
Chapter 126

"Speechless", "Why do you sound like someone who is warning me against death?" He said sounding scared

(Giving a wicked smile) " I want to see if you are fit enough to have some of my chi"

"Sit down," he commanded. Sammy following his instructions sat down and folded his leg in a meditating manner, now he felt strange. He felt like this was all a bad idea and he would have you suffer another torment.

The old man had a wicked smile on his face, his grandson had his back facing towards him so unluckily for Sammy he wasn't able to see such a smile. With a swirl movement of his hands, he began transferring some of his internal energy to him.

Sammy, feeling this, immediately regretted trusting the old man. He felt his blood boil and felt the water in his body system drying up. His veins were on fire, he began sweating profusely. Using the swirl technique he tried balancing voth energy together but this was getting worse. He felt like ants were growling on his skin, he felt like separating his skin from his bones. But he wouldn't cry out in pain nor would he ask the old man to stop. He knew very well that this was what the old man wanted. He would bear it all.

This was a feeling of hell, he felt like he was in hell being burnt alive by the fires. His nose was bleeding, and he couldn't balance the energy, he felt like his veins would burst at any moment and this would become so unbearable. He felt like the devil himself was chucking a hot spade through his heart. Then he recalled something of great importance. "I had smelled an offspring of ours but I don't know more details. I am not sure" He said, giving out a voice of torment. This same energy being transferred to him would save him from a lot of stress.


The Old man hearing this seem to get affected by " Where?" He asked

"At the Airport" he replied in agony

"Who's offspring would they be? " He muttered

"I heard my brother had donated his sperm out, so don't you think is his?" He said sweating profusely

"Umm, They had lost the sample, so I doubt that. I am yet to get back at that bastard for what he did" he said angrily

The Old man was happy that his grandson didn't give up. So he calmed his energy, and it became less painful. Sammy had a smirk on his face, it seems the old man could balance both his internal energy but he didn't, he just wanted him to suffer. After a few minutes the old man was already done. "I have transferred 2% of my internal energy to you. Make use of it wisely" he said with a cold face. "Now let's talk about the pregnancy woman"

Standing up he felt stronger than before, he had successfully balanced it. "I had perceived a strong scent coming from her, I don't think there would be any bloodline that has similar traits with ours" Sammy said nodding his head as he thought deeply. All he knew was that they were the last of their kind.