

A story of an ordinary college student, unappreciated by his family members, who fleed from his home in the hunt for wealth and success. Together with his fellow mate Frederick, both broke and young fighting from misery with the hopes of one day attaining success.

Tinutinu · Realistic
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

"Alright, actually where will our next stop be at?"

" First of all, we must take her somewhere safe, where absolutely no one will come to rescue her. "

" Indeed, not in a mean way, just we have to follow our itinerary for this mission," Andrew asked me with a confused and joyful look.

Our first stop was quite far, we firstly, had to securely take that girl and keep her in an anonymous location. We had to do this job as discreetly as possible, It was probably the hardest part of our mission.

The first part of the mission was already quite challenging enough, we now had to perform an even more demanding task. We had been driving for quite a while by then. I glanced at the side mirrors, nothing felt suspicious enough, well, no car as such was following us.

" Andrew seems like no one is behind us, seems like all is good now, right?" I asked Andrew.

" No, it's not good as such, we never know if they sent some of their men upfront, so better we maintain concentration till the mission was successfully been executed," Andrew affirmed.

I instantly comprehended what he had just told me, well, he had significantly more experience than me. We weren't that far away from our destination. Although, I didn't directly harm that little girl, however, I felt agony seeing her in such distress.

She had absolutely nothing to do with all of these things. She had done absolutely nothing, it just proves at times some of our close ones have to face the consequences of our own mistakes. I instantly avoided looking at her, it just gave me sudden discomfort.

" Don't look back a lot, you've done nothing wrong, you are just accomplishing your mission." Andrew further added.

I casually nodded my head, as an acknowledgement of his recommendation.

" Yeah, guys we are going to reach our destination soon, I guess it's good if y'all started to do the necessaries." The driver informed us.  

Well, I checked on the little girl, she was still asleep. That made our task way more easier. We approached our final destination, and as expected the area was quite underwhelming. The roads were full of potholes almost everywhere.

I'd bet my money on it, even a decent sedan vehicle cannot go through that road. We were fortunate to have an offroading van, that made our task easier.  Cause it indeed helped us a lot, especially during our numerous parkour and breakouts.

The atmosphere was really eerily and what seemed to be like an abandoned town. The streets were absolutely filthy, the walls were covered with graffiti. That was definitely not the kind of area I'd feel safe strolling by myself even during the daylight, I'd still be terrified.

We reached our destination, It seemed like Andrew will be the one who will safely carry that little girl and take her inside.

So far, everything seemed to go according to our plan, no one was following us either. One of the members came out of the vehicle and promptly opened the secret pathway that leads inside to the storeroom.

If you looked closer, it seemed to look like an abandoned place, I initially thought there wasn't any gateway there rather an obsolete wall that never got cleaned.

For a second, I almost shouted at one of our team members, because I assumed that he was just playing around with us.

He kind off struggled to unlock the latch that was already quite rusty enough.

As soon as he opened the entrance, the driver all of a sudden rushed inside without any delay, he was probably worried that outsiders would discover their hidden mysterious place.

"Andrew, is that really the place  we are supposed to be at, right now?"

" I'm actually stunned, it seemed to be like an abandoned place from the inside, but the interior is on a different level!"  I told Andrew.

" Yeah! I know right! Hahaha, that's what we do in this business." He told me so.

He was giggling and nodding his head for a solid few seconds. He suddenly ceased doing all of that and prepared to come out of the car. The inner part of the massive storeroom was so well organised and clean. It was the complete opposite of its exterior appearance. 

The place was gigantic, I bet they could easily fit more than 20 vehicles in there with absolutely no problems whatsoever. Andrew instantly jumped out of the vehicle and carefully took the little girl to one of those massive inner storerooms.

Trust me, If someone got stuck here inside, there is no way for that person to escape there without passing through the main passageway. The walls were so high up and fences on top of it, I wondered why they designed such massive walls with only one exit that was the entrance at the same time. I best believed that the whole storeroom had a sound blocking feature.

