
Selfish Multiverse Travel

Power-hungry MC? Check! Evil MC? Check! Pervert MC? Check! Harem? Check! What? You are still here? Go read the damn story! ************************** This is my first time writing a story. Also English is not my first language. As for grammar? What's that? Is it eatable?

Dildo_God_King · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


Hey Guys!

Sorry for the late chappy. This chapter is not that good because I was and still am drunk as I wrote this.

Whatever, enjoy.


Shizune walked up to Kuro and picked him up. Placing Kuro on her back, Shizune, Tsunade, and Tonton continued their journey toward the town up ahead. This time instead of walking, they used the trees to jump/run like most ninjas.

As they jumped from tree to tree, Tsunade and Shizune did some 'lady' talk. Unfortunately, the 'unconscious' Kuro had to listen to the useless talk. Ten minutes later, Kuro was at the end of his wits. Tsunade and Shizune kept talking without end, from one topic to another. Kuro was forced to mentally 'suggest' them to stop talking until they reached their destination. The group traveled for about an hour before arriving near their destination. Once they got near the town, they hopped down from the trees and began walking on the dirt road.

(A/N: No offense to any of you female reads.)

Soon, the group of four arrived and entered the town. As they made their way to the local inn, they got a few weird looks from the people around them but Tsunade and Shizune seemed to be used to it. After a five-minute walk, Tsunade and the gang arrived in front of an inn with the sign 'Spring Inn'.

(A/N: I suck at naming things, deal with it.)

Without a pause, the group entered the inn. Walking up to the receptionist, Tsunade booked a room for the night. After booking the room, they made their way to their room. A short while later, Tsunade and the gang arrived inside the room. Shizune walked up to the bed and laid down Kuro on the bed.

After properly laying down Kuro, she began to use her medical ninjutsu to examine Kuro. To her surprise, her chakra could not penetrate Kuro's skin. Tsunade, who was standing near her, was surprised too. This was the first time that she saw medical ninjutsu unable to penetrate someone's skin.

(A/N: A skilled medical-nin can heal people through clothes.)

Shizune turned towards Tsunade and asked her, "Tsunade, this…"

Shizune didn't even know what to say, chakra can be used for many different things, such as create fire to reanimating the dead. And yet, right now, it couldn't even penetrate the skin of a five-year-old boy.

"Move over, Shizune," Tsunade said to Shizune.

Shizune moved over to let Tsunade examine Kuro. Tsunade began to use her medical ninjutsu on Kuro but like Shizune, her chakra was unable to penetrate Kuro's skin. Although Tsunade was unable to have her chakra penetrate Kuro's skin, she did not give up. Tsunade spent the next 20 minutes trying different methods to examine Kuro's body, but all her efforts were for nothing.

In the elemental nation, Tsunade is acknowledged as the best medical-nin, and yet here she was, unable to find out why chakra was unable to penetrate the skin of the 'unconscious' boy. While Tsunade was having a mental breakdown, the 'unconscious' Kuro delt it was time to 'wake' up.

(A/N: Did I mention that Kuro is pretending to be unconscious?)

Kuro slowly opened his eyes and yawned as if he just woke up. He stared at the ceiling for a while and then looked at Tsunade.

He blankly looked at Tsunade and said to her, "Pedo?"

Tsunade's eyebrow twitched and her body trembled with anger. Here she was, trying hard to see if he had any internal injuries or not, yet this little brat calls her a pedo soon as he woke up. How could she not get angry?

"You damned little brat, I pick you up after you fell out of nowhere and try to heal you and you have the balls to call me a pedo?" Tsunade said to Kuro with a comically large head.

"Heal me?" questioned Kuro.

Tsunade looked at Kuro like he was an idiot and replied, "Yes."

"A weak mortal like you wanted to heal me?" questioned Kuro.

"A mortal?" Tsunade asked Kuro.

"Yes, did you really think that only you people existed in this vast multiverse?" Kuro replied to Tsunade.

"There are many other worlds similar to this world. There are existences that can destroy worlds and create new worlds with a snap of a finger," Kuro said to Tsunade.

"I am one of those existences, so you wanting to try and heal me is the same as trying to put out a fire with a drop of water but I'm not an ungrateful person so for trying to heal me, I will heal you," Kuro said to Tsunade.

Tsunade was a bit skeptical about Kuro's claim of other worlds and world-destroying existences. The fact that Kuro's skin was able to block chakra from entering his body was enough to believe that there may be some truth to Kuro's story.

Kuro slowly proceeded to get off the bed and walked towards the window. Looking out of the window, Kuro saw civilians going here and there, doing their daily business.

Without looking back at Tsunade and Shizune, Kuro said, "Tell me about this world."

Tsunade stayed silent and Shizune answered instead, "Our world is referred to as the Shinobi World. The Shinobi World has Five Great Shinobi Countries are the Country of Earth, the Country of Lightning, the Country of Water, the Country of Fire, and the Country of Wind. The countries are named after the dominant chakra nature of each area. Chakra is the main source of energy used to perform shinobi/ninja arts."

Kuro turned around and looked at Tsunade and Shizune's bodies. Just like he thought, their chakra was not pure because it had Kaguya Otsutsuki's imprint in it. Because of the imprint, they aren't able to use their chakra to its full potential. The same goes for every chakra user apart from the chakra progenitor Kaguya.