

Nairobi the love girl with no one to love and unfortunately find one and started playing hard to get

Ayomide_Ayodeji · Fantasy
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18 Chs


"I say no and you guys should please close the door before going "Nairobi said

"Okay sweet dreams about me " Ernie said trying to peck Nairobi.

"You dares not!"

" well good night "

"Like you cares "

"There's going to be a day that I am going to show you that I care about you " Ernie said.

"Hmm hmm " Chris trying to get Ernie attention.

" You guys should go I will join you every soon " Ernie said

"Okay at your royal command" Adler teased Ernie.

Ernie face Nairobi and sit beside her.

"Nairobi I care about you,but I was confused at first...…"

" Why won't you be confused, you will " she interrupted him.

"I am sorry, but it wasn't my fault..."

"Marvelous oh I knew it was my fault and it is my mistake and I promise you it will never happen again " she faced him and moved backwards and continued. "I knew it was my fault for kissing you back,I knew it was my fault " She is just too emotional and she is about to cry.

"I am not blaming you you don't want to listen to me, Sandra and I are not dating at all I have never dated anybody in this school " Ernie trying to explain things to her

"And that's none of my business "

" Okay wait I kissed you and you kissed me back because you love it,so you don't need to listen to other talks you just have to force on us "he moves closer to her trying to hold her hands.

"Don't try it just listen to me there's nothing like us, I don't even care to score zero points in the health class,please leave Ernie just leave me alone "

"I am sorry,I promise you that I am not going to hurt you anymore I promise "

"She slapped me,my mother never did that to me " she said still crying.

"I am sorry, I admit it that it's my fault and I will never allow anyone to hurt you even after the fake dating stuff"Ernie promised again.

"Okay I will say you say so "

"Come let me see your cheeks " He said sitting on the bedside chair.

"You won't be able to see it with this blue light "

" I can see it clearly,what you have to do is to sit down on my lap and rest your head on my chest,then you sleep " he said drawling her closer.

Nairobi did as he said.

"But,what those this...."

" shhh,just sleep little damsel ".

School Garden


"Ernie doesn't come to the private room because of you ,I know you guys would continue your kissing and probably take it to the next level " Gift teases.

"Nothing happens between us yesterday,and about the private room I told him to go but he insisted to watch me sleep " Nairobi explained.

"You guys did not kiss?" Gift asked again.

"Yes, but he told me to sit on his lap and sleep that all then this moment I met myself on my bed,Gist me about the the room so called private room " Nairobi said

"A lot happened, Starting from the truth and dare stuff yesterday after you helped me to beg Chris, I saw him with cookies and I asked him to give me,but he said it's for Adler, so I later heard from Jas that the cookies were for Adler because he dare Chris to ask you to be his girlfriend for a week or else he owes him cookies" Gift explaining

" Me,Chris,thank God he said no" Nairobi Exclaimed.

"So Chris was angry when he about giving the cookies to Adler so he desired to dare him about what he thinks Adler won't be able to do….."Nairobi interrupts Gift.

"Which is?"

"He told him to have sex with Faith in the private room or he should break up with her "

"That is ridiculous!"

"Faith was not in the room when Chris dare her boyfriend by the time she was back every body just laughing 😂 " Gift said laughing

"Did he do it?" Nairobi asked

"Yea he explained to Faith and she said she is ready for anything as long as it is between her and him".

"Did you mean she agreed?"

"Yes because she doesn't want him to break up with her "

"That is funny "

"Let me explain how it goes"

"Yeah please explain "

"They use the private room bathroom Faith kiss was waiting for him as he lifted her up onto the bathroom counter and spread her legs to move between them, he stopped and said 'I am sorry' Faith smoothed the fiction between their lips with her tongue,then delved inside to toy with his every stroke kicked up heat throbbing through him another impossible notch,she linked her arms behind his neck and pulled herself against his body teasing his chest with the brush of her nipples,teasing him down below her fragrant damping heat,she was a decadent delight for each of his senses from the contrasting reflection in the mirror of his suntanned hands moving over her fairer skin to the minty taste of her bold tongue in his mouth " Gift stop and continue.

" Adler tried to savor every moment taking note of every sensation so he could reply the memory any time from now, but patience wasn't his friend that night Faith mouth was pliant and eager matching every forays he made. She trailed her fingers along his spine,sparking an electric impulse in every cell she touched,still anchoring her atop the counter Adler slipped his hand down between them seeking her heat, testing her readiness he stroked one finger along her slick crevice and she gasped,tearing her mouth his and burying her face against his neck ".

"Adler had said 'hmm ' As an answering groan from deep in his chest was all he could manage he dipped one finger inside her,then two she writhed against his hand found her responsive nub with his thumb and begged the cool,calm controlled attorney to go wanton on him, then faith gasped 'not fair', nipping at his collar bone and her 'hum' vibrated against his skin saying 'you have to _' 'come…too' Her knees flexed convulsively around his hips as she neared her release.

He knew the feeling understand the need,his aching dick pocked her hip and tight as he rocked helplessly against her.Adler was like a temperature trigger on a brick of C-4 explosive,rapidly heating up to the point of detonating . Faith finger ding into his back 'Adler' she was breathing hard breathing quickly she kissed his neck chin Grabbed his wrist and pulled his slick finger from her before she climaxed. Their fingers tangled as they reached for the condom he'd dropped beside her there was laughter kisses.fumbling hands 'enough' he issued the other before he embarrassed himself right there on the counter taking charge of the ripped open a package and turned his back on her to stretch himself."

"She kissed his shoulder blade and teased his nipple into attention. ' Faith' he groaned the warning then went back on the offensive they were damn going to finish this together. Adler turned and pulled her to the edge of the counter she was more than a foot shorter than him but tall enough that she was aligned perfectly with him straining needy self, he pushed her thighs apart and nudged her entrance wanton indeed with her hands clutching his biceps for balance she arched her neck thrusting her breast up like an offering,her luscious globes bobbing beneath his hungry gaze he studied beneath the delicate red and blue veins engorging the hard tips, and squeezed one in his hand and dipped his head to suckle her.Faith buckled against him as he pulled harder and harder. Please…..please' he didn't want to leave her his conscience said he couldn't just walk they'd been pretty careful but they'd also been pretty wild,pretty intense pretty…frequent.

What if her pill or condom had failed?

Couldn't happen

Wouldn't happen

'Adler..' she commanded Linking her heels behind his tight and open herself even wider 'take me now' the order alone was enough to send him right to the edge pinpricks of light danced behind his eyes as the invitation began.

'Let go to the same university' 'what' he slid his tip barely an inch-denying for a moment what they both craved. They're breathing hard as he held himself on the brink and looked down into her blue eyes locked onto his. The wheels were again spinning inside her head,evaluating the timing and motivations behind his impulsive yet surprisingly serious request. ' don't let this end, let go to the same school so you can marry me'. His body nearly spasmed as he refused to indulge his need until she gave him an answer 'okay' 'okay' Faith grabbed his ass and urged him in with on deep thrust, Adler exploded inside her she shattered around him and cried out, 'yes!' That all happened between Faith and Adler last night " Gift finally said.

"That's wild !" Nairobi exclaimed.

"Really wild it ..." Gift stop when she saw Ernie coming