
Chapter 289

Aliesha a special model design

"I wouldn't give you an answer now, but if it happens that you know it's whereabouts, you could let me know then I would answer that question of yours "

Adams unexpectedly stepped on the brakes and without warning, Kent felt the push and he hit his head on the wheel screen which immediately broke into pieces. "Oops my bad, before I started driving I had strictly instructed that everybody should put on their seat belt. It's not my fault you didn't put on yours" Adams said with a smile, he could see a piece of glass already struck into his forehead and it was bleeding. All Kent did was give him a deadly glare. He immediately took the glass off his head and the wound healed immediately. He had no words to refute Adams claims this was because he did give those instructions. He just didn't put his seat belt on for reasons best known to him.

"Now the glass is broken, I think we have to find a mechanic workshop on the way. It wouldn't be good to return the car back home without the wheel screen. It's already bad enough to drive a stolen car, so I can't return it in such a bad state as well " Adams said again. Lee , Strings and Joey were Speechless, Adams had so much guts, it has been that way since they were kids. He was always the one who would push Kent to the edge, the atmosphere was already freezing cold but he didn't mind at all he kept talking non stop and surprisingly Kent didn't react to it as expected. "Kent, you grew up here and it happens that we met you half way through. So tell me, where can I get a good workshop for the repairs? As you can see you've broken the wheel screen, so wouldn't you find a way to fix it?" He continued

Just as he asked Kent that question the computer system responded. 'it is quite weird for the wheel screen to get broken into pieces, it needs about a very high amount of force to break through. This glass is made bullet proof and it's so sound, this is to withstand a very high amount of force exerted to it. Such a force is not expected to break through ' The AI system said

Hearing this they all burst into Laughter, this car was created for the luxury of humans and designed to make transportation easier and faster not immortals so the AI system knows nothing about the amount of strength they possess. Kent hitting his head on the glass was the same thing as crushing the car with a machine. With such force won't the car glasses break?

'What's funny? the AI system asked, sounding very confused. It didn't understand what made them laugh 

"what's your name?" Adams asked

"I am Aleisha" it replied

"From your voice you sound feminine, so I can refer to you with the tag 'she' right?"

"What ever suits you is fine, I am Aliesha and it happens that I am everywhere " the AI system replied.

"Good then, I would think about what to call you, she is mostly used for humans and it happens that you are just a program. Why are you just activating yourself now at this time?"

"Because the wheel screen breaking is always as a result of an accident. And I am meant to operate in times of emergencies. Other times I operate only when I am allowed access like auto driving but nobody has allowed me to have access for years. I am specially designed to control the whole system, and I stand as an advisor when the speed of the car exceeds it limit " Aliesha explained

"That's all good Aliesha, since the wheel screen is already broken. Can you give me directions to the nearest workshop so I can get it fixed?"

"There's no need to go get it fixed, I have an extra glass to spare " Aliesha said and immediately when she was done speaking a wiper appeared clearing all the shreds of broken glass and automatically, a new wheel screen glass slid up again. "Thank you very much Aliesha"

"You're welcome but I still don't understand how the glass could break." It said to itself

"Aliesha, there's nothing difficult about it if you use the force divided by Area is equal to pressure right?"

"Yes that's right "

"So this means, Force equals pressure multiplied by Area"

"Yes that's also correct "

"The pressure applied to the surface area of the glass happens to be too much for it to bear, this lead to the cracks and as the surface area begins to increase the bonds loses their connection and it gives way for more open space. That's just a simple logic in physics " Adams said with a smile on his face. He spoke with so much confidence and he could tell that Aliesha was listening to him carefully

"This makes a lot of sense, thank you for having the time to explain further?" it said

But do you think Aliesha really took his words seriously? Do you think she believed his logical physics explanation?

Aliesha is an artificial intelligence body filled with knowledge. She works more efficiently than google, Wikipedia, name what ever dictionary. She is stored up with the whole body of knowledge, physics, chemistry, arts what ever subject or course name it all. She knows everything about them starting from their foundation. 

"Since it's been years since someone gave you full control, you know the road to the mansion better than I do Aliesha, so I give you full control " He said with a smile.

"Mr. Kent, do I have your approval? " Aliesha asked, waiting patiently. From her tone you could tell she hopes he gives his full consent.

"You have my approval, " Kent replied.

"Then, I would take charge now. Have a smooth drive and rest, you all are in good hands"Aliesha said sounding very excited.

And in no time the steering wheel was swallowed into the car. It seems like it has disappeared. Adams seat was now adjusted backwards making him more comfortable. "Would you all like to hear a calm music which would help sooth the mind?" Aliesha asked.

"Yes of course Aliesha, Kent what do you think?" Adams said giving him the 'you better agree to it or I would pester you to death bro' kind of look.

"That would be nice," Kent replied.

Following his command, Aliesha played a soothing music and before the men knew it they were already fast asleep. This was the rule of nature, from all the tiredness from the long flight, their bodies had to give way. It wasn't an easy tasks for one to stay restless and loose sleep for days. Aliesha could tell that they were very tired, immediately they got into the car she had detected their sense organs and had already drafted a report. She was the fire to the whole automatic system. She was the main brain of the car, that was why the car can never be stolen by a stranger. Aliesha had many ways to deal with a thief there were times when she would control the whole car that the key starter would pick, nothing in the car would move and there were times when her mood makes her 'Brutal'.

