
Seed of Creation

A weak to strong sega Lebanon a 12 year old boy who finds himself lost in an island, he’s lost all memory and desires to attain them. He meets a old man who requires him to meet him at Shiloh to regain his memories Meanwhile Lebanon needs to go to the school of all located new Israel and serves are a foreign under the tribe of Judah to defeat wicked ands and evil what grows between the city Lebanon often sees visitors that he tries to understand, a flame of fire a burning bush stars trees that show different dimensions, the deeper you go in the story the deeper you will find out that as Lebanon grows you grow you. Psalm 92:12 the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree and grow like the cedars of Lebanon While the Galaxy Dreams of the day were the king will restore all things. Lebanon must complete the school of all meet the old man at shiloh to understand everything that is happening to him.

SRIDARTS · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Towards New Israel...

[In those days the spiritual and physical world were closely alined]

They embark on their journey. Entering the forest, they see the trees which are visually stunning to the eye each tree seems to have its glory inside it, it's almost like it's living and desires to speak to you if you let it, the whole atmosphere would give you peace of mind, if you had a stressful day this would be the best place for you to go to clear your mind As you develop more and more inside this place it gives you almost a paradise vibe, your whole place just seems right a place where you could lay your head with not a worry in the world.

You can see the leaves dance and play with each other as if they were children have a free day in the park, as the wind wooshes the leaves dance. Just take a second a breath in the fresh air and


Yes, this is the amazing energy this place will give you an utterly amazing odour that seemed to complement the location and everything in it.

The leaves, the sky, the life within the forest was so beautiful, so amazing, it made the 4 insignificant figures in the forest quell at its beauty.

"Woah… so this is the forest of Dorah huh..." Lydia utters, stunned.

"Sure is! I mean then again, haven't you seen this before?" Zachzin asks.

"Well, I have as we've been gone forth and back but… It's just every time I'm here, it seems to strike me..." Lydia responds.

"Well, I'm most surprised that white hair over there isn't showing a stupid reaction like Euphoria," Zachin says, finishing off while folding his arms.

"That is true…. Hey Lebanon." Lydia says.

"What's wrong?" Lebanon responds.

"You don't seem surprised by this place, I'm guessing you see this like this regularly huh?" She says.

"What makes you think that?" Lebanon says while looking at the trees and leaves.

"I-I mean your reaction for someone who's been here the first time doesn't seem like someone who's been here for the first time... "

"Well… you're wrong... It's not that I've seen this a lot, I mean I don't even remember my past... Plus, before I got here I saw more beautiful things than this." he responds.

"Huh?" Zachzin, Europhian and Lydia all say in unison.

While Lebanon made that statement, he's drawn back to the time when he was with the old man. Truly, he did see things much more beautiful than this as each tree almost had a song as they all sang accordingly. On the other hand, while the forest of Dorah was beautiful, it couldn't measure up to the 'garden' Lebanon had seen before.

"Although..." Lebanon states.

"What's wrong?" Zachzin retorts.

"I do feel a resonation from this place… It feels like it's calling my name." Lebanon says.

Once again, Lebanon seemed to have a gruelling headache which seemed to be more painful and unbearable than the previous. He began holding his head in agony while convulsing and sweating. Looking ahead, he could see a tree in the middle of the sky, both the floor and the ceiling were both a vast and endless sky.


[Where's this voice coming from? Is it from the tree?]

Lebanon still in agony seems to stumble.

"What's wrong Lebanon?!" Europhian shouts.

"He's passing out? What? Is the aroma in the forest?" Zachzin questions.

"Lebanon! Lebanon!" Lydia yells, concerned.

"I-I.." Lebanon struggles to speak.

As a result, Lebanon falls to the ground and faints. He can hear muffled voices in the background but can't seem to gather what they are saying.

After a while, Lebanon wakes up to see a large and rounded back. He comes to realize he's being carried by Zachzin. He could identify this merely because of the vibrant green that he could see almost making his iris's go dim. Moving away, Zachzin notices that Lebanon is awake. Looking behind him, Zachzin says:

"So you're awake huh?" Zachzin retorts.

"Where… am I?" Lebanon asks.

"We're at the city gates!" Europhrian says enthusiastically.

"Yeah. The city is called 'New Israel'. It has beautiful things and the land is simply amazing. It's basically like an attraction for so many people in this city to rest, relax and live in harmony." Lydia says.

Looking ahead, they see a massive gate and are met with two guards. Approaching the gate, they see travellers and different types of people migrate into the city with massive food carriages and bags. It seems as though merchants, blacksmiths and builders from different places come together in this city.

Lebanon, who is now awake, along with his companions are met with a large gate overshadowing them. They are looking at this metal gate which is elevated by a lever within a room inside the left-hand wall. They attempt to look up at this gate as they see the utter beauty and amazement it brings. Lebanon's attention is drawn towards the top of the gate as he notices creatures that look like men, although they are far from it. These beings were created in pure gold as they shone so fervently and beautifully. It was surprising that no one even attempted to steal these precious objects as the king of the city decided to leave them exposed in front of the gate. This just goes to show how powerful and wealthy this city is. No one would dare to mess with it…. Right?

