
Chapter 244

Lylic hearing this question, became so excited. She had been on Cecilla's issue that she forgot about the whole gist about the two kids. She hadn't Broken the news to Selom yet, she wanted to keep it as a surprise but now she didn't want to. Selom would be so thrilled with the news and to top it all up they were both genders, male and female, her circle was now complete. 

She wanted to spill the beans when a voice shut her up. "Godmother, if you dare say a word to mother, trust me when I say, I and my sister wouldn't talk to you after birth and even when we grow up" The little voice threatened through the mind link.

This rendered Lylic speechless, the right description for her reaction should be thunderstruck. The reaction someone gives out when he has been struck by lightning and then his body gives off the burnt smell of barbecue. This was the state Lylic was in.

"Lylic what's wrong with you?" Selom said, sounding very worried. Lylic state was indeed something to worry about. But all her worries for her got no reply. Selom became so quiet from the look of things it seems she was already in a mind link with someone again and it could be with her child. Since she was also curious to know about everything concerning her child she waited patiently for both of them to discuss, Lylic would tell her everything afterwards.

"Brother, don't be so harsh. Why would you do that to our Godmother? She is the best in this whole world you know? God-mother brother is very harsh with his words, we just want you to keep the twin detail as a secret, we want to surprise mom"

"Oh Darling, I think I love you better. No wonder humans prefer female children over the male gender. Female children are always kind and considerate"

"Thanks Godmother, I am already learning to be as kind as you" the little voice flattered

"Owh, how sweet" she couldn't hear any words from the other end, this only meant her godson was speechless. He was still in the womb and already knew how to threaten her? What would happen after he was born? He could have asked her nicely to keep it a secret and she would have happily done that, but what did he do?

"I am sorry Godmother, forgive me this time okay" The little boy said catching Lylic unaware she wasn't expecting him to apologize at all this was because there was extreme silence on his own end.

"Darling you are still very young you shouldn't develop such a bad habit okay? You would have asked godmother nicely and I would happily do it for you" Lylic said

"Sorry Godmother"

Hearing this apology Lylic imagined a cute looking face and she immediately forgave him. This was her job as a godmother, she had to impact the necessary discipline in them at this early stage. "I forgive you"

After she was done lecturing her godchildren on how to be well mannered, she turned around, and was shocked to see Selom looking at her attentively. Lylic felt as if she was a work of art, a special Sculpture Selom suddenly got interested in and what's to know what she was all about and what she was made of. Curiosity had it that the woman looking at the sculpture would walk around it, trying to feel and understand why the Sculpture looks like a real human being. "Why are you looking at me like that?" 

"It's because you were lost just now. We were discussing an important issue and before I could know what was happening you left"

"I left?" Lylic said, sounding very surprised. Looking at her surroundings she was still sitting at the same spot. How did she leave then? Is it that she had left and came back?

"Not the left, I didn't mean it's literal meaning, I mean you were virtually absent even though you were here"

(Looking confused) "Virtually absent? What are you saying?" Lylic was actually getting the point but she just wanted to drag it further.

"I asked about what happened earlier during the mindlink with my son and it seems you're already in a mind link with someone, is it him ?" 

"Owh,, No.. I am in a mind Link… I mean I was in a mind link but it wasn't with my godson"

(Folding her arms on her stomach) it was as if she was placing a cup on the table. Selom's arms relaxed on her baby bump. "You know that I Know you are lying right?"

(Laughs)" Why would I be lying? Do I have a reason to?"

"I should be asking you that, I tried getting into your chat but I couldn't. That was what happened the first time you were chatting with him. So tell me if you were chatting with him then who were you chatting with?" Selom still maintained her authoritative posture. She wasn't buying Lylic's words at all.

"My mom," Lylic said without thinking twice.

"What!? Really?" Selom asked, sounding shocked. 

"Yes, I was in a mind link with my mom. I am as surprised as you are now. I couldn't believe it myself" She said, trying to make the lie sound very convincing.