The driver further told me, " By the way, it's not the first time we are retaining people here."

"It's actually an ideal place for retaining people due to its anonymous location, which will indeed not make it seem so obvious."

" anyways, uh yeah!"

" well, where is that little bastard at?"

" This guy, he is not serious with his work."

" He was supposed to open the gate and return to his post."

" It seems like he went out somewhere or to a nearby shop."

" This guy will surely ruin our whole mission because of this small stupidity and lack of patience."

" That's what I don't like with most of the members working here, some of them are way too young and inexperienced for such things."

" They often, display immaturity in front of our superiors."

" They often get away from troubles because they are usually recruited by Nancy."

" She's weirdly Alexander's most preferred employee, she is so adored by her boss that she has the right to recruit anyone she wants to."

" Alexander has never gone against her decisions at any point."

" I'm afraid to say, but he seems to be afraid of Nancy." 

" I wonder why?"

" Frankly, that's how I got recruited to work here with yall," I replied to his prior chat.

" In shorter words, we actually met at a local pub, well, it's pretty far away from here. It was around my previous locality."

"I'm flabbergasted, you got recruited by her too." Exclaimed the driver.




" Well, actually before that, I was working at a local business as a part-time job."

" I wasn't getting paid that well either, although I never complained about anything because I can't deny the fact the working atmosphere there was great."

" It happened upon a slight chance of coincidence, as on a certain day I went out to the local pub with one of my mates to commemorate my new 'job'.

" Luckily, I wasn't quite drunk when the two arrived there. That's a coincidence, well, a coincidence that paid off incredibly."

" We exchanged for a bit, with Alexander and Nancy."

" That was our first-ever meet, so nothing much happened as such."

" Uh, yeah, unfortunately, I was the victim of an accident, which forced me to meet Alexander and demand him a job."

" The previous job wasn't helping me out much with my exceeding bills and all."

" Since then, I'm here working for him."




" Damn! Really sorry to hear that." He further responded.

" Ohh, yeah, it's a fascinating story, to be honest."

" Fair play to you, for having gone through all of these at such a young age."

" That's life for you, you can't say much, just stick with it and wait for the results."

"Anyway enough of that, let's go inside quickly before Andrew gets upset at us."

" Sure, I will join yall in a bit."I politely responded.

" Hehe, don't get lost or something here, I told you don't say I didn't warn you." He warned me in a rather sympathetic manner.

I just continued strolling from about. I was literally boiling with the balaclava covering my face. I slightly removed the mask, well, only my eyes and nose were visible.

Suddenly, the main gate began squeaking as if someone was trying to get inside. I lost my calmness I began panicking and because of that I sprinted towards the van and hid and crouched behind it.

I slightly managed to take a peek through the van's window. Who else could it be, indeed it was one of our group members who went out to the nearby shop. I was so frustrated, he literally made me look like a madman who got scared for his bloody life. That was an absurdity.

Well, fortunately, he went inside through the first door, so he wouldn't have to look at me. I reacted stupidly, I probably appeared like small kiddo trying to figure out his life when he is helpless.

I didn't have much to do by then, so my first bet was to take a glance at that little girl who got captured in our trap. I hoped that they gave her water or something to snack on. She was probably starving too because she had just finished her school day and was on her way to her home.

I felt bad when I thought of her. It slightly reminded me of my childhood, as I had gone through a lot during that time. Particularly with my parents, we had a lot of disagreements between us, I was victimized by most of the things that occurred.

Nevertheless, I don't regret the decision of having left that house for good. Indeed, I'm struggling to earn a good living. Indeed, I had a rough start at the very beginning of my solo era, but now it seems that I've figured it out.

The halls were gigantic, the cabinets were massive, and it wasn't a storeroom as such it was rather an office meant to accommodate a lot of people at the same time. 

The walls were legitimately clean, and the colour combination of the inner part was spot on.

