
Chapter 286

"Madam, I do have good news for you but I wouldn't be able to tell you on the phone till when I get back. I have been calling the young Master and he isn't picking my calls" he said

"(Smiles) Owh, is that so? That's because he is currently training with the old man. It's either he has activated a 'do not disturb' profile or..left his phone behind.Tell me..do you need me to pass a message to him?" She asked

"Uhmm..ma'am..I am currently heading back but I can't remember where he said he had parked the car. I want to get it in my way back"He explained

"That's surprising, you are done with the tasks I gave you so soon?" She said sounding surprised yet had a pleasant look on trying to relate how smart he has worked with time.Many barely consider working with time.

"(Smiles) Yes Madam, I should be back to the mansion by dawn"he replied

"Okay then,you've indeed done a good job.I didn't expect you'll finish so soon.Ok..I would send you the location of the garage. You would be able to identify the car when you see it right? Grandma asked with lots of concern.

"listen..I don't want you to go about looking for the car.If you can't recognize it..then..get a cab back.when the old man picks up.. you'll ask him then."She replied

(Laughs) "Yes of course madam"

"Yes of course…which?"

"Of course..I can recognize the car"

"Oh.okay then,that's better,I won't want you wasting much time searching for it when you can't recognize it. I would be expecting you by dawn" She said and immediately hang up.

****(Sammy and the old man)

“Do you want to kill me before transferring the agreed energy to me?” Sammy said sounding breathless, his grandmother was no longer here so this was the best time to ask him this question

“It is all for your own good kiddo, the sooner you accept this, the better for you” The old man responded, walking to a shelf he brought out a shining sword. 

“Come over, come pick a weapon. If you are not good with your hands I want to see how good you are with a weapon” 

“That’s nothing but suicide using my bare hands you have almost killed me like twice, I am sure you would kill me with that scary sword of yours” Sammy said, he wasn’t buying the ‘Pick a weapon’ kind of stuff. He never knew he would have to go through so much stress just to get a little from the old man's energy. It was just like finding your way to hell just because you feel the heat from hell would make the taste of your food better. But after finding hell you discovered there's no way out after you're done cooking and suddenly it turned on you that you couldn't tolerate the heat at all. So how would you explain getting there in the first place? Now his whole body was aching badly. He had nothing else to do, he just wanted to get all these things over with.

"You wouldn't like it if I took control over your whole body would you?" 

"That's totally against the rules, you can never do that. Controlling someone's body without permission is a big offence. "Sammy replied with a glare

"I did it once so I can do it again,you should know that I don't stick to mere rules but I do take contracts seriously" he said, giving him a strange smile.

"Old man..How long will we keep up with all these?You never told me it will be this difficult?Is it worth taking my life?"

"(Laughing) you haven't seen a bit of what you're about to go through.You think.."

"Of course.. you spoke about transferring some percentage of your powers to me like it was an easy thing to do.I actually thought you'll breathe some into my nostrils or.. using your hands..some into my body like I do watch in movies.Though it has always been uneasy for them to bear and we did it once remember"Sammy said I'm a rush

(Laughing)" what happened the first time? You almost died from it. You still don't believe me about the poisoning do you?" The Old man asked, seeing him give an affirmative nod he became speechless (Surprised) "Now I know you've gotten some silly things into that head of yours? That's why you act like a child, any ways you ain't to blame if you had grew up with me fully, you would have been different" he said proudly

(Scoffs) "I won't be alive by now, you would have killed me "

'Your father is still alive isn't he?"

"He is" Sammy replied

"I tried getting rid of him many times but I couldn't. That kid was very lucky that he was all she got"

(Speechless)"I knew it, he barely survived then"

"Haven't anyone told you what power your lineage process?Only the chosen on from our lineage possess such power.Any add up or reduction..you go through hell.Its not something easy to carry"He explained

"That's strange, all I heard when growing up was that you're looking for someone you want to pass on your legacy to. The throne is better ruled by you, no one would be suited for the Job. And about the lineage process, you should have said that earlier..I wouldn't have given in! "

"Suit yourself..I could put an end to it if it'll be of no use to you.Anyways…no one wants to lose any power of his to anyone"Grandpa said while he moved closer to Sammy "Go get yourself a sword, with those chain balls I could kill you in one go even before you realize it"

"Wao..easy old man..easy..I'm going to get the sword as instructed.This should be over soon, you are not only giving me a physical torture but a mental and psychological one as well"Sammy replied sounding very helpless. Now he knew he had a bad choice when it comes to choosing a weapon. Going back this time he picked a sword.

Sammy had no choice than to go pick another weapon he felt it would at least keep him alive for a while.The old man always had his way around to handle all that ran through his mind.Sammy got closer to the box where his grandpa had kept the sword and reckoned on which to take, the all looked similar and he couldn't tell the difference. All his life he had been protected by his loved ones, he never had any reason to fight, but his father and brother did teach him how to fight but that was only to be able to defend himself when necessary. He had to admit this was actually the first time he had a hard training about the tactics of war and how to fight off the enemy.

"Look carefully, they are all swords but each has its own uniqueness. Don't let your brain give you a little mode of thinking"Grandpa said to him.

"What little mode of thinking are you talking about?"Sammy asked sounding very confused, he felt that the old man was always talking in parables.

"Haha..back then..some little kids were asked to choose a bow and arrow to hunt.While others chose..this particular boy remained still.Everyone wondered why the little boy delayed when others head into the bush.He wasn't conscious of the fact that he might lose the competition, I had particularly went to ask the little boy why he stood in confusion, did you know what he said?"

