
Chapter 10: 'Baby isn't growing'

"Currently I'm 24, I will be 25 this year. My birth month is still far behind" Selom said smiling

"Oh Darling, the last time I saw you, you were just 11 years old. Now you're all grown up. You and Steve love leaving we the mother's behind and all you do is travel, travel, travel. I do watch your live shows on TV but I couldn't recognize you, you look far beautiful in real life" Clara said, giving her a tight hug.

(Blushing)" Thanks Aunt"

Moving a step backwards to where Teresa was " is she the pregnant one?" She asked

(Teresa nods her head affirmatively)

(Whispering) " A month old?" She asked again

"Steve conducted a test and the result says she's 12 weeks pregnant. 3 months gone already" 

"What!? 12 weeks?"

"Yes dear, shocked right? We both were shocked as well."

"Did you check her pulse?" 

"No, I didn't have to, your son would never make a mistake on the report" Teresa said sounding very confident.

"If she's already 3 months gone, her Belly is still so little. I would run a check now" Clara said moving closer to Selom "stretch forth your hands dear" she said

Selom obeyed the instruction and stretched forth her arms. Clara immediately placed two of her fingers on Selom's wrist on her major veins. " You're indeed pregnant Have you been undergoing any stress lately" she asked

"Aunt, I just found out about my pregnancy today. It's something unbelievable" she said looking at her mother.

"Teresa, what does she mean by this?" Clara said, sounding very confused.

Immediately Teresa narrated the whole story to her. Without omitting even the tiniest detail. "What?! How are you feeling dear?" She said looking at Selom with a worried look

"Aunt, you don't have to be worried, it's fine, I have accepted it already. I'm very happy, I'm now a mom"

(Heave a sigh of relief) " Thinking about it, we had a lot of IVF sessions, three months ago. Were you in the hospital then?" Clara asked

"Three months ago? Aunt I don't remember but if I do I will contact you immediately." Taking get time, she tried recalling the past events but she couldn't. But that wasn't a problem, she could find out if she had been to the hospital then. Her visit Inside and outside her Job was always recorded.

"Okay, I would see to it that you get compensated. Since you decided not to sue the hospital for their carelessness, the least they can do is compensate you."

"Thanks so much Aunt. But what I am most worried about is the child. It seems he or she isn't growing"

"Maybe you've been so stressed out and that would also affect the growth of your child. Apart from stress, malnutrition could also be the problem. I would check the child's heart beat, I won't be running a scan on him just yet. I would also prescribe you some drugs to take and I would also advise that you eat properly. You can come back after three months. By then I am sure my little grand-child would have been all grown up" she said smiling.