
Chapter 256

"Puff" Lee immediately spat out the wine he had poured into his mouth. The sudden spilling made him cough so hard. "God damnit, do you want to get me killed?" He said, hitting his chest gentilly. Kent was trying to murder him indirectly and that is a very cruel thing to do.

Strings and Joey on the other hand were laughing their hearts out while Adam had the look of shock on his face. 'what an answer '

"Bro, do you want to choke me to Death? Where are your table manners? Didn't anyone tell you not to talk while eating and drinking?" Lee said, holding his chest as he glared at Kent. He was shocked himself, where was that sense of humor coming from? Such an answer was worse than death, if Kent had given him that answer then he might have dug a hole and placed himself in it.

"I thought it was table manners which talked only about eating? Who got drinking into the table" Adams asked looking so detailed, it seems he wasn't as affected as they had imagined.

"You ain't upset?" Joey said looking at him in surprise

"Should I be upset?" He asked back looking at Joey in confusion. It was a serious question that needed an answer. He didn't find anything wrong with it at all, he was just shocked earlier because he kind of saw a slight smile in the face of the ice Berg. It was something very rare, he couldn't believe it himself, though he had tried hiding it but he still saw it anyways.

"Owh, it's just unlike you to not be upset that's why I was asking" 

"I can't be upset with just a little thing"

Hearing this statement they couldn't believe their ears. Even Kent suddenly gave him a strange stare. "You can't be upset over a little thing? That's completely strange, because you get angry over the tiniest thing and you're happy over the biggest thing" Strings said, counting down his flaws.

"Speechless ", "I am not that bad, sometimes I over react but just as I said & sometimes & not everytime. There's a clear difference between them.

"Mehn it's always, everything God damn time" They all shouted

When the heat and the tensed environment was down everything came back to normal. The men were now very tired of everything, they didn't want to exchange words at all. They all sat looking exhausted like they had narrowly escaped a Battle which almost took away their lives.

"You all are a mess" Lee said with a smile. What was so frustrating right now was that they were all in their senses and he had to break the news to them. And the news was so very heavy that he couldn't lift it for the purpose of smashing on the ground so he could break it to them but he had to try it anyways. It was better than keeping quiet and then they don't bring out a meaningful solution to it.

"Now I think it's high time I break the news to you guys" he said putting on his most serious look. The whole room became very tense, Adams could feel himself sweating in his pants.

"This must be bad" he muttered, this was because a serious face like Lee's meant something very bad. It meant something terrible must have happened. "Just tell us already"

"Get to the point, stop keeping us in suspense" Strings said with a slight frown.

The room was already so tensed, so what would be would be. This was what he believed. No news was worse than death but they all couldn't die, so what was all the tension for?

Lee focused on Kent and did the breathing in and out " you won't be liking this one at all" he said

"Let's s here it"

(Sigh)" you know the sample you had voluntarily given to your grandmother. The semen sample containing your sperms? The one you got back from God knows where pissing your grandfather off?"

"Speak up"

(Sighs) " I had run some tests on the sperm sample gotten back and I got bad news"


"They weren't a match to your DNA, they were not your own sample. I am not talking about one, I am talking about both of them "

"What!?"Kent said, breaking the glass cup into shreds. He couldn't help but clenched his fist, does this mean the old man was involved? Was he being played by the old man?

"Yeah, I knew you wouldn't like such a news" Lee said nodding his head. Such a news was more than a bad one. This meant the had to search everywhere to find it .

Kent on the other hand was furious " And you are just telling me about it now?"

"Yeah I just got to know about it too, that's why I am telling you now bro " 

"It's been 7 months and how the hell are we supposed to find a ghost sample. Mehn, this is bad, you would have let your granny had those sperms. Now we wouldn't be able to trace it's Adam said with a frown. He wasn't ready for that kind of job at all.

"Yes we can, that's why I got you guys all here. It wouldn't be difficult, all we need to do is trace the movement of the sperm again. Since it's been 7 months ,bwe can trace it all backwards" Lee said with a smile, he would not gather them here without a reason. They were all very useful to this particular problem.

"You could get such an informatupn we need in less than seconds" Lee said looking at Strings. That was what he was good at, nobody could beat him to it.

"Thank you for the offer but I am not interested," Strings replied but what he got in return from Kent was a terrible glare. He couldn't do that at all, this news was worse than death. "You can glare at me, however you want, but I still wouldn't bulge" He said, sounding very confident.

"I have a good plan that would help" Lee said with his face full of smiles, he already thought of a very good plan. And with all their help it would come in handy.


Sitting down, the memories of the past came flooding in. Cecilla felt her heart tighten. She had to follow Lylic's advice and that was for her to be able to accept the past with a full heart. That way she would be able to clear everything and would not feel so painful. Just as Lylic said 'let the old memories flow in and stop fighting it'. Facing one's fear was the best route to freedom and she wanted to be free. Just as Lylic said, it seems there was more to her brother and mother's death that what she had seen on the surface.

*** Preparation for a flashback 

Now she had to learn to face them all by herself and she wouldn't get hurt in the whole process. Going back to the old house, she learned a lot of things, she had good memories to hold on too, and the last time she checked they were far better than any painful memories. There were so many mysteries she had to unveil, and she felt they could be in her memories. Maybe she hadn't thought about it well enough. It was just a puzzle, she was almost done setting it out. What it needed now was the last piece and that last piece could be in her memories. She just had to rethink everything and become more observant and who knows she could find the clue.

Cecilla's POV

Cecilla Jackson! 