Coming to think of it, Selom was indeed convinced. She believed that if Lylic was talking to her son, she wouldn't have shown the shocked expression earlier. Why didn't she actually think about that? "Was that why you were so shocked earlier?"

Seeing that Selom had accepted the lie, she sighed with relief. "Yeah, I was indeed very shocked. You know she hasn't contacted anyone in years"

"Wow, we have to tell Mom and aunt Clara about it. They would be pleased with the news. So what did you both talk about?"

Lylic hearing this became mute, this was the problem with telling a lie. A lie would always lead to another lie now she had to make another lie. This was the lie she was thinking about, it had to be convincing. What could she tell Selom?

"Lylic.. you look lost, is anything the matter?"

"I haven't recovered from the shock yet" This was the only excuse she could give. 

"Owh, I know. You want me to change the topic?"

"Yeah, I need an upgrade in my mood"

(Laughs) " Indeed, So where is Cecilla?"

'Thanks goodness' Lylic said in her thoughts, finally she was off the bridge. "I left her to do come cleaning, The girl is really a spoilt brat, anyway she's learning"

"Awwwnn, You are a very good mother darling"

"Don't make me blush okay? The girl don't know how to do anything right, you could tell her to clean and it would take her years to do it"

(Laughing) "It can't be that bad you know?"

(Looking stunned) "Cecilla defender, it is that bad as a matter of fact it is worst, trust me"

(Laughing) "So what are you going to do about it?"

(Sigh) "We made the best decision ever, sending her to Roselle is the best. Is just that she would go through hell" Lylic said sounding depressed, she was already feeling very sorry for her.

(Laughing)" Someone is already becoming a mom. You don't need to be pregnant so as to become one"

"Are you really going to sit there and keep laughing at me?"

"Owh, you're beginning to find it annoying right?"

(Laughs) "You know I am better than that, I am not Roselle. She must be wondering what we both are talking about. She might even think we are making a mockery out of them" Lylic said looking over to the other side. The five people were still busy talking about whatever it was they were talking about. "It's been going on for hours" Lylic said with a sigh

"You don't want me to start being worried do you?" Selom asked

"No I am not worried, I just feel bored sitting in one place"

(Laughing)"When have you ever been so bored of sitting in a spot? You guys had caged me for two months in this same house and didn't give me a room to complain."

"You deserved it honey, you were always giving us cause to worry. It was frightening, thank goodness your killing urge had reduced drastically. If it hadn't, we would have caged you for more months if we have to"

(Laughing) "There's nothing like killing urges. I just have more sensitive hormones,`` she said proudly.

"There is, it's just that you don't know it. I have an idea; Why not sneak out of the mansion?"

"Sneak out? To where?"

"Let's pay Phil a visit. Let him make us a very good meal" Lylic said getting up from the spot she was and sitting beside Selom. They were about sneaking out so the Best method to plan all this was whispering. She couldn't be too loud, those old people Including Roselle, would hear them. That would be too bad and also embarrassing.

(Laughing) " He has his own family to deal with. Darling, why are you getting so close to him? Are you attracted to him?" Selom said raising her eyebrows in a funny way giving her a sly look

"Hell No, why would you think of that? I just enjoy his dishes that's all there is to it" Lylic said with confidence. Looking at Selom, she gave her a nudge on her shoulders "I know what you are thinking about, don't dare bring it out" 

Being caught red Handed, Selom could not help but blush. She was thinking about using the cloud of fantasies on Lylic just as she did on Roselle "How could you tell?"

"I don't have to read your thoughts before I can know what you are thinking, you know? I could smell your thoughts without having to read them. So what do you say about my recent idea?"