"Lebanon, this is the city of all. New Israel." Europhrian states.

Lebanon looks ahead and sees two guards are standing at the gate and looking around searching and seem to be examining all of the people who come in and out of the gate by using this illuminated rod which seems to detect something that Lebanon cannot discern. Looking to one side, he notices a child running after a balloon which seems to have left his hand as his attention was drawn to something else. Running after the balloon which is now in the air, the mother chases after him and tells him to come back and calm down. Lebanon looks back towards the gate and asks:

"What are they doing over there?" he questions while scratching his head and looking ahead.

"This is a 'search' of some sort. They usually do this to check whether people have darkness in themselves or their possessions..." As he says this, the guards at the gate are searching Europhian and then Lydia and finally to Zachzin.

As they finish searching Zachzin and are now examining Lebanon, Zachzin continues to explain the reason why they are carrying out this search. He finishes off by saying:

"...that nothing without the king's permission enters into the city. There are a lot of bad people who love to disobey orders."

"That's exactly right. That's also why there's a jail… kiddo. So don't worry, as long as you're good, nothing bad will happen to you." the guard says, smirking while folding his arms.

They use an odd light tool that looks like a sabre and hoovers around each item and each and everyone's body. When going to the leader, the white beat sabre, turned red. -> When the light scans over the leader, it immediately turns from the colour white to red.

"There seems to be some darkness in your bag… What is it?" one of the guards questions worriedly.

Zachzin responds with:

"I am Sir Zachzin. A royal commander from the tribe of Judah, and I have been given a command by the king to return the blood of a demon named Tero, located on the west border of the Forest of Dora. Here is my letter..."

Zachzin takes out a letter from his bag and shows it to each of the guards. The guards are dumbfounded and stare at each other in worry.

"WE'RE SORRY SIRE!" both the guards say in unison while bowing their heads.

Of course, in this city, there is a hierarchy. There is means of respect for individuals who work for the king. If a person is given the title of 'Sir' in front of their names, it means that they have some work related to the king and do work or jobs for him. Even disrespecting these people could result in death.

"But to be honest, those agents of darkness have been moving around rapidly lately. Looks like they're planning something and I don't like it." One guard says with discomfort.

Passing the first entry, they walk through the gates of the city. Immediately there is another set of guards who are examining people. The same process goes once again but Lebanon is left unscanned. Walking ahead, Euphorian says to Lebanon:

"About those agents of darkness? Don't worry too much about them because he has a group called 'Keepers of the Torah' they have been sent on a mass amount of missions to destroy, rebuke and remove darkness from the land of hail, southwest of Jordan."

The Guard moves closer to Lebanon and hooves the sabre around him, it touches his necklace (that he previously received from the old man) and a large ray of light shone so brightly that everyone including Lebanon became blind for about 10 seconds.

Zachzin who is blinded and is also screaming in pain yells:

"I knew there was something wrong with him!" he says while covering his eyes.

"Oh, stop it. The lightsaber probably overreacted to the blood of the demon," she says while motioning her hands towards the guards to make them ignore this.

"What is this?!" the guard still yells, ignoring her signalling.

[Can it be this necklace? Old man…. What have you done and where have you gone?! I have so many questions…. I can't even remember anything!]

"Guys! Stop it! We're making a scene for no reason!" Lydia yells once again this time, making the guards ignore the event that happened.

"Sure… Anyways, get inside. Try not to get lost and accidentally wander off in the adult section.." he says with lustful intent and smirking.

Lydia, who is disgusted by his behaviour shouts back:


"Whatever, get yourself inside the 'holy city'" the other guard chips in with a serious face.

This is ironic. Of course, this meant to be a holy and righteous city but there seems to be an 'adult section' for carnal desire. The group is already aware of this but no one would dare to question the king's reasoning and as to why he's placed things where.

As for Lebanon, he seems to show no interest and instead looks around at the villagers. He's currently in awe of the city rather than the things the guard says.

Lebanon's mind:

[Woah….. This is New Israel?]

Thinking this, Lebanon gets a flashback to the time where the tree talked to him. Fortunately, he didn't receive any headaches. Neither did he feel any pain. He looks again at the villagers and then his attention is drawn towards the marketplace which seems to have a lot of people gathered around. He sees people of different kinds going about their daily lives. Lebanon stays back while Zachin, Lydia and Euphorian move forward.

Once again, he's lost in thought.

Lydia seems to notice this and shouts:

"Lebanon let's go!" while she yells this, Lebanon comes back to reality and moves ahead by catching up to them.

"That's him, isn't it? Jaakuna" one guard says.

"Let's inform the authorities that he's arrived," he says while glaring at the group ahead.

