

Morgan is always late, that I have learned from Israel, but she has made up for that by getting to us within less than twenty minutes. Either she lives very close to the airport, was already on her way, or that car is as fast as it looks. No matter the reason, she was here now, which meant we could finally leave the airport and get to where we need to be. If I'm correct Morgan is about nine or ten years older than me, which would put her at about twenty-one years. For someone of twenty-one years, she seems to be doing better than most older than her. When she sees us she flashes an award-winning smile, increasing her pace to get to us quickly. She's dressed full business mode in this nice-looking high-waisted pantsuit, so naturally, I wonder if she just came from some business transaction or something. The light color of the suit complements her darker skin nicely and she draws more than a few eyes, whether those stares be of awe, envy, or just pure wonder. The thing that strikes me the most is her hair. It's not that out of the ordinary. It's almost the same light brown as her brother and just as curly. The thing that has me staring for a while is the fact that her hair is in an afro, one that looks so goddamn amazing, yet it has me bristling. Being the person I am I would not last a day rocking an afro, because I know my hair would be blowing every which way, getting in my eyes, and overall just annoying the living hell out of me. The longer I watch her the more I consider trying it out, but the constant thought of hair in my face repels me from the ridiculous idea. I'm getting my hair cut so there will be no afros for me.

"First let me apologize for being late, I got caught up" her tone is just as playful as that smile on her lips, something that provokes a scoff from Israel, who is pointedly ignored. "Do know that my apology is just a formality"

Yes of course, why would I expect it to be anything but?

"That said, I still do have to make it up to you lot" she seems very happy with this idea if that smile is anything to go by. This woman hasn't dropped that smile since she stepped out of the car. Either she's just that happy to be seeing us or she's just the type who smiles a lot, like my father and his brother, in which case I can see the relation. If only Israel had inherited that endless enthusiasm and joy, then we wouldn't get the sometimes broody teenager who tries to put on the cool act.

"Candy," Alissa says with the most serious expression I have ever seen on her face, which is just ridiculous. Could she be any more of a child than she is?

"Okay, candy for you then, I know the best place" Morgan doesn't think twice about the request, agreeing so very easily, something that has Alissa brightening. Is she going to get us something to make up for being late?

"For you, little brother, I'll get you a game or two for that GameBoy of yours"

All is immediately forgiven with those words if that smile on Israel's face is anything to go by. Of course, a game would win his good graces that quickly. He didn't even pretend to think it over or at least try to get something more.

"And you Zena" she looks at me thoughtfully for a moment. "I hear you have a lot of hobbies so I'm not sure with you, what do you want?"

"You're just getting us anything we want?" Because if that's the case then I have a request.

"Of course. I did say I'd make it up to you, and you could consider this a welcome gift"

Huh, okay.

"A good camera and a pair of headphones" I left my other at home so my mother can document the twins for me, which leaves me without, and I have been wanting some headphones for a good while. A closed-back pair is the most desirable at the moment for its noise-canceling features first and foremost. Closed-back headphones keep sounds out and sound in, taking me away from the outside world and fully into whatever music I intend to listen to. This would truly drown out the voices that are always in my head. I want this for a simple reason. I don't mind the voices in my head so the headphones aren't for that, though I will use them for that purpose if I get a headache. The reason I want it is to help my concentration. The music will drown out nearly all if not all the voices in my head, which would make it a challenge for me to hone in on a single thought or multiple should I want to. It's practical training because my quirk cannot be useless in a loud environment.

Any normal kid would get the headphones just to enjoy their music.

Morgan has long since agreed to get me the best of what I had asked for, before asking us to get up and get our stuff to the car so we can go. We each have just a single suitcase as most of our things had already been sent over about a week ago. Morgan has more than enough space for us all as we're all getting our own room. Though I gotta know if she had taken it upon herself to set it up for us or if she awaited our arrival to begin on that task.

With our suitcases dumped in the trunk, we climb into the car. Israel wordlessly takes the passenger seat while Alissa and I simply get in the back, more than content to each sit by the window.

"Why were you late?"

"As I've said, little brother, I got caught up" she obviously wasn't going to tell us the exact reason for her late appearance. It wasn't any of our business anyway, after all, she's an adult with an active job. What she gets up to is up to her.

"Was it hero business?" Alissa questions with a quirked brow to which Morgan simply shrugs. Yeah, she really isn't about to tell us why she was late to the airport.

Doesn't matter much, not to me anyway. I'm way more interested in what I can find outside the window. For as far as you can see there are billboards promoting many a thing, most of them being heroes and hero agencies. All Might features on many of these, as the number one hero he naturally gets a lot of attention. Speaking of heroes, I wonder which agency Morgan may be working onder if she's even employed by an agency. Thinking about her has my mind more focused on her thoughts, which are very loud in my mind. She's excited, the feeling almost has me mirroring that smile on her face and her thoughts are just as enthusiastic. Yup, she truly is related to those Fox men. She's excited about having us over, about getting to know Alissa and I better since it has been a long time since she last saw us. If my math is correct, the last time I would've seen her would be when I was four or three, in which case there's no hope of me recalling anything about her. Israel was right, she may fuss over us as if we were the cutest things to exist.

"Are you in my head Zena?" She asks suddenly, surprising me somewhat. What tipped her off? I wasn't even looking in her direction, instead just staring out the window. And it's never obvious when I'm prying because it's not something I can just stop and I doubt anyone feels me in their head unless I'm trying to influence them.

"Technically you're in my head, so I can't really help it" I can't help but feel sheepish when she's looming at me through the rearview. It's not as if she's scolding me, it just feels like I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Though what can I do? My quirk is on all the time, the things that block them are in my suitcase and her thoughts are very loud in my head with her proximity.

