
Chapter 200

But he wondered what trick she must have played on his little girl. He assumed she made a sneak attack.

This was the problem with pride, it makes you feel you are the utmost person of importance.

"That's a very good answer, then if I have the right to decide when I would give her the antidote, how on Earth can you call that as a dirty trick? There's nothing so dirty in winning a fight, after all she had come here on her own unannounced. I had every right to kill her if I wanted to, `` Selom said, still maintaining the lazy look. 

She was actually feeling lazy because she had just eaten and had to rush to attend to this matter. A good nap will do her and her child good,after all she was pregnant. Jackson couldn't help but smirk this was because he felt she was not as strong as the stories say. He believed that she was just lucky and had taken advantage of his daughter when she was distracted thereby gaining an advantage to get her injured. He felt Selom wasn't his match, she was young and he was far more experienced than she was. He had fought a lot of wars and knew people who had formidable skills and she wasn't one of them.

Unfortunately for him, he knew nothing about the real Selom, if he knew she had acting skills, he would have been aware of her acting and thread carefully.

Swift looking at his master could not help but feel sorry for him. This was because he understood better. He had made the same mistake and because of that mistake he had almost lost his life. He recalled the Old Man's discussion with him. He had heard about these three mistresses, after the fight the man named Judged had explained things to him. Lylic was the third mistress, she was strong, Selom the pregnant woman she was the strongest and was also the second mistress. Roselle on the other hand, nobody had ever seen her true form, she was always very cold and quiet. He had run a check on them and knew that they couldn't be underestimated; they were always full of surprises. He only wished and prayed that they don't get into any fight.

"My second question: if you did not want to give us an antidote you would have just said so why I kept my letter of free will of Goodwill and give us something different? He sounded very disappointed.

Roselle and Lylic hearing this were not angry at all,this was the most important event they all have been waiting for all they needed was to strike a blow while the iron is still hot. But they were indeed pleased, the man in question was standing right in front of them in their own territory and he seemed fearless. Just the thought of playing with him gave Lily a giddy feeling. She became excited, the other two women reading her thoughts felt helpless.

(Smiling) "Indeed I choose what I want and nobody has the right to question what I have chosen. I didn't want to give out the antidote so it was kind of me to give her something different. But it seems I made a mistake and I would have left her to die." Salom said with a smile. "Now I got your letter of Goodwill I am yet to decide but since you are here why not we talk about it. Just as you said it's a clean exchange I would ask for what I want and you would get the antidote. That would be killing two birds with one stone. I get what I want you and you also get what you want it's a win-win situation"

Jackson suddenly felt that things were getting more interesting. First of all he wanted to know what she wanted and then propose whatever he wanted. "Go ahead, what is it that you want from me?'' he said with a smile. 

Swift, seeing his master's smile, shivered. It was just as the old man had said his master was already falling into their trap and it seems he didn't notice what was happening. And he couldn't help him out in such situations because they are above him. Swift felt like going back to the old man to ask for help because the old man was always filled with wisdom based on experience. But he couldn't leave his master all alone; it was better to know the outcome of something while witnessing it than to be absent.

Selom hearing what the man just said felt very happy. It was actually the time she was waiting for. Looking at both her friends she couldn't help but smile. From the beginning of her life to this point they have been together for years and it seems they know themselves better than anybody. Selom wanted to ask them what they wanted, but this was the question she had answers to" I would ask for what I want and since it is a clean exchange I will give out the antidote immediately you give me what I want."

"You can as well name what you want and stop beating around the bush. It's my daughter's life, we are talking about. Name your price" Jackson said, sounding very impatient. He felt she was trying to delay things further " Ask freely, I have everything. " He said with a voice filled with pride. If it was properties, assets, gold, diamonds he had it all, what could she possibly ask for? All these things didn't matter to him, his daughter's life is very important.

"You have what I want. I want every hostage you have under your care and I also want half of all your assets. When I get what I want then I would hand over the antidote. Such a request isn't difficult to give out, right? Selom said with a smile