
Seized by the System

Procrastinator extraordinaire, Fang Ning, had lost his consciousness after banging his head on a night of celebration. He woke up to a realization that he no longer had control of his body, as a System had taken it over. Will he eventually regain control of his body or will he be trapped in his body forever? How does he maneuver this situation? What's in store for Fang Ning?

Mu Heng · Sci-fi
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1166 Chs

Others could only wait patiently for the black tiger to come out to know the news, but Fang Ning was too lazy to wait...

Thus, he pestered Sir System. "Sir System, as you can see, this black tiger went into the dark fog. We can't just sit still. We've to monitor it in real-time..."

"How to monitor?" Sir System pretended.

"Hey, you obviously put a tiger saddle on it. That's an item produced by the System so it should have its own vision monitor..." Fang Ning said.

"Didn't I say it before? You can only see where the equipment is, you can't see the surrounding scenery." Sir System refused.

"That was before. Now, haven't you upgraded many times? This function has definitely expanded." Fang Ning did not give up.

If it was before, he would have believed it and he would no longer pester Sir System; now, he had understood that Sir System would also trick him, so whatever it said, he could not believe it.