 At this time the car would move and the thief wouldn't notice a thing, after that on the way she would take full control without the thief knowing about it after driving for a while she would lock him in and contact the police nearest police station explaining everything to the officer and how close she wasti the station. Then she would drive the thief right to the police station, after he had been arrested she would drive back to the main spot the owner had left the car. She was always present in times of emergency, and not only that. When she smells the stench of alcohol on the driver and calculate the level of alcohol he or she has taken. If she understands that he or she is already in a drunkard state she activates to safe mood immediately, she takes full control and drives her master home.

But if there aren't such cases like this, she can't take full control of the car, she is helpless. Even if the driver gets so tired, she wouldn't be able to intervene until he gives her the command. Aliesha is an artificial intelligence designed to be friendly. She gives off a warm approach on first contact, she could feel what a human is feeling and finds a way to make things better. 

She is softly and specially designed, in the battle field she can create massive destruction tapping into several military servers and charging on full command. The rarest and still the best, at home she is the nicest nanny you can ever have and in so many ways she takes care of the family and goes to the extent of cracking funny jokes just to help do away with the stress of the day. 

When it comes to the best Artificial intelligence ever designed in 2050's then it's Aliesha. She has vast experience in all centers, War, social life which has to do with school, homes and vast locations, you can ever think of. The best ever designed in the world, an expert with a lot of experience. Ever existing in human's history. There were cases where Models like Aliesha would take control over the system just for personal and selfish motives. That's because those programs were robots, they weren't designed with feelings. But Aliesha is far different, she is one of the programs designed to understand human beings. She wasn't designed as a robot model. The best technology ever created, she could control everything, the train station, airports, taxis, and even the traffic. Aliesha could run almost a thousand system at a time and complete them efficiently. She does her jobs prefectly, so she wasn't exaggerating when she said she was everywhere.


The journey to the heavenly one was indeed a very stressful one. “Dad I am so tired, can we find a place to rest? I have had enough” Beatrice pleaded, she had just opened her mouth just for a little time but she felt the rush of wind into her mouth, moving through her throat and full speed.

 Her stomach was already so filled with air as she swallowed it, it was as if she had just eaten a pot filled with jelly and ice cream.the air was too much and she already felt so cold and was shivering. It wasn’t her fault there was a great difference between the weather of the heavens and that of mortals. The surprising thing was that they were nowhere close to the heavenly realm they know as home. It was still thousands of miles away from the spot they were currently at. And it was already so freezing cold, she was the goddess of rain but that was in the human world in her world she is the princess of liberty. Wondering what her duties were? 

Beatrice was one of the goddesses who could strike a balance in the entire seven realms; that was a gift she was born with and that was also her essence of existence. But since she was born she had never taken up the job because her mother was very much alive for the role. Beatrice and Tina grew up with all the love from both parents, her father left them when they were already at full teenagers’ stage about the time they were to fully bloom. Elyrex had also been a good father to his kids, maybe that was why she couldn’t bring herself to hate him. The list she could do is to avoid him but hating him was something very impossible. She wasn’t the only one who felt this way, her twin sister Tina and her own mother as well.

Clara on the other hand felt worse than death itself, if Beatrice could be complaining of being so tired then she was dead. This is because she had left the heavenly realm long before they did. Her teeth were no longer hers, and she felt as if her skin were being ripped off from her bones. If she could describe the way she felt as being seasick then that would be the right word.

She couldn’t say a word; she kept mute waiting for the worst to unveil itself. “Hang in there, this is not a good place to camp for the night,” Blaine said, holding a tight grip on her.

Elyrex didn’t need a map before he could know where they were, he had travelled all over the realms with and without Blaine. These old men were very experienced, that was why they stood strong as great pillars to protect their family. “Hang in there kiddo, I would like you to pester me again sometime” he said looking at Clara, her face was already so pale. They couldn’t put their children at risk. Clara had no words to say, on their way she had vomited a couple of times and had lost a lot of her energy. Deep down she admired the old men for being so strong, she still wondered how they could still see through the dark clouds and they were talking as if they were on land. All she could do was look up to the old man, giving him a smile in her eyes. This was the best she could do, she wanted saying ‘I would love to pester you to death’ but she could. All her words were in the tense pale look in her eyes. Elyrex looking at those eyes couldn’t stop chuckling. “What a brat, you don't have to say a word using your mouth silly. I can read your thoughts and if you really want to you can use the mind link” he said giving her a warm smile.

“I would love to but I have no strength to, you can read my thoughts so let’s stick to this method of my thinking” she said in her thoughts. Connection through the mind link not only needed energy but absolute focus as well. She wouldn’t be able to focus in this state so it wouldn’t be possible to communicate to him through it. It was better she talks to herself through her thoughts then, have him read it. The mind link word was far different from the thoughts. The mind link is a clearer means of communication, it is similar to the normal way people communicate to themselves through speaking (it was more like a dialogue and a far better system) while thoughts was just like a soliloquy to oneself (it could be described in similarities to monologue).

It got to a point during their journey, the arrived at a place where the wind came to a standstill, Beatrice and Clara felt warm and safe but what they heard next broke them, they couldn't stop themselves from sweating “ Hold on tightly this phase is worse than the ones we faced so far” Blaine shouted.

Hearing this their face immediately sank, if you his phase was far worse than those terribly phase they had croseed then it only means that they wouldn't survive it at all. They were already so pale and exhausted to the brim. How could it be so worse that the first phases?