
Seiyuu No Chikara

English is not my first language, so I'm not good with grammar. Warning: BL Alven is a young man who dreams of becoming a voice actor. A fad to audition Seiyuu turned out to change the course of his life.

Genuinez · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : Erio

Alven POV

My name is Alven, and I'm sixteen years old.I am a first-year high school student who also works as a voice actor. Becoming a seiyu has been my dream since I was little. I've always wanted to be able to voice characters in anime adventures like my idol, Elliott.

A few months ago, I idly auditioned for a voice actor. Even if I don't pass, I won't be surprised because my acting and voice are not good. But it turns out I passed. I accepted my first job despite the fact that I still can't believe I passed the audition.I was so happy when I was told that I got the lead role, but when I found out that my first job was to voice on the BLCD, I immediately went pale. Seriously!

I wanted so badly to refuse, but if I threw away this opportunity, I don't know if there would be a second chance for me. In the midst of my hesitation, that person came.

"Oh, so my partner this time is this child, huh?" "Come in," said a brown-haired man at the door.

Uh? This voice...

The man, whose voice was familiar to my ears, walked towards me.

"E-Elliot...?" I spoke slowly. I can't believe that my partner is Elliot.

"Yoroshiku na!" he said with a smile. I could only nod, unable to say anything because of the shock. This was the first time in my life that I had successive luck like this. Could this be the turning point of my life?

In the middle of my wandering mind, I realized something.

Wait a minute. Elliott... BLCD...?!

So far, I've known Elliot's voice through adventure anime, where he often plays my favorite hero character. I really did not expect that he was also involved in the field of BLCD.

Since then, my career in the seiyuu world has begun. I am very grateful to Elliott, who has taught me many things about how to be a good voice actor. He even lent me his BLCD as a learning medium for me, who had never listened to a BLCD.

Honestly, I had goosebumps and nausea the first time I heard it. There I heard the voices of Elliot and another male voice actor playing a scene that, er, can't be described in words.

Oh, yes, it turns out that Elliot is not his real name. His real name is Erio. When I asked him why he was using a pseudonym, he only replied that it was fun. He also gave me a pseudonym, which I then used to hide my identity. My name was Allen during my seiyuu.

I purposely hid my identity because I didn't want my parents and friends to find out that I was a voice actor. I'm afraid to see their reaction when they find out that a 16-year-old Alven is filling a drama CD with an 18+ rating. BL again! Very embarrassing. I might be dragged back home and banned from school in this city.

Yes. Since entering high school, I have lived in my school's dormitory because I have no relatives in this city. There are also advantages to living alone; no one forbids me to go out every day. But if the recording goes on late at night, I'll have to deal with the dorm keeper. Ha ha...

Since my debut a year ago, I've received an increasing number of job offers.I started getting roles in some anime. not an important character, but that's fine with me. The problem is...

Why do I get so many jobs on BLCD?

As a normal man, of course I feel sick of playing a "turn-around" character. But what can you do? This is my job. I have to be professional.

Today I was paired with Erio again on BLCD. I don't know how many times it's been After recording, I immediately ran to the toilet to do my routine after recording the bloated vomit. I don't know why, but I always feel nauseous after recording a BLCD.

After a few minutes, I returned to the studio. Quiet. It seems like a lot of seiyuus go straight home after recording. I also tidied my bag, preparing to go home, but I stopped my intention when Erio asked me to speak.

"Hey, don't be so gloomy." Your acting is really good! It sounds very real! "Haha...," Erio laughed as he patted my shoulder.

"Is that a compliment or a joke?" With a frown, I said.

"What are you doing?" You always appear depressed after each BLCD recording."Tired of always being paired with me?"

"It is not like that!" I said it without thinking about it."I just... you know?" It's... embarrassing. "Haven't you ever felt embarrassed while recording a BLCD?"

"There is, of course, embarrassment." But we have to be professionals. "A voice actor must be able to play anything, right?"

"..." I couldn't say anything.

"Besides," Erio said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, "most male voice actors begin their careers in BLCD!"Only then will you appear in anime with the stock of popularity that you get after filling out BLCD. Me too. Hehe..."

"Eh? Seriously? You began your career at BLCD?"I asked in disbelief.

"Seriously. You just found out? You stupid fans! Haha.."

"Yeah, sorry. "I've never heard of BLCD before," I answered innocently.

"Hahaha... yeah, yeah, yeah.""How can a homophobic person like you listen to BLCD?"

"Knowing I'm homophobic, you're still telling me to fill out a BLCD!" I grumbled.

"That's because your voice is really OK for BLCD. "You've never read comments on the internet, have you?"

"What comments?"

"Comments like this, [Kyaa~ Allen's voice is really great!] or [The scene *piiiiip* really makes nosebleeds! ,,] Then there are also those who write..."

"Stop! Stop! I don't want to hear it anymore! I said while covering my ears, but in vain because I can still hear Erio's voice voicing the fujoshi's comments that are spreading on the internet.

Turns out, Elliot, whom I've known so far, always fills the character with a calm and cool personality, although originally he liked to bully his juniors for fun. His nature is also much different from what I used to imagine before I met him. But, well, that's the "seiyuu no chikara." A seiyuu can be anything, including those that go against his true nature.