
Chapter 259

"Really Dear, it's too Early. It's barely 6:00 am, I know you must have been so excited that you didn't check your time"

"That's true " Cecilla muttered, she had been so excited that she didn't bother to check the time she got up, she just had the feeling that it was early.

"Ok…let's get ready first, breakfast isn't ready yet" Sophie said finding an excuse.

"Mom…I've prepared breakfast.Breakfast is served already"Cecelia replied

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

"Huh? Really? I can't believe my ears.since when did you know how to cook? You are as lazy as hell" Sophie said in one go

This rendered Cecilla and Jackson speechless. What does it mean to be as lazy as hell? They both didn't understand what she meant.

"Mom, I know how to cook, I am not that bad you know? So stop making it sound awful" she said raising her eye lid giving her the ' There is a lot you don't know about me but you're about to find out' kind of look

" Oh, it happens that my little girl could cook and it also happens that I am the last person on earth to find out about such a rare skill. (Smiles) I can't wait to have a taste of what you prepared. Hope you prepared a nice delicacy?" Sophie questioned (looking at her husband) "I am sure you no nothing about this skills of hers, we got a surprise gift this early morning "

"(Laughs) Oh…that's unlike your daughter, she has won the sleepy head award countless times. The only thing I know she is good at is holding those sharp blades of hers"Mr Jackson said to Sophie

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

(Laughs) "Darling how did you go about the cooking process? I hope my kitchen isn't a mess" Sophie said with terror in her eyes. This was because she had imagined a terrible looking kitchen in her mind

"Sorry to burst your bubble mom, I thought you would be worried about me but all you care about is your kitchen. Don't worry it's still in one piece for now"

(Raises her eye lids) "You look fine to me, so why should I be worried. You walked out of my kitchen alive so of course I have to care for my kitchen since you are alright "

"HA HA HA, how funny mom, I watched a nice video. And luckily for you, my tutor's kitchen wasn't a mess " She said with a slight frown. She wasn't expecting so many questions and answers like she was in an exam hall.

"Where did you watch the video? Darling, Cause I know you know nothing about cooking and that video had to be extremely good for you to catch up" Sophie said getting out of bed. She suddenly became so interested. Cecila was one of the laziest beings on the planet earth. She couldn't move her ass out of bed, it was surprising that she made a meal.

"Mom, I have watched you cook many times. And now the internet has made things a lot easier, all I needed was a video on YouTube just to remind my skills and put them into action"

(Laughing) "Oh I see, honey quickly get your ass out of bed. I need to freshen up and have a taste of that internet meal"



Seeing that both her parents were already awake and we're about freshening up she left the room and headed down to the dining room. She had indeed made the meal by herself but she got little help from the maids and also from YouTube as well. It was so nice and easy but she didn't taste it at all. She didn't want to get so disappointed, so she left it he tasting for them to do. If it was bad, then she would accept her fate that cooking was not a part of her destiny.


"Where's that aroma coming from this early?"Mike questioned sniffing in.

Cecilla could hear her brother's voice vibrating through the whole house. He was literally shouting and it seems he had no idea, it was damn too early. She felt like shouting back at him but on a second thought, she didn't have to stress herself at all.

"Mom…when did you start a cooking Vigil?" Mike questioned leaving his room to the dining table. "It's barely Morning and you're already cooking? What's the occasion" Mike said, Cecilla could hear his voice as he got close. Just as always he had come to the dining room to get himself a bottle of water from the fridge.

"It's already morning Mike, 5:00 am means it's Morning. So you're so wrong using the word 'Vigil' And it's Not mom…but I….I was the one who prepared breakfast for you all today!"Cecelia replied with less confidence. She didn't want to be so confident, this was because she wanted her fall to be so slow and easy. If she was more confident now, if the meal tasted bad, she would be mocked to death by her brothers.

"Huh? (Giving her an applause) She's now in her senses.Guess you're ripe for marriage pumpkin. For the first time she woke up early to prepare breakfast.What's the occasion?" Jackson JNR teased, he was just some centimeters away and heard their conversation from behind. He had just returned from his early morning exercise. He would wake up before anyone else and go jogging, he was already sweating so much and needed a bottle of cold water, this was the reason he headed to the dining room to get himself one.

