
Chapter 260

"No Dad, I have a lot of work to do, so I won't be tagging along to see Grandpa" Jackson JR said stressing the word 'Grandpa'

"Good" Mr. Jackson replied, Sophie who had been observing through the sidelines couldn't stop smiling. What a way to intimidate her sons. Her husband was such a bad ass. 

"Goodluck to you CeCe"Jackson JNR and Mike said heading upstairs back to their bedroom.

"Ok then…I'll go alone! Bye…"Cecelia said joyfully leaving the house. She didn't find anything strange about their behaviors at all. This was because these men were her elder brother and she knew they had seen the old man but she hadn't seen him. Though she remembered seeing an old man when she could barely walk but she doesn't know how he looks like.

***On their way to see grandpa Kaleo

"Mom…. Does grandpa look a lot like dad?" Cecelia questioned anxiously

"Haha, CeCe..he can't look like me rather I look like him,he gave birth to me,he's my Dad" Mr Jackson replied

"Oh yes! True" Cecelia replied

"When you get there,you'll see for yourself"Sophie contributed


*****At grandpa Kaleo's place

"Mom….I can only see an empty land with no building,is this grandpa's grave?"Cecelia questioned

"No…just watch"Sophie replied

Mr Jackson whispered the name of grandpa Kaleo's immortal ancestral 

Name which wasn't known to anyone but his wife and himself.

Then came a mansion constructed with stones into the land which had nothing in it.

There was the curious Cecelia looking closely to at the movement of Mr Jackson's lips trying hard to know the name of which Mr Jackson pronounced but failed

"No no no…CeCe,Don't think it'll work out this time!" Sophie forbid Cecelia from eaves dropping again

"(Smiles) mom..i won't"Cecelia replied

While they conversated,from the land with no building came granpa Kaleo standing in the building with his back facing them

"Grandpa…"Cecelia ran to give a hug but was shocked that she could barely feel him.


"(Laughs) Cecelia,they didn't tell you?"grandpa Kaleo said

"Tell me what?what's he talking about?" Cecelia asked

"Dad….mom…is this my grandpa? He looks younger than Dad"

"(Nods) uhn,I told you he's a gamma immortal.They live long and young"Mr Jackson replied

"Greetings Kaleo"Mr Jackson said

"Greetings Jackson, welcome"

"Greetings Kaleo"said Sophie

"Greetings Sophie"

"Mom..Dad…why addressing him as Kaleo?"Cecelia questioned

"Because I am Kaleo"Grandpa Kaleo replied

"I know you've seeked to know me,and I know all about you Cecelia,I'll tell you….you're not a bridge and spring immortal destined to live for 200years as the count of the immortal world.That's all you need to know about yourself for now." Grandpa Kaleo said to Cecelia

"(Surprised) Huh? Me? I am not A bridge and spring immortal, then what am I a gamma Immortal?"

"Just know this, you are different from your brothers. You are special dear, just know it 

"That's all for now dear,let's go"Sophie said drawing her back.

"But mom…I haven't seen his face.I want to see him clearly"Cecelia insisted

"He have his reasons,you can't!" Mr Jackson replied

Heading home…Cecelia thought through all he said to her. Being an immortal was the least she could imagine.And….a specific immortal is what she doesn't understand.Why didn't he just tell her the kind of immortal she is? Why so many secrets? What's so special about her and why was she different from her brothers? She thought coming over would help give answers to all her questions but it seems she was very wrong. What she got in return was more questions, she had no answers to and now she needed more answers to them. Her Curiosity has just given rise to another specie of curiosity 

"We knew this would happen.Dont blame us for it if you think over it, you seeked for it"Mr Jackson said in a low tone. All she had on her face was nothing but a helpless look. This was because her Dad had warned her, he told her that knowing the truth would just bring out more questions and he was right all along.

Finally the whole journey which took about 3 hours had now come to an end. It was high time to go back home. But she was so upset. She couldn't tell why, all her life she had grown up living in a shell just because her parents felt they were not mature enough to take the truth. They were all in the dark and she felt more like an Idiot, it seems she was the only one who had the knowledge of being in the dark and surprisingly she was the only one fighting yo get out of it.

If she remembered clearly as a child the man she had in those blurry visions of hers was an old man. But the man she saw today looked more like he was her age. He looked far younger than her Dad. "Dad, I don't understand any of this, how could he be this young? He looks like a man who is about my age" she said with a tight frown.

