
Chapter 234

"I don't know why, but my brothers and I have a slow rate of healing. Mom herself can't heal, it seems she doesn't possess any immortal genetics. Dad's genes was not healing her. He was so devastated that he ran for help, he met Roselle's Mother, she was the Goddess of Destiny, he begged her to change her fate, she could but she didn't"

"Roselle's Mother? Goddess of Destiny? What are you talking about?"  Lylic got more confused, how was the goddess of Destiny related to the accident and why did she mistake Roselle as the daughter of goddess of Destiny? The goddess of Destiny was the common name the human gave Tina.

"My Dad had gone to her to beg her so she could change my mother's fate. It was predicted that changing her fate was the only way to save her. Her mother had predicted her death somehow, and since she had control over the human world, she had the powers to save my mother but she chose not to" Cecilla said with tears running down her tears

" I think you got something very wrong dear. You knew Roselle's mother is immortal and you had the guts to challenge her?"

"Speechless," "I actually got the news about Roselle but what I got was full information confirming her to be 100 percent human. So I assumed she was adopted"

(Laughs) "Really, so where did that information get you?"

"Are you making a mockery out of me?"

"Yes I am dear, you need to get well informed details about someone before you execute any plans. Anyways, Roselle's mother had nothing to do about it. My mother is the goddess of Destiny and if she really didn't do something about it then it means she has nothing to do about it. And the way I see things there is more to what happened to your family than what we see on the surface. Are you sure your father has no enemies? Those who would love to kill him?" She asked

Cecilla was mute, this was because all these years she had blamed Roselle for what had happened to her brother and her mother. Now she was short of words, the fight she had set up was for nothing it was on the wrong base. (Sigh) "Then he had enemies but he sorted them out one by one. After grandfather left us, we began to experience strange things. Even when such an accident happened, he didn't show up at all" she answered.

"Ummm," Looking at the girl before her, Lylic felt sorry for her but she had mentioned she had two brothers and from her story she didn't mention what happened to him. "You said you have two brothers right? What happened to the other one?"she asked

"He went missing as well, he got missing after mother's and brother's death"

"And your father didn't go searching for him?"

"Dad didn't actually go looking for him. (Smiles) He loves power and I have been the princess ruling my father's empire, I started from the age of 16. If anyone could control my father's empire, I would be the rightful person. Dad believes he would come home" 

(Sigh) "I am touched about the change of fate, when it's time I would talked to my mother about it"

"I have a question to ask you, can I ask? That's if you don't mind" 

"Go on, ask whatever question you want to, I really don't mind"

"You all have extreme powers, why would you choose to live here in the human realm? I always wondered what the Heavenly realm would be like. I have always had dreams about it"

(Smiling) "I also wonder how the place would look like"

"What!? You've never been there before?"

"Yes, I have lived half a thousand years on earth"

"What?! For How long, you belong to what class of immortals?"

"I have the genes of a Bridge and Spring Immortal. So what type of Immortality would I possess? Do you know about the Bridge and Spring Immortal?" She asked

"Yes, I Know everything about immortality and its class. I am fond of reading history, I was curious about the heavenly realm and also got interested in the demon realm as well"

"So you know who I am then?"

"Yes I do. So what is your true form, it must be scary" Cecilla said, placing her hands on her cheeks. This was one of her best subjects, she was always very curious when it came to this.

(Laughs) "My true form is just as that of angels. I am a warrior by birth, so you can imagine what I can do" 

"Wow, then what of your two sisters, I don't even know you by your name. I am only familiar to tye name Roselle"

(Laughs) "You never care to ask dear. My early name is Lylic, the pregnant beautiful lady you saw is called Selom"

"Selom…??" She said with her eyes widely open

(Chuckles) "Does the name ring a bell"

"It kind of, but I can't remember where I heard the name from"

"Think carefully, you might remember" Lylic said with a smile

"You are Lylic? Wait… Lylic.. you are an actress and also a songwriter right?"

(Laughs) "I am, so…?"

"Selom...It indeed rings a bell"

"Okay, how many years have you lived on earth?"

"Grandfather said I could live only 200 hundred years. I am a hundred years old now but humanly I am just 18 yrs old"

"You still have more years ahead of you. So can we go back?"

"So soon..? You just came to my home, sit let me make you something nice to eat"

(Laughs) "You can't handle cleaning, you want to make me something to eat? I find this very funny"

(Looking embarrassed) "I actually don't know how to cook" she said rubbing her hair

Looking at how embarrassed she looked, Lylic couldn't help but smile " And here was I thinking you could poison Roselle's meal for Revenge" she said laughing