
Chapter 174

"We could send someone after them, afterall it would be very difficult messing with them in such a state" Selom said with amusement, this always happens. You give the women little space to have fun and they shock you right back.

(Laughing) "We are so unfilial" There were some level of respect required to give to parents. Bit it seems the three of them lacked such filial piety. It was funny that such things had happened as well in the past but something would always come up.

"Yes we are" Waving her hands she summoned Williams "Boss, it's been a very long time. How have you been?" He said bowing his head

"I have been well as you can see. So how well have you been? Any good news for me?"

"Don't just go straight into business, he is yet to acknowledge my presence" Lylic complained


"pretty mistress, it's been ages we've met, how have you been?"

" I have been well" she said proudly, her pride was so much different, she sounded like a spoilt brat.

"Boss, I really don't have any news for you. The pretty mistress has been the one blocking my intel for years" Williams said smiling, sounding embarrassed.

Selom turns to look at Lylic giving her the 'Really?' kind of look. (Chuckles with embarrassment) "Darling, don't give me such a look, I had to watch Roselle's back you know" she admitted.

"I knew she was the one," Williams said with a smile.

(Laughs) " She is able to take care of her own child, what does she need the father of the children for?" She said looking at Williams

(Moving backwards a little)" The Boss knows her reasons well enough"

" I Know you would betray me, I had saved you but you sold yourself to her" Lylic said prouting.

"Wasn't he the one you have sent to protect me all these years? " Selom gave her the 'Don't be shameless' kind of look " Is it only me or you haven't noticed the great changes I have had ever since I became pregnant?"

"You are done darling, it's just an increase in sensitivity. It happens to all human beings. "


"Speechless", "I am not a human being"

"I Know, that's what I mean" Lylic said giving a insouciant shrug



"Are we still going to watch Roselle or not?"

"Sure, I wouldn't miss that for anything, Williams you would have to find my mom and Aunt Clara as well. I heard they've gotten drunk and that's bad"

"Boss, why do I always have to be the one you call in such situations. Those women are hard to handle, ``he said, looking depressed.

(Chuckling) "That's because you have handled them before, you are Lucky my mother isn't involved" Lylic said

" I am indeed lucky" he said and disappears

Both women burst into laughter after his departure. They knew what it meant handling those women in such a state. It was like moving Mount Mauna Kea from Hawaii and taking it to Africa.

In Few minutes, Both ladies got ready. Changing into a beautiful dress, Selom tried as much as possible to hide her protruding belly but to her disappointment, it couldn't be hidden. Even if she changes her form, she would still have this pregnancy. "I think we should change our form, that way we would be safe" She said looking at Lylic. 

"That's not a difficult task for me, I love something fun" Lylic immediately transformed herself into a sexy looking model. So attractive but it couldn't be compared to her original form. She couldn't hide her emerald green eyes. (Chuckling) " I think I would news those artificial eye lenses" she said

"Wow, your transformation is indeed very beautiful. I could transform myself to look exactly like you but I would be pregnant" Selom said looking so impressed with Lylic's transformed look

"We would be seen as identical twins then, exciting" she shouted with Joy and excitement. Selom couldn't help but chuckle, she immediately transformed herself into Lylic's exact form "I kinda like the baby's bump, I think I should have one" she said transferring her stomach into a pregnant one. This one the thing with fake, you could turn something that's not real into a fake but it was difficult turning an authentic thing into fake. Just like Selom, she couldn't do away with her pregnancy even if she wanted to, but Lylic could transform her normal stomach to look just like a pregnant one. Now they were identical, no one could tell them apart. "Why not pay Phil a visit?" Lylic suddenly said. Selom had told her everything that had happened at Phil's place and about the barrier, so it was still very safe

"Phil???" Selom said, sounding very surprised. It was strange, Mykic wanted to burn her alive just because she had gone there without permission. Now she wanted to go there on her own? 

"Yeah, let's see if he could tell us apart and if he would still be able to sense us, I am such he would be so surprised and we could take him along with us right? The night is still young, stop thinking too khch about it. His presence would make Roselle all tingly" She said thinking about the whole scene.

"Ummm, Okay then, let's go" 

"Wait, I need some artificial lenses, I have to look for one in my collections" she said, placing her hands on her waist, it feels heavy. Selom looking at this couldn't stop laughing. "You haven't found one yet? You are wasting a lot of time"

"Just a minute… got you.. I have one" she said, smiling sheepishly. Opening up her eyes she placed them on her eye lens and rolled them over, so they could fit. Immediately her emerald green eyes turned brown. She synthesized this eye lens herself and it came in handy today. "I am set to "


Both women waved off their hands at the same time and disappeared.