
Chapter 217

He was just here to watch an interesting show, he nice soda and pop corn would do him good. He could even take on the job of fortune telling for free,vthis reminded him of those days where he do go out to play a betting game on who would win among the fighters and his judgement were always right so he always won. Now it was time to sit down and relax because later he would he so busy treating his injured master. (Sigh with relief) "I do wander in my thoughts recently but I find that amazing" he said feeling comfortable and peaceful. If Jackson knew about what the old man, thinks about him, he would die of annoyance.

 Picking up the pen, she signed as a witness Roselle did the same thing. It was now time to fight everyone headed to the training ground. The training grounds caught the attention of strangers, this was because they have never seen anything like it before.Even Jackson himself was rendered speechless but he began more proud. Since he was going to win, he would choose this for himself. Lylic who read his thoughts could not help smirking, she hated such things with passion. To her such men were disgusting, they were better dead than alive. 

Anyway, she couldn't get too angry . This was expected, everyone coming over must be surprised after all this was the aim of the design. The training ground was specifically designed, it looked more like the field used by the gladiators warriors. It was designed to look like a coliseum.

It was also like a camp, it gave off different happy feelings and increased the passion of fighting, thereby increasing one's skills.

Every one sat down comfortably, ready to see the outcome of the fight, while Selom and Jackson were left at the centre point to fight.

"Please can I have popcorn and Soda? '' The Old man said to a guard who just walked past him. His words caught the attention of the people around him, startling them. They were so Speechless, Cecilia had no idea of what was happening, she was trying to understand the architecture behind the design. 

His words caught Lylic's attention as well, he had a seat just an inch away from them. This was because he wanted to ask them some questions. He felt so familiar with them. And this wasn't only one sided it was mutual, seeing the old man the three of them felt familiar with him as well but they didn't want to think about it too much. Lylic and Roselle turned to look at him, this wasn't expected for someone who was worried about the fight, it seemed the old man was pleased.

(Chuckling) " Get him what he wants and get us some too. Anyone who wants the same you can place the order for them" Lylic said Smiling and the guard and also the old man. She suddenly had a liking for him. The fight was so tense, it was more like a life and death fight, but the old man took it as a stage play, she found it funny. "Thank you so much miss, it's been ages I had those" the old man said sounding embarrassed

(Laughing) "There's no need to be embarrassed, it's good to have fun once a while and at a good spot too" Lylic replied with a warm smile. She wasn't angry at all, she also didn't take the fight so serious, it was a fight she knew that wouldn't last except if Selom decides to make it longer.