"Whatever,that shouldn't be your business! Mom…Dad…hurry" Cecila shouted, she suddenly felt they were taking a longer time to freshen up and getting dressed

"Huh? This is quite Suspicious… why are you so dressed up and you woke up so early as well?"Jackson JNR said, walking past Cecilla towards the fridge. Opening it up, he picked up a cold bottle of water. After satisfying his thirst he poured some on his head and shook it down his body.

"You have never woken up so early before, you would rather die than wake up early, so why the sudden change?" Mike said moving closer to her

Cecilla was speechless "Sorry to disappoint you, I am well and alive and I didn't die from waking up early " she said glaring at him. She wasn't afraid of him so she didn't move an inch away from him.

"I can smell fish all over you, what's up, don't tell me you got affected by the stories we were told yesterday night?" 

"Whatever Mike, don't kill me with all your questions, okay? Jackson I think you need to go freshen up, you kind of stink" Cecilla said looking at both her brothers.

"Sure, I need to taste the first food you ever made in your whole life, '' Jackson JNR replied with a smile.


"Ouch that sounded more like an insult rather than a compliment" Mike said with mockery, Cecila immediately glared at him. She couldn't help but roll her eyes, they were being all melodramatic.

 He immediately rushed upstairs to take a good bath, leaving Cecilla and Mike behind.

"It should be more like food poisoning, I am sure we wouldn't survive this one, it more like knocking on death's door" 

(Speechless) " You can say whatever you want"

"Breakfast is served.Have yours if you want to! I'll wait for mom and dad to freshen up and come downstairs. I would advise you go upstairs and freshen up, you stink as well" she said glaring at him. Now she had made up her mind to ignore him completely.

"(Laughs) Did you poison the dish? It's so Unlike you CeCe, you have to tell me what's up!"Mike jestfully said he knew she had blocked him out, so he hurriedly went upstairs to get himself ready. If he wanted to tease her further it would be after he had a taste of what she cooked.

****Few hours later, Cecilla was already exhausted from standing for so long. It's so exhausting. She immediately found a nice spot to place her butt. Now she was kind of feeling so drowsy, now she understood the rules of nature. She had slept very late and woke up too early. Now she was sleepy, she immediately regretted waking up so early, if her brothers or parents caught her in such a state they would mock her to death. "You woke up very early to go to sleep in the dining room right?' she had began to imagine what they would say, of she was caught..and her brother Mike, he would make the World very difficult to live in

Cecilla could hear her parents footsteps as they walked down the stairs, she had a smile on her face.. looking like those Chef, who wanted a good reply from the guest about the dish they made.

"Good morning Mom.. good morning Dad…breakfast is ready,have some so we can get going"Cecelia said with a welcoming voice

"Hmm…this pleasant smile and calm voice all from Cecelia? It's so very surprising pumpkin. You've greeted us thrice this morning. (Smiles) should we be worried?" Mr Jackson teased

"Daddy, can you stop teasing me already? It's no longer funny at all. Just sit and have a taste of my meal" She was quite Embarrassed, she had indeed greeted them more than once this morning.

She immediately created a spot for them to sit. She was now their personal waitress, so she served them without having to wait for her brothers

"Where are your brothers?" Sophie said looking at her, she had kind of heard them talking earlier

"They've both gone up to freshen up"

"They should be back down by now, we can't start the meal without them"

"There's no need mom, we are already down" Jackson said walking towards his mother. He always sits beside her. While Mike would sit beside Cecilla.

During this time Cecilla was very quiet, she served her family her first ever made dish waiting earnestly for them to have a taste.

"Mom,, Dad I think I would have the first taste just Incase I die, please do remember me" Mike said sounding so serious

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

"Speechless ", "Mike you don't have to be so dramatic, if you die while eating this meal then too bad, it means it's in your Destiny " She said glaring at him

"Whatever,let's have breakfast"Mr Jackson said

"Yeah…let's see what she has in-store for us" Jackson JR replied

***First Scene 

While at the dining table,they all stared at Cecelia. Staring at the food on the table and began tasting the food with just the tip of their tongue to be sure that all will go well while Cecelia hurriedly finished up hers.

