
Chapter 194

The more she thought about it the angrier she got. What in the world? Now coming to think about it clearly, she had recalled the message the pregnant woman had given her. She couldn't help but smile, there was always more to war than fighting. This was the common saying.

It was barely a day and she was already drafting out a strategy. She was just like a proud peacock, she couldn't accept the shame of losing a fight. She had been so busy that she was already on the second day. 

Knock knock knock

"Come in," She said, sounding very stressed. Jackson got into the room and he couldn't help but sigh. His little girl was always very stubborn. The study was a mess, there were many papers on the ground. It seems she had drawn something on them and had to squeeze them, since they didn't meet up to what she wanted, throwing all the torn papers on the floor.

Jackson got into the room and got in with a cup of her favorite tea. "I heard you've been up all night? You just woke up yesterday afternoon and you are already getting yourself so busy with irrelevant matters" he said with a smile.

"Dad, I couldn't fall asleep. I had many things on my mind that I had to deal with. The woman who got me injured is pregnant and there's something strange about the way she fought" Cecilia said thinking deeply trying to remember, Selom's moves 

Jackson suddenly got interested in what his girl was talking about. One had to know his enemy's skills very well so that he would be fully prepared for a fight. "What technique did she use?" He asked with interest

"She didn't actually use any technique that I am aware of. I couldn't even tell her moves, she dodged all my needles, she wasn't even hit by even a single needle. She was fastest and fought agile with just her hands" She said surprisingly with amazement.

"What happened to the initial lady you wanted dead?"

"Roselle? Dad, I don't want to talk about it. It ruins my mood" She said with a frown.

"Okay, fine fine, Take your tea and have some rest. Stop working" He said, urging her to drink the tea he made. Seeing her drink made him feel better, even since her mother died, he had been the one taking care of his little girl, she was everything to him. He had lost his other Children, she was the only one standing now. 

"Dad, what's with the look?" She said looking at him

"I just realized that you are just as beautiful as your mom" he said with his face full of smile

"Okay" she replied

After talking to her for a while, he left to go visit the physician. "Master, what brings you here? You could have called for me. To what do I owe this visit?" He asked, pounding a few herbs in his little white mortar.

"I think there's something wrong with the young mistress"

"What could that be?" He said giving him his full attention

"It seems she has a problem expressing herself. Something is off with the way she reacts."

(Looking confused) " Master I don't understand" if he wanted a solution he should be able to explain things nich clear to his understanding.

"I went to see her, and we discussed a lot ni gave my little girl some compliment, she didn't smile at me for once and she didn't blush like she use to. And she been up all night, she looks so exhausted but I have a feeling that she can't help it at all"

"What you are trying to say in essence is that the young mistress has no stimuli and insomnia?" He asked

(Looking confused) "what ever that thing meant I think the answer still remains yes"

"Speechless," "That's weird" He said trying to draft out a reason why such a thing would happen. " You said she didn't sleep all through the night?"

" That's what I said, why are you still asking?"

"Because I am drafting out the observation and also my hypothesis" he replied, pulling his glasses slightly off, he placed it to test on his nose " This is just the second day, she woke up, so I can't jump into any conclusion.we would have to observe her properly and make sure she has such a symptom"


Waking up he felt so Terrible, looking at his surroundings. He sighed in relief, he was in his own room. The last thing he remembered was handing the drugs to his boss and leaving immediately. He recalled saying some words to Skull but he didn't recall what it was all about. Later he didn't recall anything that happened after that. 

"You are awake" A voice said for the silence startling him a little.

Following the direction of the sound, he was shocked to see Phil, wearing an apron looking like a chef. "What are you doing here?" He said in a hoarse tone.

"You've been asleep so the least I could do was to find good food. You would get better in no time with their help" he said, setting the dishes on the table. After he was done, he called for Swift attention but the man remained unmoved. He was salivating already for the aroma but what could he do?Phil's kindness was so strange to him. He felt he couldn't accept it.

"It seems you aren't hungry? I would take my food back" Phil said with a serious tone, getting up he pretended to busy himself with the clearing of the table. To his surprise, Swift got up on his feet, he still felt a lot of pain in his chest but from the looks of things he has started healing and this was actually a very good thing.

After the event with the twins, Phil became more friendly, he began to accept things and hope for the best.