
Seeking Our Soul

Teen age is the time when we feel the most pressured. May it be studying or dealing with any situation, we always feel burdened. This novel shows the life of an unlucky teen girl who undergoes many ups and downs to turn the tides and be what she really wants to be. In this process of regaining her freedom and finding herself, she meets various people, experiences many hardships and finally opens up her heart which was seemingly closed for a lifetime... I hope you can relate with it.. This is my first time sharing my work so please root for me.. And please give your reviews so that I can improve it.

Starlight_ish_12 · Urban
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7 Chs

D-Day: I Confess..!!

'Tell the truth, or eventually someone will tell it for you...

Letting it out yourself, is the only way to remove the load from your heart..'


The next morning 'The Aliferos' went to the Principal's office to show the evidence and explain all that had really happened.

But, the fact that Yena and Xavier are siblings was now an open secret, which was drowning the school with floods of new theories and rumours.

Now that the matter had patched up, everyone seemed relieved except Emmie and Xavier.

They were still lost in their own thoughts.

"Come on, stop frowning now. We will surely find the one who led Yena into this state." Flora noticed the lines on their heads.

Others reassured them as well.

"Aaaahhhhhh ..." a girl screamed from the science lab.

They all rushed to check out what was wrong.

But the site made Emmie completely devastated.

It was Sana. She was lying in a corner bleeding heavily. She was half conscious and panting heavily. She had been stabbed in her leg.

Xavier hurriedly called the ambulance.

Emmie was crying a river of stars.

Before being taken onto the stretcher, Sana secretly handed a paper to Emmie, which was half stained in blood.

'The Aliferos' coaxed Emmie, so that she could stop crying.

Then they went back to their spot on the roof top to discuss the current situation.

"How could she be hurt so badly. Who the hell did it?" Arnel exclaimed.

"I thought she was the culprit. How come she is a victim now?" Flora frowned.

"She was the one who accused you with those fake pics. She was the one who betrayed you in the first place. I thought that you two had already drawn lines towards each other. I get it that you were concerned when you saw her like that. But, your emotions spoke otherwise.

They were as if you felt guilty and were terrified of something. Can you speak the truth now?" Zephyr questioned Emmie.

"What do you want to imply by this? Of course they were friends before. It is natural for her to feel hurt and cry." Flora protected her.

"That day, you didn't go to the washroom either. You received the message from that mysterious person again, so you went out to meet 'that' person right?" Zephyr questioned again.

"Stop it already Zephyr! You know the situation. Stop scaring her more and look at the bigger picture for now. You can settle your conflicts later on." Arnel pacified the situation but to no avail.

Zephyr went on regardless.

"And I guess you already knew who sent the text. Only you were the one who received the text. Since, that person wanted to warn us, we all should have received the text. But it was just a show because you wanted to check, if we were honest, trustworthy and suitable for your grand plan or not? Did I guess it right again?" He asked in a betrayed tone.

Emmie was short of words. She didn't even imagine that he could point out and interpret her every move, that also correctly. She didn't know how to explain. But, her expression gave her away.

"I was right indeed. So, you were the one who has always been hiding something from us. Spill the beans already!!!" He shouted at her.

He could no longer chain himself and started fuming.

Others were shocked too.

"Is it true Emmie?" Flora fluttered.

Xavier knew it was difficult for her to explain so initially he wanted to explain from her side but was interrupted by Emmie.

"Yes.... It's true. It isn't that I don't trust you guys, but, try putting yourself into my shoes. Do you think you can trust anyone after seeing your best friend being hurt and lying unconscious and you don't even know the culprit? Before, I just wanted to find the reason she was behaving so oddly, but then all that happened." she sighed.

"Wait! So, you already knew that she was disturbed and behaved abnormally?" Xavier was confused.

"Ya.." she replied.

"I know I have betrayed you all. I know you all are angry at me, it's justified. I am really sorry for all that I did. You must think, I played you guys like fools. You can't shout or swear at me, i won't budge. I know I deserve it." She bowed while apologizing with teary eyes.

"I am a bit sad. But I forgive you. After all, Yena is my friend too." Flora smiled at her.

"Come on, what's the big deal, I have played you too. So, we are even now." Arnel said in a chill tone.

"I was never mad at you." Xavier cleared.

"Fine I will let it go this time. But, don't you ever do that again. Also, tell us about that mysterious person and all. I am dying out of curiosity! Zephyr exclaimed.

Emmie burst into tears of happiness and hugged them all. It was the first time she felt this secure.

"Alright, hear carefully. It was Sana, the one helping me all the time." She spoke loudly.

"What... " everyone had the same word coming out of their mouth when they heard it.

"Ya... We were shocked to see Xavier in the pics, so I asked her to frame me. This way I could openly and easily look for information to solve Yena's case. 'Lily' is her name on her secret I'd. It was her who sent me the message. And lastly, that day I indeed didn't go to the washroom. I went to meet her. That was the time she told me about the fact that Yena and Xavier were siblings. That's why I convinced you all to meet up with him." Emmie explained the details.

"Ohh... That's impressive. I didn't know you were that calculative!" Arnel was quite impressed.

"Oh my! You should have told me earlier. I was cursing Sana all the time for betraying us." Flora added.

"Then who was the one, who locked you in the washroom that time?" Zephyr was like a question bank with an endless supply of questions.

"I don't know. I guess it is the same person who is behind Yena's case. 'That' person might have known that we are trying to dig out Yena's case. So, maybe he did that to warn us." Emmie was uncertain.

"And you didn't heed to his warning, so he did that with Sana? No wonder Zephyr said that you seemed guilty." Xavier concluded.

"Hmmm..." that was all Emmie could say. She was indeed conscience stricken.

"Oh..ya! What about the note that Sana handed you right back there?" Zephyr wasn't yet done with his enquiry.

"Really!! You even saw that! I mean even in that situation you easily spotted her giving me a note. Indeed, nothing can hide from your eyes. I guess toppers have four eyes and one extra brain..." she murdered.

"Well.. I guess. I am not only observant but also handsome. I look like a prince charming." he smirked while flipping his hair.

The rest burst into laughter.

"Stop being narcissistic!! Focus on the case! Here, this is that note." She stretched out that paper for everyone to look at.

As soon as they began to read it, their faces turned pale and they were completely terrified.

With every drop of blood, that was dripping from that paper their tension was increasing!!

What was actually written on that note?

Did, what Emmie feared about, had already happened?

Had they entered the doors of hell?

Were their peaceful days finally over??