

Sing and Khryz was best friend since young. They fall in love to each others but Sing need hide it for along time rejecting Khryz's love because of his situation. But everything changed when Khryz left to move on and that day the chase began.

Im_Mary · Realistic
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We love playing hide and seek since we are young.

"Khryz I will hide you need to find me."

I'm the one who is always hiding..

and you are the one who's always looking for me.

But I don't have any idea that the game we used to play when were kids will play a big part in our lives.

"Khryz where are you?...."

You run away from me..

You hide from me..

"I love you khryz..."

"I'm tired sing.. I'm tired showing my love for you.."

I regret hiding..

I regret listening..

I regret saying thank you even I want to say "I love you too."

I will find you..

I will seek you..

I will search the whole world if I need too.

You are my oxygen..

"I can't live without you.."

I will find you even it'd takes forever.