
Chapter 226

She wanted to experience how it really was to feel the connection between her and her child who is yet to come Into the world. But still she was happy with the way things were. Just the scene Lylic had displayed earlier, she didn't have to worry. Lylic and her child would have a very good relationship.

The Lylic began to explain everything she had said with her godchild without missing a word and how pleased she felt every time. Roselle listened carefully, "He really wants to take my habit, he is more like me, he never forgets a grudge" she said proudly

(Laughs) "He never forgets a grudge indeed, I am sure he would settle scires with you about how he came about when he is being born"


"So he wants Jackson alive then? I didn't expect such a thing. I try as much as possible to keep myself away from such experiences, ``she said, sounding depressed.

(Laughs) "Darling you have a problem but you don't seem to realize it. You just spoil the atmosphere with a minor statement. Just to let you guys know, I am planning to get myself pregnant as well" Lylic said

This caught both women unaware. "Really?" They both shouted in surprise.

"Don't give me such a look okay, I am planning to do it, it's not like I have done it. It's just a plan, so you both can calm down. But would I have those weird tastes you do have?" She asked sounding very serious

"You can't be serious," Selom said with her mouth wide open. It seems she was very unlucky, one had gotten her pregnant without thinking about the ill consequences of getting pregnant out of wedlock now the second was planning to walk through the same ill consequences as hers

"I am serious, Roselle, you make such things happen. So when can I make mine happen?" She said, giving Roselle an innocent look. She was very serious about the idea.

"I have known you to be a fool from the very first day we were born, so that's why you have me in your life. I am here to make sure you don't make the greatest mistake of your life" Roselle replied coldly


"Speechless," "You are always a kill Joy"

When she was done Salem explained a fact about losing some energy with the child's movement so they all decided to check it out with the old Doctor after all he was more experienced he would know better. 

Your Roselle was quiet about this issue . Once she had checked Selom's pulse she had actually found something very strange in it but she couldn't explain exactly what it was but now since things were like this she felt it was better to do something about it before it was too late.

She could explain things to the old man and together they could bring out a clear solution. She didn't want to tell Selom about it because she didn't want her to be so bothered and stressed out over nothing. Anyways she wasn't so sure about what she felt. It could just be a false alarm. They many things to be done, many matters to attend to, many properties to check and many slaves to collect everything was just there pending.

Selom had no choice than to go face each and every one of them. It was her responsibility; she had brought it all by herself so she had to face them all, she couldn't run.