
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 9: Lady of the Light (3)

"Woah, his robe is very heavy!", She tried to use Xin Suan's robe.

She is standing in front of a big mirror that hung on the wall. Her appearance looks so funny, "Bwahahaha! Look at that! It feels like I'm wearing a graduation toga!", his robe is very oversized on her small body. She is drowning inside it.

"Hmm, but this sure feels so warm! I can use this for a blanket instead...", she talked to herself. She is hugging her own body.

Suddenly, the moment she fell into his embrace appears in her mind. Her cheek is blushing, "No, I shouldn't be like that! How could I hug someone I barely know! No, in the first place, I should not bring any stranger to my room! What if he does something to me?", She slap her own cheek with both of her hands.

"No, he won't... He won't do anything bad to me. Hmm... Why do I feel like I already know him before?"

"Ah... I'm so bored... I have nothing to do here. I don't have any homework, I don't have to do any house chores, I don't need to study...", She throws her body on her bed.

"If only Queen Bai Wu didn't disturb our bussiness, now I will have done exploring the whole manor with Ge Ge Hei She!", She feels a bit upset, thinking about Bai Wu's chaotic arrival.

"Oh, right! His Majesty said that if I call Ge Ge Hei She, he will come. Is that true?", She gets up from her bed.

"Ge Ge Hei She?", she is whispering behind the door like a weirdo.

"...", No one replied.

"What if I call him inside my mind?"

'Ge Ge Hei She?', She tried to speak inside her mind while thinking of that snake, as if she uses telepathy to called him. If only someone heard about this, she is definitely going to be called crazy.

"Ai Lie? Did you call me?", It was Hei She's voice coming outside the door.

"Woah!! It works!!", She is very excited. She feels that she is able to use a telepathy magic just like what Hei She used to her in the human's world. She forgot that it was Xin Suan's power, not hers.

She happily opens the door, and Hei She is confused, "What is working?".

"The magic! The telepathy, it's working!!", She shouts at him.

"Calm down, Ai Lie. Telepathy? Magic? And why are you using His Majesty's robe?"

"Telepathy, you know, a magical spell that connecting one person's mind to the other, just like what you used to me when we were selling golds. I can't believe I also have magic power!", She is halucinating.

"...", Hei She didn't dare to ruin her happiness by telling her that it's not her power.

"... Why are you using His Majesty's robe?", He is repeating his question.

"Huh? Oh, His Majesty gave it to me because the air is too cold."

"...", Hei She stares at the robe that is dangled to the floor.

"A-ah, I will wash it, don't worry!"

"Well, why did you call me, Ai Lie? Do you need something?", Hei She changes the topic.

"I'm very bored... What if we explore the last building that we haven't visit yet?"

"Hmm, actually...", Hei She tells her everything that happened in the dressing room.

"Oh my... They both are childish...", She talked to herself.

"I guess they have done cleaning the dressing room. Do you want to go there?"

"Absolutely!", She replied him energeticly.

Just a few step from her room, there is a long corridor that connecting Lotus Pavilion to the Yang Pavilion. When they are passing by the corridor, they can see the courtyard's pond, now is on the left side. The sky is, somehow brightened than before, as if the sun is going to raise again. When Ai Lie is looking at the courtyard, she saw something human-like is passing by the bridge.

"Who is that?", She tried to look harder because the bridge is far away.

"Queen Bai Wu."

"Ah!", She widened her eyes. Now she sees her clearly. Bai Wu is waving her hand, giving her a sign to go there.

'Hei She, bring her to me. I have to talk with her.', Bai Wu uses telepathy to Hei She.

'Yes, Your Majesty.', Hei She replied silently.

"Ai Lie, Her Majesty wants to meet you."

"Oh, okay! Then, let's have a quick tour in Yang Pavilion, and then I will go there."


The two entered the pavilion. The first thing she saw is an altar, but this one seems to be used for fetes. Behind the altar, there is a door. The door leading them to the dressing room.

"Is this where they were fighting?"

"Yes. But the room has been cleaned as I expected.

"Woah, they did a perfect job. The room is perfectly neat like there was nothing happened here."


"Ge Ge, do they always fighting like that? Did they ever having a problem before?", Ai Lie is curious about those king and queen's relationship.

"Unfortunately, yes, they are always fight each other, but today is the worst battle. They don't have any problem, that's how they usually act."

"Usually act? what does that mean?"

"That's how asuras get their legacies. The weaker one will challenges the stronger one in a duel. If the stronger one wins, he will give the weaker one a punishment. But if the weaker one wins, he will get the throne. Since His Majesty is the strongest here, he have the right to own this whole realm. I believe, Queen Bai Wu is envying him. So she will always challenges him everytime the two meet each other."