"So your quirk can't be turned off?" She seems curious more than anything else. "If so then your school will want you to find a way to suppress it"

Ah, yes, because of the "no using quirks in public" rule, I'll have to silence my mind when I start school. I'm not sure how to feel about that. On one hand, I'll be left to my own thoughts for hora every day, which just helps me think clearer. On the other hand, I've gotten so used to knowing what everyone's thinking that I would feel weird with the sudden radio silence.

"There's no way around it, is there?"

"Not really, your quirk is listed on all your documents, so your school will know about your quirks"

Damn it. I guess I'll have to be like everyone else when school starts. That's just stupid.

"Oh wow, you won't know what everyone thinks anymore," Alissa says, stating the obvious. "Must suck"

Yeah, it does. Knowing what people think and feel makes it easy to decide whether or not they're worth my time, and it sure helps to know what people think of you or certain situations.

"It'll be fine, plus it'll make your school experience all the better" Morgan says, trying to make me see the bright side to it all.

"How, exactly?"

"With that quirk of yours you always know what to expect from people, without it you'll actually have to get to know someone, won't you? I do believe you'll be pleasantly surprised"

Of course, she doesn't realize that I don't want to go through another awkward middle school period. Not knowing what to expect is almost heartbreaking. How am I supposed to know which insults will kill them on the inside? And most importantly, I have not interacted with anyone my age outside my family for years. I don't believe I have the social skills to go in blindly, I will have to relive my years of middle school.

That or I can just beat up some bully and immediately earn a good rep.

Yeah, that sounds good.


It has been concluded after many careful considerations and observations that Morgan Fox, daughter of Caleb and Eliza Fox, is an amazing person and one I fully respect and look up to. You may ask why I have come to this conclusion and the answer is very simple, perhaps childish, but none the less it has made this woman an idol in my eyes. Morgan has many qualities that would make her someone worth looking up to. At the age of twenty-one, she has her own house - an amazing one at that - she has her car and she has the most honorable and desirable career in this world. At the young age of twenty-one she is earning a great sum of money, an amount of money that would put many businessmen to shame. She's a kind, humourous, and somewhat teasing person. She has many jokes and she has a love of animals since she has a bunch of puppies, kittens, rabbits, and whatever cute anime you can think of, all in her backyard and scattered around the house. These are all things to admire, though it is not the reason for my sudden respect.

No, what has me idolizing this woman is the room she has given me. Its color is the same as the one back at home, the designs modern, yet cozy and overall just something I enjoy. That's all good and well, but what blew my mind was what could be found behind the second door in my room. One door leads to my bathroom, the other leads to a room that has me mesmerized.

This woman took the time to set up a little studio for me, as well as a little corner for art and writing and I can't even begin to comprehend how she could be so amazing. There are three desks in total in this room, though it doesn't feel cramped at all. One desk is host to a computer, my keyboard, speakers - amazing ones at that - and even a little mic for recording. It's my own personal studio, I can hardly believe it. And the headphone that goes with it all looks amazing, I can hardly wait to try it all out. My guitar is situated in a corner on its stand. Next to it is its amp. Then there's my whole art situation. I had sent over my desk and all the supplies I had so I'm not surprised to find them all here, but my drawers are stacked with new supplies, items I never even had before. I've got some good paper of all types, I've got paint, I've got coloring pencils, I've got markers and brushes. I-I even have a tablet for digital art.

Ah, my little writing corner. A desk framed by a bookshelf stacked with books of all kinds, manga, comics, light novels, and more. My laptop sits nicely on my desk, my pens, and the likes next to it in a holder, endless sheets of paper sit at the ready.

Life is good.

"You like?"

Why are you even asking me that woman? Do you not see the absolute joy in my eyes? I could cry right now, but I won't, but I could.

"I love you" I have known you for less than a day, but I love you.

"Awe, love you too kid" she grins and ruffles my hair. "I tried to give you all your space to do what you like. Israel has a whole little room for his video games and Alissa her own space for her research and whatever she endeavors in"

Sometimes I forget that Alissa has an interest in engineering and science. She doesn't talk about it much and the only time you can get anything out of her is when you find her working on one thing or another. Though her interest in science would explain her rambles about quirks and all she knows about them, as well as her proficiency with her own.

"You want out of your way for us" this is not what I expected. Yeah, we're family and all, but we haven't seen each other for years and I hardly know her, so this is kinda surprising.

"We're family," she says simply as if I'm supposed to know this already.

"Yeah, but still"

"I used to love being around you, Alissa, and Israel when I was younger. I enjoyed spoiling you guys and you were always so happy to see me. I know this one tile you started crying because you couldn't play with me, it was funny"

I cried, ugh, that's ridiculous.

Morgan lets out an audible sigh, hands sliding into her pockets and shoulders relaxing as she seemed stuck on a distant memory.

"I'm not going to reminisce about the past, instead I'll just be blunt with it" she chuckles. "I missed you, so I've done this. I'm happy I get to be with you now and I'll do my best to take care of you"

The overflow of emotion that practically assaults me with her words has me forcing my eyes shut when the emotion tries to become my own. I am not about to be emotional, no sir. I'm not gonna cry.

"You wanna cry?"

"No, why would you think that?" I look at her, she smiles.

"Because I kinda want to, and you're an empath"

"I'm not gonna cry and if you do I'll laugh at you"

"We don't want that" it's a giggle this time, sounding far different from the chuckle, pleasant. "Fine, we'll forget our talk, okay. No one needs to know"

"What are you offering for my silence?" I jest

"Oh, I don't know, better memory for your camera maybe? Perhaps a memory card of over a TB or two"

"Wait, really?" I can get that?

She says nothing more as she simply leaves the room.
