
Chapter 102

Getting ready for a change you never knew was coming to her was just like waking up in the morning and finding oneself in the middle of an ocean where the ship has no oil and also no sailor.It had no captain, all you are left with is the Ocean waves and deadly sharks. What happens if the ship starts to sink like the ship in the Titanic story? What would you do?

 That was the way she felt life was, it always had something unexpected. Selom had thought that she would feel angry and hatred for the person behind her sudden pregnancy. But to her surprise she wasn't as angry as she expected, maybe this was because she still felt very guilty towards Roselle. 

This was not the beginning. They had a feud since when they were kids so it seems natural to her for Roselle to think of such a thing and draft out such an evil plan but just as the saying goes 'blessing covered in disguise is filled with hope and joy when unveiled'. Now things were getting too complicated, Selom had imagined a smooth and peaceful pregnancy but now they had to be on alert at every moment if the strange man in a black robe could have his weapons tinted with fatal poison. It means there was more to expect, he could cause a dangerous amount of harm to anyone who he comes across. 

Just thinking about it made their head ache. " What do you think we should do about this issue? We won't let that man go so easily" Selom spoke out, she had had this in mind and felt she had to say them out. Lylic hearing this was filled with smiles as always among the three of them it seems she was the one who had a problem with her face, she will always smile at every little detail "You don't have to worry" she said filled with confidence

 Her intel was excellent so they believe she must have had something up her sleeves "Both of you shouldn't give me that kind of look. I am smart, I am brilliant and I am very beautiful. You don't need anyone to tell you that right? It's physically written all over me. I had run a background check on the strange man and luckily for him I didn't see his face nor did I see any signs on his body but such a fighting technique was one I would never miss. He fought just like the Asia kareta. Selom heard this and was confused. "What does that even mean?"

The surprised look on both their faces made Lylic feel helpless. This was why she hated the job of an actress, all they could do was act. Such a thing was already so dumb sure enough all her friends knew were reading of scripts and making money. "An Asia karate is 1 of the best Asian trained assassins. These guys are so damn good when it comes to fighting,(sigh) they learnt from the best." She said being lost in her own world of Information, to her surprise they still had no idea of what she was talking about.