
Chapter 292

He had Indeed ruined everything because he was hungry, what other impression would he expect from the girls?

"I didn't even know it was you until I understood your fighting technique. But seeing him, I flinched" He said pointing at Blaine. "And what broke me was the aroma coming from his cooking, I would have kept up with the act. I wanted to know how strong your old bones are because mehn, you look like my grandfather. Elyrex what really happened to that cute face of yours? Those face were so young and lively"

"Speechless" he was still looking good with this face of his, the only difference is that he looked older and that was because he wanted respect from those around him. Sometimes a young face would attract more trouble and also attract more disrespect than expected. He couldn't brag about his age to the Mortals, if he did they would think he is mad or just exaggerating, so tye best way to demand respect is through an old face like his.

(Smirks) "That's because there's a lot you don't know about him. He got married to the devil's daughter based on the blood covenant with him"

"What! That's big news, we would talk about all that later. I want to see my god daughters' ' He said, sounding very excited. His looks were similar to that of a man who just got the goodnews if his wife's pregnancy.

 Blaine, had no choice but to bring the girls out of the cave. The meal he was making was already cooked and it was a better time to serve it. He brought them out together with the shield, dropping them carefully, he opened up the shield.

Beatrice and Clara became very speechless. They were attracted to the young and handsome face of the young man. "Dad, who is this?" Beatrice said looking at Blaine

"The Lone wolf" both men replied



Both women were shocked, they were scared out of their wits. The man sitting Infront of him looked like he was in his 20's so according to that he would be about 300 hundred years old as an Immortal but everyone knew that the lone wolf had existed for more than ten thousand years. Except if this was the lone wolf's generation, who took on the Legacy. "This is the real lone wolf?" Clara said pointing at him in horror. This was the young man that wanted to kill them?

"Yes I am the real lone wolf and also your Godfather" he said with a smile. He was the only existing lone wolf, other myth of other existing lone wolf were just stories. This was because he would change his fur, to any kind he likes, so people who had seen him had assumed they were more of them. He was the only lone wolf and would always be.



"Elim meet your godfather, Maciel. Maciel this is my daughter Elim"

"Elim? But I heard her call her 'Beatrice'" Maciel said looking at Clara

"Beatrice is a name she adapted in the human realm." Elyrex explained. Elim is her real name, it was the name that describes her true form.

"Owh I see, so who is she? Blaine's daughter?" He said pointing at Clara.

"Not really, she is Blaine's daughter's sister in law" Elyrex said, using his hands he brought out an image from the cloud. "This is Blaine's daughter Teresa and my Second daughter Elin" he said with a smile

"You've got two of them, that's wonderful " he said looking at Bearice with a smile. "I am your god father and also their god father. It's nice to meet you. Girls I really feel ashamed for what happened earlier. I didn't know it was you girls and I was somewhat very hungry. I haven't had a good meal in a while " he said licking his lips. Seeing this Blaine had a hidden smile, unlike Elyrex who smiles his heart out, Blaine was totally different. "So you have some plates to spare?" He said looking at Elyrex

"You know I have enough to spare" his private space was more like a kitchen than a home. All he just needed was to bring them out, so he brought out some plates, spoons and knives. Blaine got himself with dishing. "Here you go, don't be afraid now he knows who you are he would eat you up. Have a sit and drink this up immediately" Blaine said giving them a green hot looking liquid. They immediately gulp it down their throat, the taste wasn't as bitter as they had imagined but after taking it they felt so good and warm within.

Maciel on the other hand went given the cooked meat ate like a gentleman, he ate observing all manners. You wouldn't believe he was the hungry and angry wolf they had just seen a few minutes ago. For someone who hasn't eaten for ages, this was now how he was supposed to eat. (Chuckles) "I wasn't expecting this from you" Elyrex said

"Sorry to disappoint you, you were expecting me to eat like a pig or like a wild hungry animal? " He asked looking at Elyrex, he knew what the man was up to with those words

(Giggles) "You are wild and it also happens that you're also an animal. And the last time I checked… you are very hungry. So you fitt your description of a wild hungry animal "

(Speechless) " (sigh)I had ruined my first impression already I wouldn't want to ruin the second one. I am always a gentleman and you know this, it's just that somethings made me who I am Today" he said eating carefully. He could tell that the two women had their eyes on him. It seems they had a lot of questions they wanted to ask but he wouldn't be the one to introduce the topic. He would wait for them to talk to him by themselves that way it would improve their relationship together.

(Laughs) "So that's what it is?" Elyrex having his own keal Infront of him, smile. He had forgotten one important detail, he hadn't seen Blaine's hunt yet. But this wasn't the right time to bring that up, so he dug into his meals. Clara and Beatrice weren't having much of an appetite, this was because the young man before them was too handsome. They just had their eyes glue on him and it was somehow very embarrassing but what could they do? They were still in shock that such a cutie had wanted eating them up. They couldn't believe it, if they were any weaker, he would have eaten them up by now.

"It's seems you girls ain't hungry?" Blaine said looking at them, he could read their thoughts but to avoid embarassing them he kept it to himself. 

"We are really hungry, but we don't know where to start from" Beatrice replied

"You can start from the mouth" Elyrex said looking at his daughter

"No, I was thinking I would start eating for the anus" she said glaring at him. Just because she connected to him doesn't mean he had the right to talk to her freely.

"We have never been enemies but if you feel good eating from your anus, you can dear" Elyrex replied

This rendered her speechless, she felt like chucking the meat down his throat. "I still wouldn't die if you do that" he said, it was fun having to read her thoughts.

"Enough if the argument, we still have a lot to do tonight. And the journey head is great. So girls, you need to eat up so you wouldn't feel weak. You need more Energy to travel tomorrow" Blaine said looking at them. He had to urge them because this work be a benefit to them. 