"Just like I said honey, knowing the truth would lead you into knowing more truth. That's one of the benefits of being an immortal: that's how Young your grandfather is. What you had just seen is his true form and you're lucky he showed it to you" Jackson said with a smile. He wasn't ready for too many questions and answers at all, if she kept asking questions it would bore him to death.

****At the apartment

Finally they were home, All Cecilla kept thinking about was her encounter with the old man. Her mood was suddenly very different. She had been asking her parents more questions on the way but they kept mute now she was paranoid.

"I won't take this! I can't!" Cecelia said while angrily going inside.

"What's wrong with her? Didn't she meet her grandpa?"Jackson JNR asked while watching a movie with Mike in the sitting room. Who were these men? They were Jackson's son who cared less about the world itself.

"She did!"Sophie replied, sounding exhausted. She wasn't surprise that her daughter was throwing a tantrum.

"So….?" Mike questioned "What happened, she kind of looked pissed"

"She is indeed pissed, she got what she wanted"Mr Jackson replied

"Then why does she look angry, if she had really gotten what she wanted?"Mike asked looking at his parents with his eyes widely open

"Well….you should ask her for yourself" Sophie replied, after she was done talking. She dragged her tired body up the stairs. A good showers and a nice rest would do her a lot of good. After all the day is almost over, using the remaining hours wisely is the best choice.

Cecilla on the other hand, who was so pissed, decided to go to her room. She recalled having a photo family album, just maybe she would find something very important written on it. After searching the whole room with no avail, she gave up and walked towards the stairs holding it's rails, looking downstairs at those who were still remaining down there.

"I'm hungry!" Cecelia shouted from upstairs

"Go and prepare something for yourself in the kitchen. Does be a cry baby and a spoilt princess"Jackson JR replied

"No! You should get me something to eat from a store out there! Something cripsy okay?"

"Huh? Really? What's it with fast food this time huh? Who was it who got up so Early this morning to make breakfast? I don't remember doing all that shit" Mike questioned with his looks. His eyes had a terrible meaning attached to it, it was another method used for discipline. The only problem he had was that it barely works on Cecilla.

"Let the princess be. Jackson JNR,let's get her something from the nearby store,the princess seems to be Mad at her grandpa"Sophie said from upstairs, she had a white towel tied around her body. It seems she was preparing to have a good bath.

"You boys should do exactly as your mother just instructed. I would be going upstairs, " Jackson said with a warm smile. All his eyes were on his beautiful wife, it was a good thing to be married. He thought to himself.

"Huh? Spoiling the little princess just as always"Mike said with a smile

"Not really,let's fulfill her wish this time ok?"

"Sure."Jackson JR replied (looking at his kid sister) "Darling you would have to work on that hunger of yours. You could go fetch something to eat in the kitchen " He said smiling at her. "If I really have to go get something for you, brother would have to freshen up first and look good" 

"Jackson honey, go freshen up and get ready. I would be going with you, I think I also need some Air and it would feel so refreshing " Sophie said with a warm smile

Few minutes later, both mother and Son were ready to go. " Cece, I and your brother are going to get you some nice stuff to eat just as you requested. So I would advise you to sit still and calm down" Sophie said, patting her on the shoulders. After she was talking she was escorted outside the house by her husband, Jackson JR immediately got into the car with his mother and drove off

*****An hour later

Cecilla couldn't stand the hunger anymore, it was already an hour since her mother and elder brother left, she didn't know what was taking them so long. They were supposed to have been back by now. Jackson was already trying to reach out to them but their lines weren't connecting. Cecilla suddenly felt very bad and strange.

"I can't stand it anymore,I'm hungry" Cecelia mumbled, She didn't know what was wrong with her, it seemed this was the only way to let the whole anger out.

