
Chapter 106

***Three Months Later

How time flies, it was just like yesterday when they were attacked by a strange man in black robes. Three Months have already passed.

Just like the wind blowing from the east, it upsets the soil and disappears without a trace. This was the same way, Roselle, Lylic and Selom disappeared from the whole world. Even trained dogs weren't able to trace them through their scent. The new life was uncomfortable to someone, she was always angry, happy, sad at every moment. There she was sitting on a well designed seat, meant for queens. Her eyes were all over the place and her looks were enticing. No one would believe she was a stranger in the country.

"Mistress we have conducted our investigation and they are all clean"

"Clean? Everybody has a skeleton in his or her cupboard" she said, rolling the chair. "So how can they all be clean?"

" I feel like getting someone killed" she said smiling, she suddenly felt a little sore on her arms and stretched out. Little sound cracks could be heard from the exercise she just did. But to the men present, they felt threatened and unsaved. To them this was this sound of death itself.



"Go get me my car" she said glaring at them. Ever since she became pregnant, they were always very confused. Her mood swings were terrible. In a few seconds she was happy, the next second she would be very angry with them for no reason. "What if she kills us with her gun, just because she feels like doing so?" The other man whispered these words to him.

Being pregnant was an advantage to her. Her hormones were always very active. And surprisingly she could hear even the tiniest noise. Unfortunate for them, she had heard what they were whispering about. " Indeed, If I killed you, it would be a reward to you. I ended your miserable life, so you should be grateful. Should we try it?" She said smiling evilly

"No mistress, just calm down. I would go get your car" he said running away from the scene

"Judge, don't you have any skeletons in your cupboard?* She said facing the only man left in the room with her. She really felt like getting one of them killed. She would just like her angry mood to take charge of her.

Hearing such a question, he shivered. Was she about to sentence him to death or she wanted to kill him herself? Since she said it would be as a reward."Speechless" Now he was in a dilemma, if he said No, this means he doesn't have any secrets, then it would seem he lied and if he says yes then it means he would get into trouble with her. No matter his answer he would surely get into trouble.

"Mistress, I do have one" he replied

"What took you so long to answer? Were you thinking about it or were you counting them?" She said playing with a lighter, she kept oning and offing it. And it seems , she felt very happy with it.