
Self Hating System

“A system? Forget it!” The world has become filled with monsters that can destroy cities with one hit. The only people who can fight them are those who have gained mysterious powers called systems that allow them to use extraordinary abilities. Jaden Ace is a completely ordinary businessman who tries his best to blend in, not stand out. However, one day he mysteriously gains the all-powerful God Emperor system. He then decides to…ignore it completely and continue to live his ordinary life!? The one with the strongest power hates his own system!

Alhaitham_Wife · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 5: Even the Strongest Don't Like Bugs

Jaden couldn't decide if he should scream in anger or fall asleep in protest. Sofia continued her long and boring speech, going on about the dangers of monsters and the skills she could use with her system. Jaden didn't hear a word she said. He would not do the training. He could not do it, he could not even slightly risk the chance of someone discovering he had a system.

When people 'awaken' with systems, they more or less graduate from ordinary life. That's what happened to his co-worker Ethan, and Jaden did not want it to happen to him. Ethan was most likely well on his way to the special training facility devoted to helping people level up and learn new skills.

This training facility was located in Manila, in the Philippines. It had been founded by Crisanto Cruz a few years ago and now was mandatory for all those with systems to attend.

No thanks, he would rather not go back to school. High school hadn't been an easy time for Jaden, it had been filled with bullies and family problems. Going back to school at age 21? Hard pass.

So he really had no choice. He needed to somehow convince this Sofia woman to let him skip the training. And she seemed pretty determined not to let him.

These thoughts filled his mind for the rest of the meeting. This was completely unlike him, usually he paid complete attention and always had thoughtful questions and comments to make. What was his life coming to….

Sofia finally finished talking and with a curt nod, left the room. Jaden practically jumped to his feet and followed her out of the room. But, she was nowhere to be found in the office. This woman was fast! But he wasn't about to give up.

He chased her all the way down the long staircase going up twenty stories. Apparently those with systems were too brave and noble to use the elevator…

He followed her to the street, and into the back alley. Did this woman want him to get fired or something? Out of breath, he finally caught up to her far down a very dark alleyway that he would rather not have gone down. But something was wrong, very wrong.

For it was not just the black-haired beauty that was standing at the end of the alleyway, but a terrible monster. It looked like a bear, but with the head of a cockroach. Its huge mandibles were drooling…and it was holding Sofia in its claws.

Wait, this can't be right! Sofia was a powerful fighter and this monster could only have been Phantom class. Hiding behind a wall, Jaden took a closer look.

The cold and beautiful warrior was shaking with fear, her face pale as if she would pass out. Could it be…this almighty system user was scared of insects!?


[Activate skill?]

You damn system! Couldn't he just live a normal life?

But things were beginning to get serious. The monster was not messing around, it really wanted poor Sofia for lunch. And Sofia didn't seem like she was in any state to fight back. Come on, just use a simple skill or something!

But Sofia had practically passed out, and the monster was gnashing its disgusting mandibles in anticipation of its lunch.

Wait, almost passed out? That means she wouldn't see him use his system to save her.

System, activate –

He had almost forgotten. The 1 experience point, he would surely gain it if he took down this monster. But what choice did he have? He couldn't sit there and watch while this woman became a monster's snack! Goodbye, level 1. He wiped a tear from his eye.

Activate Black Slash.

[Skill activated: Black Slash]

Jaden ran over to the monster, his black claws activated. He slashed his hand at the monster, it growled and dropped Sofia to the ground. She collapsed, her black hair covering the ground like a sea of ink. The black claws bounced off the monster's thick skin. Apparently this monster was a lot stronger than the criminal from before.

System, please don't say a level 1 has no chance against a Phantom class.

[Chance of victory: slim]

That was not what he wanted to hear. At least a slim chance was better than no chance. There must be something this monster was weak against!


Well this was new. The screen in front of his vision pulled up some new stats, which belonged to the monster.

[Name: Kaijate]

[Level: 5]

[Skills: <big bite> <big claw> <big stomp>]

Obviously Mr. Kaijate wasn't very creative with his attack names. He looked a bit more carefully and then he saw something that made him stop in his tracks.

[Ultimate Weakness: Fire]

This was a bit unfair. He couldn't help but feel a tiny bit sorry for the Kaijate, after all, it couldn't possibly know all of Jaden's weaknesses. Then he looked at the collapsed body of Sofia and the Kaijate's ugly face.

So what if he had a cheat system.

System, activate any fire ability.

[Skill activated: Swirling Inferno]

That sounded promising.

The Kaijate snarled and finally launched an attack. It sprinted towards Jaden and swung its huge claw at him. He panicked for a second, thinking there was no way he could possibly dodge. But to his surprise he swiftly ducked under the claw and ended up behind the Kaijate.

Thank you, system, for the speed boost!

Now how to use this fire skill? When he started overthinking things, he had no idea. So he decided to do something that went against all of his ideals and instead rely on his instincts. He closed his eyes and let his brain work automatically.

The monster launched a flurry of other attacks at him, but he swiftly swerved out of the way, weaving in between its deadly claws and mandibles. The Kaijate hesitated for a second, and this was all the opening Jaden needed. An eruption of fire emanated from his body, engulfing the Kaijate.

It screamed, a horrible grating sound. Jaden could smell the awful scent of frying monster flesh. Then the Kaijate collapsed, reduced to a charred lump. Jaden stared down at his hand.

This system…was very powerful.

However he was far more disturbed by what happened next. Sofia had woken up and was staring at Jaden with a suspicious pink tinge on her cheeks.

She had extended her hand out to him with…a slip of paper?

And what was on that paper? Jaden couldn't help but look.

It was…her phone number!?

Perhaps if Death is kind, and there can be returning,

We will come back to earth some fragrant night ~

Alhaitham_Wifecreators' thoughts