"Go get something for yourself in the kitchen.You prepared breakfast earlier"Mike replied sounding a bit Angry "Can you just stop repeating those Old records of yours? It's beginning to piss me off"he complained bitterly 

"Mike…please get me some fruits"Cecelia requested

"And what's that supposed to mean…?I'm watching a movie and you're requesting that I go get you some fruits?Spoilt brat,your legs can walk you downstairs to the kitchen to get the fruits"

"Dad….Mike has refused to get me the fruits I requested"

"Mike…just go and grant her wishes and Pumpkin stops disturbing me okay? I have a lot of work to do" Mr Jackson replied from his room

"Seems she can't wait longer for her mom and Jackson JR to return with the food she requested.The little princess is tired" He said glaring at her "Oh…I see…that's why she's the spoiled little brat she is" he continued 


"Cece…go and get the fruits for yourself and stop blabbering nonsense,I can't spoil you too"

"Whatever,I'll go get them myself"Cece angrily replied

Going down to get the fruits…the house cell rang


"Mike…pick up the cell!"Mr Jackson

(Mike picks up)


"Hello….am I unto Mr Jackson? SPI on the cell…This contact was found in the cell of the victim!"

"(Confused) Whaa..whaa..what victim? Whom and why? How?" Mike questioned

"You're needed urgently at the station for some verification of the bodies found and those rushed down to the hospital! Be here within an hour for verification. The other victim involved in the accident still has a pulse and she has been rushed to the hospital.



"Excuse me….why are you shivering Mike? What's wrong? What happened?" Cecelia ran out in question from the kitchen

"What's wrong Mike?" She questioned again

"(Crying) we don't have much time CeCe…let's hurry to the station!"

"What station? Talk to me…Dad!!!"Cecelia called out.

"Coming darling"Mr Jackson replied from his room being unaware of what exactly what going on"

"Dad…."she called out again.

"Cecelia…why do you sound worried"

"Dad…it's no time to talk"Mike yelled

"What's wrong?"Mr Jackson questioned

"(Stammer) Mom…Jack.. accident!"

"What??? What exactly happened? Let's hurry to the station!"Mr Jackson said

They hurriedly set out to the station

"Mom…Jack…"Cecelia cried out

"I..i only requested you both get me something to eat and…"

"Common .. CeCe,we haven't verified it yet stop saying nonsense"Mike said shutting Cecelia up

"I hope nothing happens to them…"Mr Jackson said hopefully

*****At the Station

"Welcome,over here"An officer said leading them to where the bodies were laid

"Thanks officer"Mr Jackson replied

"Here are the bodies of the deceased " he pointed " we noticed a pulse on one of the other victims and she has been rushed to the hospital by an ambulance." He continued 

Seeing the bodies laid down..they shivered and were afraid of pulling out the white garment used to cover their bodies . 

"Kindly verify" The officer said reminding them to let go of their emotions

Being the man of the house, Jackson was bold enough to open the covers and he was shocked to see his son. Pulling off the first garment..was Jackson JNR laying flat amongst the deceased. Opening up the next body he didn't find Sophie among, he immediately sigh in relief "This is my son Jackson JR, but my wife Sophie isn't among these bodies " Jackson whispered these words to the police man




"No…….."The children all cried out

"(Crying) Jack no….jack…(coughs)" Mike cried out

"Mom…mom..where's mom…? Mom…"Cecelia cried out pulling out the garments 

"Officer…my mom..where's she?"Cecelia cried out

"Some were rushed to the hospital because they had chances to live"The officer replied

"To the hospital!! Now…"Mr Jackson ordered

Reaching the hospital,there they saw Sophie lying unconscious and hopelessly with lots of bleeding. Just from her pale white looking skin one could tell that she had lost a lot of blood and wouldn't survive it.

"Mom…"Mike and Cece cried out in pain. Cecilla felt more agony than ever. 'It is all my fault 'Her subconsciously kept repeating those words to her consciousness

Mr Jackson standing beside the door watched in pain. He was a man, an Immortal at that he couldn't cry so much like his children but his pain was indescribable.

"Jack is dead…please..don't leave it behind"Mr Jackson cried out, placing his hands on the transparent glass.

"(Weeping) Mom….I wish I never requested you get something for me…Jack dead mom…and now..you.." Cecilla said finding it difficult to breath 

"It's ok CeCe,it'll be fine!"

"Nothing will be fine!!! Nothing!! Not long after I requested to see grandpa! Call him dad….call him!! He should be able to cure mom…"

"Come back to your senses CeCe.."Mr Jackson said reaching out to comfort CeCe

"(Cries) No dad…Grandpa is a gamma immortal he should be able to cure them please"

"(Weeps) it's ok dear…it's ok,you'll be fine. She's gone.They are gone"mr Jackson replied

Cecilla kept sobbing and crying painfully, her subconscious mind kept passing the words 'it was all your fault, you killed them. It's all your fault, you are so heartless and evil" These words kept playing over