Despite Alexander's age, I can't deny that he made a lot of investments across the country and made his properties look fabulous. The girl was kept in one of those rooms, it wasn't as bad as I initially thought.

Andrew was on a phone call, he was sufficiently distracted and he eventually made his way out of the room.

I tiptoed my way into the room without getting recognised by one of my colleagues. I had almost forgotten that my face wasn't covered by my balaclava. That would have gone horrible if I got recognised by the little girl because of my foolishness.

Indeed, she wouldn't recognise me, but if she were to get questioned by the police officers to describe one of the kidnappers, then the big fish got fried. She can easily memorize my face and denounce me at the police station. The room was quite airy and bright.

Fair play, to Andrew for keeping her at a rather decent place. She was sleeping on one of those mattresses, she looked so adorable, when she slept, you must not have any feelings after having done such jobs.

That's what I learned it from. I had to remain composed during that time and have no hard feelings for whatever occurred. That's the life, I live, right?

I checked on my left and my right, and the food plate was there with some water. She couldn't eat or drink something because of her tied up arms and tapping her mouth. She was still unconscious well not unconscious as such rather she was taking a massive long nap.

The only thing we could do was to leave her there and constantly verify whether she needed something or not. I didn't stay there inside for longer as I didn't want to get caught by Andrew. So I discreetly made my way out to the other parts of the massive 'bureau'. They even had a massive rather luxurious living room.

Well, I could easily hear a few of the boys chit-chatting in that massive hall. I best believed that our task was rather completed from that exact moment. So now, we simply had to keep an eye on the girl and perhaps have a small little rest. I went out of the hall and opened my cigarette pack and pulled out a cigarette.

I instantly felt relief after the first few inhales and exhales. I mostly adored mint flavoured cigarettes, they were just so relieving when smoked. My stomach began rumbling because of hunger.

Luckily, I saw Andrew coming out of the office department. I'd probably go with him for a quick little meal at a nearby restaurant or café.

He didn't even hesitate, he instantly agreed to take me out to somewhere that's rather decent enough, a place we wouldn't easily get caught by someone. The only thing he told me was, was to remove my balaclava and keep it somewhere in my pocket or something.

" Well, it's not far from here, so we might just walk till there," Andrew said.

" Sure, sounds good to me," I responded to him.

The first thing he asked me for was a cigarette, I couldn't refuse him so I reasonably offered him a few of those. The area wasn't that safe either for walking around by yourself, hence I went with Andrew.

He knew that area quite well, anyways surely he was more familiar with that area than I. A solid 5 minutes of a walk later, we found a small local restaurant. They had a small poster that indicated their meal of the day and its price.

To be fair, the price was reasonable as they also included a can of soda with a side of fries and a burger. We proceeded to give our order and we sat by the window. We conversed with each other for a bit. I further told Andrew that I had siblings, and he was rather stunned when he heard that.

Fair enough, I'd be surprised as well. I wasn't in touch with none of my siblings especially not with that spoiled brat. Yes, I didn't like my elder brother as such, honestly, he was one of the reasons why I left the house.

"My sister, well, she was kind although it had been a while since we last spoke, she wasn't even aware that I had gotten involved in an accident." I told Andrew.




" Yeah, well, later on, tonight, I will give a phone call to my sister," I told Andrew.

" You better do, because at least she was kind to you, so don't forget that."

" It's not her fault that she didn't call you when you were wounded and hospitalised in the hospital."

" She lives far away from you, doesn't she?"

" So you better call her up later on today," explained Andrew.

Our food had eventually arrived at our table, and we began devouring it. It was pretty decent, the food was frankly good.

Better than I expected and with a reasonable price as well. That's certainly a jackpot.

Halfway through my food, my phone rang, it was Alexander.

I stared at the phone for a few good seconds, without knowing what would happen or what to expect. It was unusual to receive a phone call from the boss himself at that time of day.

Andrew was speechless, he was worrying me even more.



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