"Mom, I am coming".. She shouted, from her mother's tone she was sure she had found something wrong again. Waking up late was already a hobby and most of all getting down late to the dining room was another great hobby of hers. Cecila was having a nice time talking to her friend. "I can hear your mom calling out to you dear, hurry up" Susan said on the phone. Cecilla could hear the mockery in her tone

"I would like to go shopping, I got some money from my Dad, I would have to run now. Don't be late, let's meet at our special place" Cecilla instructed 

"Oooh look I would be stewed if I didn't hurry downstairs, I got to go, remember don't be late, I shouldn't wait for you" Cecilla hang up without waiting for a response 

"Cecilla Jackson! Do you want me to come to get you myself? " Sophie shouted at the top of her voice. She sounded angry

Ooh ooh

Sorry guys I have to go

Walking down the stairs, she saw everybody present at the table. She was the only one missing in the family of 5 walking quickly to the table. She drew her seat forward and sat down, looking at her two handsome-looking brothers and she greeted them with a smile but she didn't get the smile she was expecting from them. The only person who smiled back was her father.

Good morning Jackson JNR

Good morning Mike Jackson 

Queen of England, Sleeping beauty ooh how humble of you to greet your subject, My Queen you should have called me to get you breakfast on bed, your highness ... Mike said mockingly, bowing his head down to her like she was really a queen.

She rolls her eyes at him, just as always he was making fun of her.

Sleeping beauty you say? I think the right word to use is Snoring beauty, the snoring makes the beauty wake up late... Jackson JNR said smiling, he loved his little sister so much that he was as helpless as his father.

Hearing what Jackson JNR just said she was very helpless. He had a broad smile and she couldn't distinguish whether it was a mockery, an insult or even a compliment 

There's no need for you guys to be all melodramatic, the director and the film crew is not here anyways. Cecilla said rolling her eyes at them

Enough talking what did I use to tell you guys anytime we are at the dining table?  

All: "Food is King, respect it, No talking, No laughing, Be on your best behaviors and observe all table manners, the right eating etiquette should be maintained "

( smiles) Good, at least you guys still remembered. See, even your Dad recited it well with no mistakes, he's already so old and has a crack bone. She said with a board smile 

Cecilla : Mom, we have been reciting this for years now, even deaf and dumb men would have learned it by now

Jackson JNR:"Speechless"

Jackson "speechless"

Jackson JNRson:"Speechless"

"Cecilla Jackson, you know what mama can do to you if you break the table's rule. So stop talking and start eating"... Sophie said serving her food. 

"You would cut my throat?" She asked with a smile

"No darling, I would do more than that, what about tickling you to death?"

"I would eat my food silently then" she said, forcing a smile. Her mother was just a human, but her tickling would make her laugh herself to death 

* A few minutes later 

Jackson : (clears his throat) My flight to look for the old man would be on soon. Your grandfather has indeed been a real pain in the ass.

Hearing this they all laughed at the statement. This was their grandfather for god sakes, talking with more dignity would help.

Jackson JNR: We've known about that ever since, so what's a new dad? Don't tell me you waited for everybody to be done eating just to tell us this? You could have gone looking for him a long time ago and you would have done that quietly, why make an announcement?

Jackson "speechless "

Looking at his father's eyes he motioned him with his eyes giving him the "keep talking "kind of look. He was interested more in this than anyone else.

"Do you want to go with me to find him?" He said looking at Mike

"I just found it interesting that's all"

Jackson looking at their sharp gazes was short of words, he was the one who started this conversation but why does it look like he was stuck in between a puddle of mud? So weird, these sons of his always like to make things difficult for him, luckily for him, he had a daughter. 

(Clears his throat again)" what am trying to say was I was traveling and I won't be around, it's not just an announcement " he said glaring at Jackson Jnr.

Jackson Jnr interrupts" Ah Dad, we all know you are traveling, why do you keep mentioning it? It's boring, are you getting a trophy or something 

 "Jackson if you would have kept mute without interrupting I would have said what I wanted to by now... "He said glaring at him. This was one of the reason he prefered girls to boys.

Sorry for my interruption, Go on

Sophie who was already losing her patience with both father and son drama, was on the verge of collapsing if this continues she would grow old on her seat

Jackson just go straight to the point, looking at her sons she gave them the look that says " If you two interrupts him again I will kill you and throw your bodies to a vast ocean "

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

Thanks, Wifey, what I wanted to say for decades was that I would be traveling to Japan and that means I would be out of the Country and I heard some news that your grandfather was spotted there.

Mike Looking at his father's serious expression burst into laughter, he knew this old man was finding it difficult to say what was really on his mind.

Sorry I couldn't hold my laughter in, Dad what's with the speech " I am traveling to Japan and that means I would be out of the country? " Would you travel and still be here? Everybody knows that one when travels he leaves his initial point Ha ha ha ha so funny 

Mike Jackson! 

Mike Jackson! 

Looking at both parent's angry faces, he keeps mute. Now he had to let them have their way.

"God Damn*t, why is it that anytime I have an important message to pass across I always get interrupted?" Jackson said angrily 

"That's because all your important messages are not important at all, so your mind has to debate whether you should say it out or not"... He said giving his father an "I know what I'm saying" kind of look. "Dad, just get to the point, stop beating around the bush, okay? Do us a good favor"

Jackson JNR and Mike Jackson, Mama would kill you two if you don't allow your father to speak. Just let him speak, stop interrupting, it's already pissing me off.

Looking around the table she was at a loss, the daughter of hers who was always not serious was unexpectedly serious at this moment but those sons of hers who were always serious were just messing around, it was as if both father and son were at a cold world war with each other. Sons were indeed very difficult to raise, they were more than difficult but her daughter Cecilla wasn't any better. She had noticed the girls liked fighting and she couldn't allow it. This reason was because she is a female child. Unknowingly to her, Cecilla was in deep thoughts about her grandfather.