"Why are you all staring at me and the food I prepared like that?Why are you not eating? (Smiles) Cross my heart,I prepared this dish with lots of love and affection.I love you all."Cecelia said trying to clear doubts after which they felt confident enough to eat the dish she prepared.

"Almost done …do hurry up" she said hitting the plate with her spoon

"Ouch,my belly..CeCe ..ouch"Mike dramatically screamed out causing others to freak out

"Huh? Mike…I just finished mine now.I can't feel anything in my belly.Why..?"Cecelia replied taking a close look at his face to see his reaction

"Ouch,my belly….oh no…mom…dad…goodbye! And you CeCe,I'll come back for you.. I'll surely come back to hunt..(coughs)" Jackson JNR also dramatically said forcing a kinda fainting act

"(Confused) What? Mom…Dad…"Cecelia said

"Oh….my belly,ouch…CeCe,what have you done?"Mr Jackson acted along

"Oh no darling…(coughs) "Sophie said faking an ill act

"(Confused) But I…." Cecelia stammered looking around

All: "(Laughing)"

"What's wrong with you all? Want to kill me before my time??? You got me thinking and worried.Mom….(Sobs)"

"Sorry darling…(laughs)"

While the rest of the family burst into Laughter. "On the count of three, we would all put the meal into our mouths. My pumpkin has grown Into a woman" Jackson said with a smile. "On my count, get ready "

***Second Scene 

Following his instructions they filled their spoons.





They all immediately put it into their mouths and to their surprise it didn't taste bad at all. "Darling have a taste yourself " Sophie said with a smile

Looking disappointed, this was because her family had a terrible look on their face "Mom, is it that bad?" She said sadly, she immediately served herself and tasted it.

"It's not that bad, it's just short of some spices, but for a first start darling. You did great, I am proud of you" Sophie said with a warm smile.

"My pumpkin is all grown up" Jackson said proudly, the food wasn't as bad as he had expected. He was proud of her, "The video you watch was indeed a good one" He said with a smile

"Oh ..I see. So that's the secret behind this meal" Mike said

"Yeah, it's not like it's a bad thing to watch videos online is it?"she said glaring at him, he was such a talkative. Cecilla had expected the First scene to happen but to her surprise, things didn't go as she had imagined, it was far better. Her parents took the change positively but damn, she was trying very hard to fight off the sleep.

"So you were up all night listening to the stories about immorality right" He asked, he could tell something was up

Yeah, I know Mom and Dad could give excuses so…I did the needful and stayed fully awake disturbing them with a lot of questions"Cecelia replied

"Haha,what a sensitive girl you are, you're indeed good, but I won't believe those stories if I were you"Mike replied

First time ever Sophie didn't get annoyed with the fact that her kids were talking over breakfast, it seems she had a lot on her mind. Jackson was also very quiet, he was very attentive to listening to his children talk but when he felt it was too much he had to cut in "You guys wouldn't like the meal if it gets cold. So eat up and stop talking"

"Dad, Mike is such a talkative with no table manners " Cecilla said glaring at her brother, it was his fault she was talking over breakfast 

"Ok…let's eat up before CeCe gets angry. She's getting mad at us already" Mr Jackson said, giving her a warm smile.

****After some minutes they were all done with breakfast and luckily for Cecila there wasn't any criticism. Just like her mom said it was a very good start.

"Let's go mom.."Cecelia joyfully said, picking up Mr Jackson's suit and helping him put it on.

"Sure! I can see how eager she is to see her grandpa"Mr Jackson replied

"Wait! Where exactly are you taking CeCe to?"Mike asked Mr Jackson

"We're off to see your grandpa"Sophie replied

"Oh…I'm not coming along"Mike concluded

"Sounds strange, Dad isn't he in Japan?"Jackson JNR Said

"Do you want to tag along Son?" He said glaring at his son. He knew Mike was someone who would avoid the Old man but Jackson JR wasn't such a person. And if they tag along, they would see through his plans and that was bad.