"(Nod) I don't" Sammy replied

"Haha..The little said he wanted to choose a bow and arrow that could kill the animals.The ones that won't disappoint him"Grandpa replied

"Oh so silly of him..what next?" Sammy asked

"Well..I advised him.It was never about the bow and arrow. It was about himself and his determination. No matter how strong a weapon is, it becomes very useless if you don't know how to use it.Now pick your sword"Grandpa replied

"I wasn't thinking like that little boy"Sammy replied

"You could be thinking like him because your father was that little boy. And looking at you, (nods in disappointment) you had your eyes set on them all in confusion"

"Maybe"Sammy replied, taking out a sword from the box.After he was done choosing the supposed able weapon,he smiled. Seeing how clean and sharp it was..He placed his lips to the tip and gave it a kiss.

"Oh goodness…Gone are those days Sammy.Gone are those days.Over here!."Grandpa said with his fingers directing sammy.

"I love this very one"Sammy replied.He swung the weapon with all his might charging forward to the old man at full force putting on a weird smile. The old man noticed yet continued in laughter.

"(Smiles) You have no idea of what we're about to do. No idea.."Grandpa said while nodding continuously.

"Don't hurt me.Grandma won't spare you. No..i will take her out of the mansion again"Sammy replied with a cunning look

"Haha, what a disappointment. When I was getting proud of how strong you are becoming, you then showed me your weak side. What a weakling!"Grandpa felt those words like a sword to the heart, those days without his wife around him was very difficult but they were so funny.It sounded like a treat but he didn't mind, the kid was just looking for a way out.He couldn't hurt his grandson.That was difficult for Sammy to understand.

"(Sighs) here's my weapon, have a taste of this mama" Sammy replied.

That was what his grandpa had asked for so..he was left with no other option.

 About the poison in his system, he was beginning to agree with the old man's words when he said he had used such a method to stabilize his energy which was in crisis. He had to admit his internal energy wasn't the same one his grandfather had. It was just like water and fire, these two would never agree.

"What sort of look is that grandpa?"Sammy asked

"I can read your mind you know.."Grandpa replied



"(Sigh) You grandma has witness lots of power transmission.She can tell how difficult it is.She won't like you to go through such.If she finds out..we will both get into trouble.That old lady is really something else"

(Laughing) "That's so weird, I have never heard you call her by the name 'Old lady'. Why not tell me how many more to go?It's today.. tomorrow.. shouldn't be forever!"Sammy replied

"As I've said earlier..they are my powers…I'll love to have the all to myself.You have refused to give me my peace ever since you fulfilled the task.Here I am fulfilling my promise to you so I can have my peace.(smiles)..It's never too late to back out"Grandpa replied


He knew Sammy was up and hills for this.yet he makes it a threat to the poor boy.Sammy who had no other option..had to finish what they have started.The 'had I known' phrase never came to place in Sammy's thought.He has never regretted having powers.An addition should be a burden upon him.

"Grandpa…I'm in for this.Enough of your threat.Im not backing out."Sammy replied stretching forth his sword

"That's the spirit.Never give up!"Grandpa replied

This time…they both had serious looks on.It was like two strangers who wanted to defend themselves from death itself.If no one was told they were related…one couldn't predict.

"Enough of the threat grandpa, let's see what those old bones got."(Sword clings)

(Smiles) "That's more like it, you sound so responsible, you sound like a man" The old man said proudly as he fought with him. He wasn't using much of his strength at all, he just wanted to record Sammy's level of strength so that way he would be able to help him control his power to the fullest. Who says the man hates his grandsons? Even though he had prefered a daughter to them, he still loved them immensely after all they were his own blood. Though he always seemed very harsh to them this was only because they were men and they had to grow up the hard way. 

This would make them strong and independent on their own, he wouldn't have to worry about them. But if it were girls, he would treat them with ultimate care and would always be there to protect them from all harm. Men are expected to be strong only by that they would be able to start up their own family and defend them. This was the old man's belief, he was hard on his son and he got his independence sooner and here he was with his grandson because he was man enough to start up his own family.

***At the mansion

Lylic was already back in the mansion, she thought about telling the old man about her departure but when she approached them, they were so busy so she decided to leave unannounced. There was still a lot she had going and this was the right time to take up the opportunity since her grandson and husband were still very busy. If her husband knew what she was up to he would not let her work, he would do all this himself but she wanted to do this herself after all she felt good about it.

 Though she was born Human but she wasn't an ordinary human anymore but the old man keeps treating her as one. Most of all, she didn't want the girl Sammy liked to slip off his fingers, she had to find her and then find a way to meet her in private so they could talk. She didn't want the girl to turn her cute grandson down, this was his first love and if it happens that she turns him down, it would break him and she didn't want that. She didn't want her two most handsome grandchildren to lock themselves away from love . Currently she was at the old man's study going through the last Intel she got about the girl named 'Bianca' they weren't a lot wrottey about her and this made her so worried.

(Phone rings)

(Picks up)

"Ma'am..I can't find the car" Butler Sam said, he had gone to the exact location she sent to him but he couldn't find it. He knew every car his master has and he couldn't make a mistake on this one. Even the plate numbers were unique, they weren't like any other cars. That's why when stolen it would be found easily bit what surprised him the most was that the Car cannot be stolen by just anybody if a stranger tries taking the car away it would not move at all. Only his Master's bloodline andof course him could access the car. And it was none of the above, so how did the car disappeared? Could it be that the young Master had changed the car's location? So this left him with no other choice

"What do you mean by..' You can't find the car'? Are you trying to tell me you can't recognize the car or..you can't find it?''Granny questioned in annoyance.That was her asking him earlier if he could recognize the car to avoid any waste of time.