"Huh?? She is envying him? But doesn't she already have her own territory? And she is also the strongest too, so anyone will also respecting her. Isn't that enough?", Her eyebrows flinched a bit.

"Well... As you can see, Queen Bai Wu is a dominating woman. She loves to be praised, to be glorified by the others.... So, of course, in order to satisfy her own ego, His Majesty is an obstacle for her. His Majesty is being more respected by the people."

"Ah, that makes sense... She is narcissistic after all, I have noticed that since that battle on the bridge. The way she fell to the water just to see her own reflection is actually an embarassment."

'What is narcissistic...?' Hei She asks to himself silently

"Oh, and why His Majesty keep teasing her by calling her old and wrinkled? Isn't he the oldest here?"

"She already had a son, and her face appears to be around 40's, while her son, his face appears to be around late 20's, just like His Majesty's. Because of their appearances, His Majesty often teasing her like that. He thought that his age is around her son."

"A son? Did he came here too?"

"Yes, the one who stand beside her was her son."

"Huh? I didn't see him.", What she saw on the bridge before was only Queen Bai Wu.

"Maybe you weren't see it clearly. Let's go, Her Majesty must be waiting for us."


The dressing room has 3 doors, one is connecting to the altar, one is connecting to the weaponry room, and one is to a terrace that leads to the courtyard. They visited the weaponry room first before going to the terrace. There are so many weapons, starting from swords, blades, bows, spears, and many more. They are all displayed in glass boxes. Some of them are hanging on the walls. In the middle of the room, there are 2 big glass boxes that aren't displaying weapons. Each of them is displaying an outfit. One is an glamorous armor that made of steel, but it's already rusty. The other one is a beautiful red bride robe that has a small hole around the chest, seems like it has ever been stabbed by something sharp.

"...", Ai Lie is admiring those old traditional outfits.

"These are belong to His Majesty. No one knows the history behind these worn outfits. But His Majesty treating these things like some treasures. Especially this wedding robe. Some said it was belong to His Majesty's past lover."

"Ex-lover...?", Ai Lie lowers her voice.

When Ai Lie looking at the hole in the chest of the bride robe, somehow she feels weird. The more she looks on it, the more her heart is aching. She feels so sad, that she actually wants to cry out loud. She doesn't understand why she has this kind of reaction. But she tried so hard to hide it from Hei She.

"Let's go.", Ai Lie didn't ask anything anymore.

"Enough looking around? Are you ready to meet her?"

"Yeah. Let's go.", She is smiling at Hei She. She is faking her smile to help her forgeting the pain inside her heart.

They both came out from the Yang Pavillion to the side of the pond. They are walking to the direction to the bridge. Bai Wu is waiting for her, and now Ai Lie can see clearly that there's someone beside her.

"Your Majesty.", Hei She bows to Bai Wu, and Ai Lie follows what he does.

"Come here, my child.", Bai Wu's waving her hand, ordering Ai Lie to stand closer.

Beside the queen, there's a young man standing beside her. His appearance is stunning, as well as his mother. He dressed in elegant white silk robe with golden attributes just like his mother, his face is very handsome, he has extremely pale skin, and the most important part is he is very tall, just like Xin Suan. His golden hair is shining beautifully, and his orange sapphire eyes are somehow glowing a little. His handsomeness has made Ai Lie's eyes can't go anywhere else except him. Her cheeks are blushing.

"Tell me your name.", Bai Wu said.

"A-Ai Lie, Your Highness.", She is changing her focus to Bai wu.

"What a lovely name for a lovely girl.", She is smirking to her.

"Tell me, my child, what errand do you have in this realm?"

"Uh... how to explain...", Ai Lie turns her eyes to Hei She, looking for a help. Hei She noticed that.

"She has a debt with His Majesty, but I have no rights to explain the rest. Forgive me, Your Majesty.", Hei She explains.

"A debt? Hmm... Fufufu, come here, my child, lend me your ear."

Ai Lie comes closer to her. Bai Wu is lowering her body, and put her face beside her ear. She whispered, "Ai Lie, I'm not as strong as Xin Suan, but I can save you. I can bring you back to your original world. I won't ask you anything in return."

"...", Ai Lie considers her offering silently.

"... No, Your Majesty. Forgive me, I have to refuse.", She replied it in a low voice.

"Why?", Bai Wu has no idea why Ai Lie rejects her. Her offering is actually worth for Ai Lie.

"I have a debt to pay to His Majesty, he has saved my life for so many times. I will be loyal to him."