(Laughing) "You are becoming a foodie. You just made me good food and I am sure you had one for yourself. Why do you want to go over to Phil's place? You would make things very difficult for him. He needs to spend some quality time with his family. You know better than anyone else that he just got back with them" 

"Darling, I just want to spice things up. It's not as if I would be going there as the real me you know. His mom would be happy to know he has a girlfriend. That way she would feel less guilty trust me" 

"The way you are whispering, it's really giving me a ticklish feeling. I feel weird" Selom said giggling. She immediately moved a few centimeters away from Lylic. 

"Why are you moving away from me? I can't speak louder than this, you know?" Lylic said moving closer to her, she had taken up the job of whispering and she was very serious about it.

"You are whispering hot air into my ears, it's kind of tickling me" she said sounding helpless

"Owh, I can make my breath colder. '' She said, raising a little internal energy for the job.

"Speechless," "That would send shiver down my spines"

Lylic hearing this immediately burst into Laughter. She couldn't control it at all, this attracted the five people who were engrossed in their discussion. Seeing this Lylic immediately stopped laughing and had a slight frown, they all had their eyes on her. This wasn't the effect she wanted at all, now how would she sneak out in such a situation? It was just like setting a trap and you got trapped in it yourself.

"I am sorry" She said, giving a very sincere apology. To her Greatest surprise, they immediately left the room. They were no longer on sight. "I wasn't expecting such an income. Wow, I am impressed" she said, heaving a long sigh of relief.

 It was just like waking up at midnight and all you thought of was the expensive wine your parents had bought. You suddenly wanted to have a taste of it even though they warned you not to. So you walked up to the fridge, held the bottle in your hand all you were looking for was the wine opener and also a glass cup. But to your surprise, your dad caught you red Handed with his wine in your hands. Instead of asking you questions, he walked up to you, collected the wine from your shivering hands, opened it and poured a drink. You just stood there shaking and waiting for his final judgement, because you were already in trouble and the next word your father said was "Take yours, Cheers to happiness." How on earth would you feel?

Looking at the funny way Lylic was behaving Selom couldn't control her smile at all." What are you really up with Phil's topic?"

" What about you and your method of insisting? I just want to pay him a harmless visit and eat good meal "

(Laughing) "If someone's hear you now, it would sound as if you have been starved her at the mansion "

"What's the difference? I am hungry now and you still don't want to accept my request, ain't you starving me already?"

"Speechless" "so much shamelessness, you are thinking of using that on me?"

"You are really something, I am saying the truth. My godchild is in full approval " Lylic said proudly with a smile.

(Laughs) "It's all just an excuse, get us something very similar to wear"

"Use your powers, I don't have the time to search your wardrobe for an outfit "

(Laughing)" You've never gotten satisfied from all your shopping. So just work into the dressing room and get me two pairs of similar dresses. But I doubt if they would be the same colour "

"You just want to stress the hell out of me, you have a whole boutique over there " She said pointing to the other room's door. This was the same place their medical experts had stood to discuss. "It is so much trouble, I lack the strength to do this. I just finished doing a lot of cleaning and now I have to enter there " Lylic said sweating

(Laughs)" You are such a drama queen, you don't expect me to carry my heavy belly and go clothes haunting do you? My child must be disappointed in you"

(Laughing)" Don't use your child as an excuse okay? You said it yourself 'Cloth Hunting ' (sigh) I must have done something very good to God that he brought me into this family" She said with a smile. (Pauses for a second) "Dies it mean you've agreed to my request?"

"Have I?" Selom said with a surprise look on her face, it seems she was in deep thoughts about this too.

"Then why would I be going into the forest of clothes If you haven't agreed to come along?"

"Because I love making money, I love acting and also I love watching you act" Selom chuckles

"It's not as if we are poor though (smiles) but...We.. could turn this into a money making business you know?"

"I Know and it would be fast selling if we add a 'Giving Birth' scene to the story of twins "

(Laughing"I am not that shameless okay? I Know what you mean by that, I would really not put you under any stress. Really darling! I love you too much to give you a premature delivery " Lylic said moving closer Inorder to embrace her tightly.