they had returned from the heavenly realm none of them could find Maciel, not even a trace. He had promised to visit and he would surely do. He had a feeling that those gifts might be from him but if it was then how did he know the exact number of children. Selom was someone he had never seen except through the cloud of memories he had shown to him but even then she wasn't pregnant. 

After he had gone, Clara had a weird smile on her face. She had a lot she needs to put in action but most of all teasing Selom would be the best "Hmm... someone is making requests even after delivery"Clara said

"Huh?"Selom replied in surprise

"Yes ..while pregnant, you make your state an excuse whenever you make requests. Don't think we didn't know this, Steve and your sisters really did a lot"

”That was because the request was from the babies through me,I have nothing to do with that." Selom said sounding very innocent, her words were so convincing, that was because she made it that way. (Smiles) "Now that I am myself and not two, sorry I mean four, let me make requests as myself and not them"Selom continued, she was trying to defend herself.

"She's right Clara, those demands were not from her. Do you remember when I was pregnant I had a craving for worms? Ken had to travel to China to get me some good raw ones filled with lots if protein, it was all Selom's demand"Teresa replied

"What! Worms?" Selom shouted in horror. "You had cravings for worms? Oh my God, I already feel like vomiting " she said like she was really going to puke.

"Yeah, it's was a very strong craving, I never knew it was all you" Teresa said looking at her daughter. "So you made me eat those things because you wanted to fed right?" Teresa asked looking at her. Clara held her laughter in, she didn't want to burst out laughing at this moment.

"Yulk, how was that me mom? That was all you" Selom denied, 'what a weird craving ' she thought to herself.

"It has always been that way from creation.The babies also give us what they want since they're yet to come to the world.Being in the world...we are like a connection tool to reach out to their desires"Teresa continued, she wasn't going to let this just slide. Selom had to accept full responsibility for the worms cravings.

"(Nods) you're right.But one shouldn't give the innocent brings the fault always.Most times...they have nothing to do with the action of their mothers but in your case, you've never eaten worms before, but yiu had a very strong craving, it has to be Selom's idea for a new meal"Clara said smiling 

"Aunt, it can't be me. Why would I want to eat such a thing?" She asked

"You just said it yourself, those requests while you were pregnant wasn't from you, it was from those innocent cute babies "

"Mom, you really had a craving for worms?"

(Nods) "A very strong one, I ate them for almost one week in a roll "

Selom's face was already so pale, she felt like puking. "Those cravings were bad, and you ate them?"

"Was that even question? Of course I ate them, that was what you wanted "

"It must have been so terrible, maybe I made you eat them because it had lots of protein and because it was Chinese " She said in a surrendering tune. Now she finally took full responsibility but she wished she had never done that, her mom wouldn't have eaten such horror.

"You don't need to sound guilty, they were cripsy and tasty you should try them some time, I am sure you would enjoy it" 

"Yulk, I think I would pass " 

"(Smiles) Ok, then suit yourself"

"Steve...they are asleep,you can get some rest.You've done a good job putting them to sleep,though they don't bug like Selom over here. And that's a good thing, your godmother is already downstairs and you know she would look for you any time soon. You would be a very good Dad"Clara said to Steve giving him a 'well done' kinda look.He has indeed done a good job as a man. Men could barely make out time to put babies to sleep but her husband Eric and her brother Ken were different.

"Steve darling, come down for Lunch" Beatrice shouted

(Laughing) "I told you, she needs you downstairs" Clara said looking at her son

"I Know Mom, I love babies so much"he said sounding very bright 

"Steve, if not for evil mankind... anyone,I mean... everyone should love babies,they are cute and adorable. Now go down for breakfast"Beatrice replied, behind them. She had just appeared, Steve wasn't having his powers now and she didn't know how long it would take for the old man to give it back to him or if he would ever give it back but walking down those stairs would take a lot of time unlike them who could disappear easily and find themselves in the dinning room within seconds. She had to come get him by herself.

"You've said it well..kids are adorable, they are precious gifts from God himself"Clara replied


Outside the room

The right way to out this should be outdoors, because the two old men were not within the vicinity of the mansion. They were miles away from home.

"Why have you called me out?"Elyrex questioned "Listen…we have less than 30 mins to go,don't wanna miss lunch, my grand daughter did the cooking and I have another errand to run" he continued 

"Calm down..let's take a walk"Blaine said leaslding Elyrex to the direction they should go.

"Ok…We shouldn't miss lunch.Be snappy about the discussion" Elyrex said sounding very impatient 

(Speechless)" I never knew you were such a glutton" Blaine complained with a frown.

"The right word should be foodie" he corrected

"Both words are not the same thing, the word suiting my description of you is a glutton"

"I never knew you brought me out here to teach me English language"

(Speechless) "I perceive something.Just that I can't tell the nature of what it is. And i don't know what's going on..but I very well know.. something is going on,there's a feeling that something big will come up"Blaine said

"Hmm..I felt same too,had this strange feeling immediately someone knocked on the door"

"We very well know what that necklace is, we've known it for centuries.It comes once in a thousand years and even then it didn't appear because it hadn't found a master but it just made itself known now?"

"(Nods)You're right Blaine,I was shocked seeing it. What I knew was that Lucifer made just a piece from the way it was described but this time...three was compiled. If one was sent...we would have assumed it's for one of Selom's babies.It came three in one which means .."

"it was for the three of them and it had been designed right before timw"Blaine interrupted 

"Yes, but who could design an exact necklace with the same prowess? If the original design was made by Lucifer before he rebelled then the latter design was made by him after he rebelled and was thrown off" Elyrex said, he was confused about this himself, maybe the devil had designed it in his spare time, after all after he had lost the fight he was thrown out and he became the 'Devil or as others would call him 'Satan. "But it could be that he has nothing to do with this, he is no where related to Selom nor the children" Elyrex continued. This was true, why the hell would he sent such a gift? It could be that then he had created three pieces when he was still a saint and they other Ancient only took notice of one.

"Now listen..we all know that Selom's pregnancy is a mystery itself,no one figured out how it happened and who the father to the children are.You know the law... whomsoever possess the necklace would have so many responsibilities, such things always comes with a price"Blaine said with a frown. The kids were too young for such a high end responsibility.

"I thought as much, I had suspected Maciel but on a second thought it wouldn't be him but who knows he could be full of surprises. Maybe the gift was for the three girls, we wouldn't know except if we find him and ask him"Elyrex replied. This was the only suggestion he could bring out, he had thought about things carefully.

"I thought about that too then, the only way is to wait for him to find us" Blaine replied, there was no need going to find him, just as he always says 'The wolf sniffing is never wrong ' Maciel would find them just by their scents, it would be a waste of time going out to look for him.

"Of course he always keeps to his words. I am suddenly curious to how he got the special herbs from the devil's garden. If the devil was back, I think I would be the first to know about it as his son in law. It is demanded that I host a feast in his honor but he hasn't returned yet" Elyrex said with a slight light flashing through his eyes.

"You are always very curious, I would advice you work on that before it gets you into a bigger mess. I wouldn't be there to help clean after you" Blaine said coldly, he was serious. This was a friendly advice, when Curiousity drives a man wild, it could be very dangerous. It could drive him to a dead end and by then it would be too late to help rescue anyone from it clutches.