"Fufufu... As you wish, then.", She walks a step back from Ai Lie, "If you ever change your mind, just talk to me.", Bai Wu is smiling to her.

"Thank you for your offering, Your Highness.", Ai Lie bows to her.

"You are very kind and polite! I'll give you a reward for your good behavior.", She pulls Ai Lie's hand.

"Here, take this.", She puts a small golden bag on Ai Lie's palm.

"What is this, Your Majesty?", There is something inside the small bag, she wonders what it is.

"It's a lucky charm. Bring this with you, it will help you to prevent from any misfortune things."

"Oh, thank you so much, Your Majesty!", She bows once more to Bai Wu.


Inside the throne room, Xin Suan is discussing with Yin Ling.

"Yin Ling, what news of the eastern territories?"

"Still the same, Your Majesty, there aren't any progress. The agriculture and the animal husbandry are getting worse. It seems the Qiong* has contaminating all over the world"

Qiong = Poor, misfortune

"Hmm, I see. It seems we have to do the Jinghua Ritual in the middle of the month. Let's wait for them to report this matter by themselves."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Xin Suan heard Bai Wu's voice outside the pavilion, "Who is she talking to? I thought she has left this place."

Xin Suan walks down from his throne, and comes out from the Lotus Pavilion, Yin Ling follows him from behind. Then they found Ai Lie is in the middle of the bridge talking to Bai Wu. They walks closer to them.

"Yu Wen, this little girl tried to save my life! She was trying to save me from drowning! She is so kind, isn't she?, Bai Wu talking to her son.

"Indeed, mother."

'Oh this man's name is Yu Wen?', Ai Lie's admiring his beauty once again. She didn't realize that Xin Suan and Yin Ling are standing behind her.

"My Lady, thank you for your kind intentions. I owe you my life.", He is kneeling to her. He pulls one of her hand, and throws a soft kiss on it.

"E-EHHHH!?!?", Ai Lie spontantly shouted. Her cheeks are boiling red. She has never treated this way by a man, especially that man is handsome.

"That's the best I can give to you for now. I will give you something more worthy when you come to our place.", He smiles at her, releases his grip, and stands up.

"HEY! STAY AWAY FROM HER!", Xin Suan rushingly go to Yu wen. He pushed Yu Wen away from Ai Lie roughly, until Yu Wen almost fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty! Don't be so rude!", Ai Lie yelled at Xin Suan.

"Hahahaha", Bai Wu chuckles, "Ai Lie, do you think Yu Wen is handsome?", She said that while takes a peek at Xin Suan's face. Jealousy is written all over his face.

"Of course he is.", Ai Lie said it bluntly. She doesn't hestitate to be honest because it's a fact that Yu Wen is handsome.

"What!?", Xin Suan turns his head to Ai Lie.

"Ahahahaha I know right! He is very handsome! My son is the best among all men! He is smart, polite, kind, handsome, and wise... Not like a certain person I know.", Bai Wu teased Xin Suan. Xin Suan tried his best not to explode.

"...", Hei She and Yin Ling are speechless watching this moment.

"Why don't you just come with me Ai Lie? You two will get along very well. Who knows you both will love each other!", Bai Wu teased Xin Suan once more.

"You little shit!! Get out from my place!!", Xin Suan yelled at Bai Wu. He couldn't hide his jealousy anymore.

"Your Majesty, watch your words!", Ai Lie is angry at Xin Suan.

"Ahahahahaha! Alright, see you again, Ai Lie!", Bai Wu waves her hand at Ai Lie.

"Till we meet again, my Lady, Your Highness, General Yin, Hei She.", Yu Wen politely bows to each of them.

The two are walking to the main gate. When the gate is opened, there are some servants and a horse carriage, waiting for their arrival. Ai Lie watching them go, as the main gate started to close.

"Hey! Are you serious!? Letting a man you've just met to touch you- no, even to kiss you!?", Xin Suan yells at the girl beside him angrily.

"It's just a kiss on the hand! It's still a proper act! You didn't have to push Ge Ge Yu Wen like that! You were being so rude!"

"Proper act you said!?"

"Yes! He is a gentleman, and that's how a gentleman treats a woman properly! Not like someone I know who is very rude to the other!", She insulted him. What she meant was the way Xin Suan pushed Yu Wen and the way he threw his mother to the ground before. But Xin Suan didn't get her meaning.

"Ah I see... so that's what you meant!", Xin Suan's face darkened.

Xin Suan suddenly kneels, and grab her wrist, "W-what are you doing!?", Ai Lie is flustered. Her heart beats faster than before. He presses the back of her hand with his cold lips softly.