Following his words, the gained more appetite. If they had Enough energy then, they wouldn't have to wait for the old mane to come rescue them, they would have taken up the lone wolf themselves. And about the journey ahead they didn't know what to expect. So it was better to eat up and gain enough energy.

After they were done eaten, they still had their eyes glued on Maciel. Afterall they sat directly opposite him. Raising his eyes, the six eyes coincidentally met. "How old are you?" Beatrice asked, she was dying to ask this particular question.

"I am just a month older than your father" he replied



"Yes he is" Elyrex said nodding his head

"But from your looks, you don't look like it" Clara said

"Have you seen the way they looked like?" He said pointing at Blaine and Elyrex. "You were expecting me to look as old as them? (Laughing) No way! Don't let yhir looks decieve you, they look just as much as I do. I am sure it's because they now have children that they chose to look like this. And looking at you two, you girls don't look bad for your age. You still looking young like you were in your early 30's"

"Late 40's" the both replied, they were looking so young like he was.

"That's because they had fed you a portion when you were little, let me give you some adjustments " he said stretching his muscles.

"What are you trying to do?" They said sounding quiet scared, they could hear his bones cracking.

"They know what I am up to, a wolf snse of smell is always accurate. That was actually what drew me closer to you gurks in the first place. " Maciel said and immediately he was transferring back into his wolf form but this time his fur wasn't dark scary grey. It was a peaceful white, he didn't want to scare the girls. Now he had eaten to his fill so he wouldn't be hungry. Changing to his wolf form he became 10 times taller than Beatrice and Clara, he moved closer to them and sniffed them carefully. "You kind of smell familiar, like someone I knew in the demon clan." He said looking at Clara. She didn't have any portion on her. His biuce was so loud and terribly bold that as he spoke they couldn't help but shiver, they felt a cold sip down their spines. They only ones who weren't afraid was Elyrex and Blaine. He then moved over to Beatrice and smelled her scent. "Sure sure, they had fed you the portion. Godfather would help take it out" He said, raising his big foot, he dipped his long finger nails into her skin through her spinal cord, Beatrice immediately scream out in pain . "It shouldn't be that painful, hang iñ there I am almost done " he said as he dugged his fingers even deeper. "Finally," he said bringing out a blue looking crystal out of her body. "Here you go" he said handing it over to her.

"What is this for? She said looking at the two old men. "What you asked for," he replied. Oh, so this is in Teresa and Tina as well?" She asked

"Yes" they both nods 

"What of Selom, Roselle and Lylic?" She asked again

"No, they don't have this, you all chose to live in the human realm, so to avoid attracting the wrong people. We had to do it"

"Wait Dad, you all knew that we would one day stay in the human realm?" Beatrice said, looking at Blaine.

"Who is Selom, Lylic and Roselle?" Maciel asked

"Those are our grandchildren" Elyrex said proudly

(Hiss) "For someone who got married in the demon clan you talk so confidently and you talk with pride" Maciel said looking at him, he should be ashamed of himself. The brother's code was that they would stick to only one woman for the rest of their life. At least for them, they were lucky to have a wife and also kids and grandkids but what did he get? Nothing, he had no time for himself, how then would he have a woman's time? So setting up his own family was something very impossible. But Elyrex broke the code by signing an agreement with the devil.

"Speechless" he knew he would use it against him, it was just a matter of time.

"We knew this would happen, and I had predicted the war " Blaine replied he wouldn't deny this at all, he had actually predicted it so there was nothing to hide. "But that's not the issue at hand right now, getting to the heavenly realm is what's important " he didn't want the girls to keep up with their questions 

" Dad, I have a very important question to ask and Don't worry it has nothing to do with what Beatrice had asked. Then when we were in the heavenly realm, we did pay a visit to the himna realm and back home we've never experienced so many obstacles on the way back. Then the road doesn't look so far off, what suddenly happened?" She asked, this was the question she was dying to ask, she didn't understand a thing.

"Blaine, would you like to give an answer to her question or should I?" Maciel said looking at him

"Go on" Blaine said, he actually had the answer to the question but if there was anyone who was more conversant with the whole routine, it was no one but the lone wolf itself.

"This obstacle was placed after the war happened a thousand years ago. The heavenly Emperor had this in mind for years but he didn't execute this plan till the when things got out of hand. He had ordered some saints to leave immediately that was the only way he could protect them, but then the second prince didn't want to leave any survival, especially when they were still loyal to his father, so he chased after them , so the Emperor had no choice but to execute his plan at the last minute. This was his words "If anyone is to come back home, he would strive to make it back and it makes them worthy and if anyone is to leave, then he should make sure where he or she is going is worth it. Because from today henceforth everything will happen just according to my plan, " Maciel said with a smile.

"I never knew the second prince was behind the war." Beatrice said, sounding surprised.

"He was, you leaving the heavenly realm was all thanks to the emperor's effort. Didn't you know this? The devil had nothing to do with the war, he had gone into exile even before the war happened. It was a 50 to 50 percent deal, if the demon warriors help conquer the heavenly realm for him, then he would hand over the last surviving heir of the Bone marrow clan. But they couldn't lay their hands on the last heir, nobody knew who that heir was, not even the second prince. He had only agreed to it because he wanted power, but he got disappointed in the end, because at the last moment when they got the news about his treachery, they withdrew from the fight."

"Why is the heir of so much importance?" Clara asked, she just wanted to hear from his own point of view.

"That's a long story on its own, I could tell you next time" Maciel replied. "Why are you guys going back to the heavenly realm? There has to be a genuine reason to take up so much trouble" he said looking at his friends.