
Self inserts guide to the multiverse ( Multiverse Fanfic)

Lord_of_cringe9000 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


[Time skip:???]

I never said that I am the smartest cookie in the jar and I will admit that I am idiotic. I honestly do not know what I was high on but really I decided to jump into a black hole so I will see it through. I make mistakes and I do stuff that I regret a lot of time but let it not be said that I am not a man that does not carry through with what they started.

I have no idea how long it has been and really , I do not care for you see , I stopped counting a long time ago and have devoted my self to the sole purpose of moving. It is relaxing in a way , no thoughts , no nothing just the abyss and my single minded focus on moving.

I also realized that my system probably has a VI instead of an AI like other system in fanfic for you see when I ordered the system to throw me in the most powerful black hole it did exactly that , you see it literally threw me in a multiverse cluster made entirely of a gigantic black hole so yes the black hole is for all intents and purposes the biggest black hole to ever black hole what with being literally infinite.

My system being a VI means that it is not sentient however it is intelligent and I am very grateful for that for you see if my system was an AI there would always and I mean always be a chance for betrayal, something I am in no way willing to risk .

I know I am being paranoid so what? I would rather be paranoid and be prepared for the absolute worst .

You know the worst part of all of this is that I can not distract myself sometimes and I remembered things that I wanna forget . You see before I became what I am today, I used to be a simple man who used to work as a personal gym trainer, I also had a girl friend who I had dated for eight years .

Life was not perfect, it had its ups and downs but I was happy nonetheless . One day, I come back from my work and go to my home for you see me and my girlfriend were living together at that point and I was thinking to take our relationship to the next level. I remember that I had everything ready, flowers , engagement ring and a restaurant reservation for a candle light dinner.

I enter my home and do you know what I see? I see something that devastated me, I see the girl that I love. The girl that I devoted eight years of my life and loved with all my heart , sleeping with another . It breaks my heart , it destroys me, I was angry but more then that I felt betrayed. I of course broke up and kicked her out , I wondered was I not good enough? Why did she not just breakup with me if she felt our relationship was not working?

I was devastated and as such I threw myself into working out all the rage channeled into improving myself but I knew that deep in my heart a part of me still had not moved on.

It took a while but one day , I was at a bar and beside me was a beautiful red head drinking Martini as such I approached her and I started talking and before I knew it I started a journey that would see me suffocated under a pile of bodies.

I realize now that it was an attempt at distracting myself for you see I was madly in love with my ex. I did not know how but I did fall for her as such it hurt more then anything else. I lose myself in the past for a little while but I focus on my task for now is not the time.

So anyway I have devoted all my focus in moving in here as comfortably as possible. I do not think I would be able to maintain this level of focus for so long without gamers mind but with it this was a breeze.

At first it was agonizing but as time went on , I adapted to it little by little I became stronger . Little by little my agility increased until finally at this moment I finally was able to move comfortably. After all the whole point of this was an isometric exercise to increase my physical abilities

' System show stats'









' Huh that is weird, I mean really , I can understand endurance and strength but perception and agility as well?'

[ Ding user literally spent all time observing himself and the environment with greater and greater detail constantly while trying to move

in the black hole lead , leading user to develop Omni-perception]

' Huh ? Not what I expected but a welcome surprise nonetheless , system show me the description for Omni perception'

[ Omni -Perception Lv Max]

[ Allows user to perceive anything and everything however it is not guaranteed that user will be able to process it]

[Notice: All perception perks were assimilated into skill]

' System activate Omni perception to full'

The last thing I know is knowledge being crammed right into my head

' Let the plundering begin'