"Y-Y-YOUR MAJESTY!? STOP THAT!!" , Ai Lie's face is red like a tomato. Her ears, her cheeks, her neck, even her hands are boiling red. Her heart is now ready to explode. She tried to pull her hand, but he tightened his grip as he continued to kiss her hand deeper than before. Her hand unconsciously lost her grip to the golden bag amulet that Bai Wu gave to her. In panic, Ai Lie threw her face away from him, her eyes met Yin Ling's and Hei She's eyes, they are standing not far from them since before. They have been watching this event speechlessly with straight faces.

"Y-YOUR MAJESTY!! THERE ARE GE GE HEI SHE AND GENERAL YIN LING HERE WATCHING US!! PLEASE STOP THIS NONSENSE!!", Ai Lie tried to pull her hand harder, but Xin Suan's power is too strong.

Xin Suan stops kissing her hand, and raise his head to her, "How is that? Are you happy now? I have treated you properly just like what Yu Wen's did.", Xin Suan smirks at her.

"YOUR MAJESTY!! THAT'S OBVIOUSLY NOT WHAT I MEANT!! IT'S YOUR RUDE BEHAVIOR TOWARDS GE GE YU WEN AND QUEEN BAI WU, NOT ME!!", She shouts at him. She doesn't know how to feel. Embarrassment, angry, sad and a little bit of happiness are mixed in her heart. When Xin Suan releases his grip, she pushes his shoulders with both of her hands.

"Ow! Hey!", Xin Suan fell to the ground.

"YOU ARE CHILDISH!! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!", She covers her boiling red face with both of her hands and running to the Lotus Pavilion.

"H-huh!? Wait!", Xin Suan tried to follow her, but he is blocked by Yin Ling and Hei She that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Your Majesty....", Hei She seems a bit disgust towards his master's action.

"Oh my, what a gentleman we have here.", Yin Ling being sarcastic to him.

"What are you doing!? Let me go!", Xin Suan tried to move forward, but Yin Ling pulled his arm, not allowing him to go.

"Hei She... Go take a look at her. Make sure she is not going anywhere except her own room.", Yin Ling asks Hei She to go.

"Yes, General.", Hei She went inside the Lotus Pavilion.

"Your Majesty.... *sigh*", Yin Ling couldn't believe what he just watched.

"What! Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Of course it was wrong. What she meant was what you did to Bai Wu in your brawl. You threw her into the pond, remember? And also, the way you pushed Yu Wen when he kissed her hand. She thought that you were being so rude to them. She wasn't expect you to kiss her hand too."

"What!? But they deserved it! Yu Wen also being so impudent, dare enough to kiss someone he has just met with no hesitation!"

"...", Yin Ling stares at him sharply, "But, Your Majesty, you too, were copying what Yu Wen did... Didn't you just met her like yesterday? Isn't that 'impudent' also?"

"H-huh?? But...", Xin Suan doesn't want to admit his fault.

"Your Majesty... She is just an innocent girl. Her heart is pure, full of kindness, not like us. Of course, seeing something like that will make her stand on their side, not yours. In her point of view, you were the one who going too far, and she thought Yu Wen just showing his gratitude towards her action, not trying to flirt with her."

"Gratitude my ass! Huft... It's so hard to understand a woman's heart.", Xin Suan exhales a long breath.

"It is. Oh, and also you may not kiss her carelessly like that. However, she is still a human woman, what if she begin to have a feeling on you?", Yin Ling frowned.

"Hmm... I'd be happy if that happened though.", Xin Suan replied in a low voice.

"Ha... What a flirty womanizer.", Yin Ling talked to himself.

"What did you say!? Womanizer!? How dare you, I didn't do anything that far to be insulted like that!", Xin Suan yells at him angrily.

"Relax, I was just joking.", Yin Ling answered casually like nothing happened, "You should apologize to her."

"Yeah, yeah I will! What about you? You haven't apologize to her too, haven't you?"

"... Not yet.", Yin Ling forgot about that.

"Ha! We must apologize to her then. We both have our own mistakes, huh?", Yin Ling slap his forehead with his palm. He couldn't believe that child could make two asuras 'bowed' to her.

"Wait, what is this?", Xin Suan took the golden bag on the ground, "It has Bai Wu's power inside it."

"Maybe, It was a gift for that girl."

"Ha, that old woman trying to act nice... Well, nevermind, let's go find her!", The golden bag vanished from Xin Suan's hand. It seems he keeps it using magical power. Now, they both are walking to the Lotus Pavilion.