
Chapter 189

The bells were already ringing, this meant it was time.He held his sister's hand as he walked her down the aisle. Looking at the young man before him he felt like ripping his head off his shoulders. Clara who held his arm could tell what he was thinking she couldn't help but chuckle "Don't kill him yet brother, it's your younger sister's wedding. You could kill him after that" She said laughing lightly. Elder brothers were so protective and this protection made one very helpless. 

(Smile)"He is taking you away from me and your family. He better treat you very well or else…"

"I Know, I know you will chop his head off" she said with her face full of smiles.She had to interrupt him, because she knew the exact words he would use. To the World her brother was cold and heartless but to those around him, he was as warm as spring. She couldn't imagine a world without him. She felt fulfilled having him walk her down the aisle. This was a very important event in her life and it would last her a lifetime. Having him was like having the best of her dreams fulfilled.

 She felt lucky, looking at her friends, she felt happy. She couldn't really describe the way she felt. They were always there to support her and give her comfort. These were her family and today,she would be starting a new family with the one she loves. She didn't care that he had just a hundred years to live, what she cared about was making all the seconds, minutes, hours and days they spend together count. This was the most important thing to her.

Beatrice, Tina and Teresa had a little basket filled with flowers. These were her best friends, now on earth they served as her Bridesmaids, making the event memorable. They spread it out on the ground for the bride as she walks on them. The onlookers present for the ceremony were surprised, these Flowers were flowers they had never seen before, they had a pleasant fragrance which spread out through the hall.

They came from the heaven realm so they had to be different from earthly flowers. If they had paid more attention to the flower petals, they would notice its glows and change in colors. Cjara had the rank of a goddess, so her wedding should be filled with splendid effects. She also had the best friends who were in charge of a lot of events, they couldn't just use mere earthly flowers. It had to be special.

The only person who knew that these people were immortals was Eric, Clara's soon to be husband. He was the only human who was aware that others saw them as normal human beings. But he knew better,from the glares he was getting from Ken told him a different story. He was lucky to be alive, those glares could kill a man.

Clara was special to him and he loved her with all his earth. He would protect her with his life, all he needed was a chance to prove it.

(Hits him on his arm)" Brother stop reading his thoughts, you are violating his privacy" Clara said looking at him helplessly. "You are not allowed to use your power. Just being a human being a day wouldn't kill" she said tugging his sleeves lightly

"You haven't even gotten married to him yet and you're already being so protective. Indeed, female children are just like water in a basket to their parents. "

(Chuckling) "What's that supposed to mean? A basket can't hold water at all" she said giving him a pinch

"That's why I had used that statement as a base, when you fall in love you forget about your father's love and die for someone else" He said sounding depressed.

"Speechless," "Don't tell me you are jealous? Are you?"

"Of Course I am jealous, you've forgotten all about me and all you do is protect him"

(Chuckling) "You can't be serious, I still love you the same. It's only that he had a place on my heart now but that doesn't mean I love you any less"

"But you love him more?" He asked

(Chuckling) "Is that really important right now?" She said with a smile. Her brother was never this childish, this was a new side of him and it found it funny.

"It is important, very important. Who do you love more?" He asked sounding very serious

"Speechless,' " I love you more" she replied with a smile

She could see how happy he was with her reply. "I Know you just said that to make me feel better, but I Know you love him more" He said surprisingly with a smile. His little sister's happiness was also his happiness.

(Hugs his arm tightly) "Brother, my love for you won't change" 

Beatrice, Tina and Teresa were at loss, it seems the two siblings behind them were engrossed into the world of siblinghood. They were actually whispering to each other and Clara kept on chuckling. They were aware of all their discussions even though they were whispering. The siblings didn't notice the looks they were getting, for both mortals and immortals this was a special occasion. All the guests were curious to know what was so interesting that made them seem lost in the world of Love.

The hall was so big, but it couldn't not be compared to the heavenly palace. It had a very long red soft fluffy carpet in the middle leading to the front altar. They still had a long way to go, since they were moving at a very slow pace, this was the ethics of the humans. Immediately the bride steps into the hall, all the guests are to remain standing, until the bride gets to the altar before they are allowed to take their seat, the ceremony is then handled by the priest or an elderly member registered in the society.