There are many kings and lords seated around a table. They seem to be feasting with many guards around them. The king is seated at the front of the table and sees his guests around him. But for an unknown reason, he seems to be troubled by something.

King's mind:

[What is this feeling? I am a king. Why should I in all my glory and power be troubled? No city would dare to mess with me and no other human on this earth can withstand my might. So someone explains why I'm troubled?!]

He begins to feel frustrated. Getting up bangs the table with a powerful force. Instantly everyone is afraid and is in anxiety as the king's sudden change seemed to keep everyone on edge. After a moment of silence, the wife of the king; Mia, questions:

"What is it my lord?" she says while grasping his arm.

"I can feel something bad is going to happen. Although, I am unsure of what it is and don't know how to solve it." The king says with discomfort.

"Why don't you enjoy yourself! Oh, King, you have not allied with any other kingdoms merely because of the fact we are indeed too powerful! No one would even dare to attempt to harm you even in their dreams! Your kingdom is secured carefully!" One of the guests says with enthusiasm.

The king is still troubled.

He walks out to the window to essentially receive some fresh air. He looks outside the window and gazes at the moon. Now it appeared to be nighttime as it had been a couple of hours since Lebanon and the others had passed through the gate. Meanwhile, Lebanon and the others seemed to have travelled across the city and are now leaving for the forest of Dora which is seen just after the king's palace.

The king looks out from the window towards Lebanon and the others.

On the other hand, Lebanon looks around and sees the castle which appears to be taller than any other building they had seen previously. Still gazing around, he sees the king and even though this building is extremely massive and intimidating, Lebanon pays it no interest. Although, the king looks at Lebanon and miraculously his vision is enlarged. This was all for a cause though. He keeps gazing at him till he seems to perceive writing in his eye. Of course, Lebanon is oblivious and he doesn't know that his eye has a hand in it writing a message. The message said:

"Your days are numbered."


The king is utterly confused and is in a state of panic. He attempts to keep his composure because there are guests around him. He begins to hold his clothes and fix them in the correct position before turning around and walking to the table.

Outside of the room, two guards are speaking to one another:

"How was your meeting with sir zachzin?" he says with a desire to know.

"He's a good leader. But, he can't see the reason why people are killing each other. Honestly, I still believe he's just a kid and won't be able to understand the truth of the world. Although, there have been large riots happening over at smaller villages and people have been acting weirdly." He states while noticing Zachzin along with three other people in the distance.

"Tough times, tough people. When there's no mind in place, no-one can follow the rules in the first place." He says while also looking ahead.

Meanwhile, in the forest of Dorah by the south border of the city, a group of people are currently fighting because many battles are going on. To a bystander, this seems like a village's dispute, but, in the background, there are spirits in the scenes which cause the people to fight each other.

These people are torturing the men and manipulating and corrupting the hearts of men. As a result, they are possessing these men and making them kill each other.

Inside the village, there seems to be a village that struggles to get out of the dispute and skimmers out of the mass number of people. After getting to his knees, he sees a shop stand. The shop stand appears to sell bread. Seeing this pile of bread, he desperately wants for himself. Although, this is not of his own volition but is caused by the mass amount of spirit energy that's going on around in the city.

The villager then swiftly puts some bread within his bag and quickly checks to spot any onlookers. Not, he suspiciously walks towards the street, desperately attempting to escape the scene. On the other hand, the shopkeeper has just awoken and immediately checks his products.

Shopkeeper's Mind:

[Huh..?! I was asleep?! Crap… there seems to be a lot of noise inside the city… Maybe the people are just causing another ruckus. In any case, let me check my goods to see they aren't stolen.]

He starts by looking lightly at his bread and other items. He tries to spot any signs of robbery faintly, but then almost sits down. He lets out a sigh of relief just before he notices something:

[Wait a minute. There's dirt on the pieces of bread. Someone has stolen something.]

He starts looking around in desperation and worry as he realizes something is stolen and gone. He looks ahead and can't see anyone in sight. He begins to panic but then immediately tries to compose himself. After composing himself, he closes down his stall, packs his bread and then runs down to the end of multiple streets until he could find anything or anyone. He finally sees a villager walking around suspiciously by looking behind him constantly and checking to see if anyone is following him.

"HEY! STOP!" The shopkeeper yells while panting.

"W-what do you want?" the villager shouts back, shocked.

"Did you see anyone around my stall before? I think someone stole my products but It's a big city so I can't find out who did it." the shopkeeper says, still gasping for air.

"H-huh?! No… I haven't seen anyone around your bread stall." the villager responds while looking down.

"I asked the wrong question." The shopkeeper says, finally able to breathe normally.

"Why did you steal my bread?" He says with a serious tone.

"WHAT? How are you going to accuse me of something you haven't even seen?!" The villager says angrily.

"How did you know it was a bread stall?" The Shopkeeper says seriously.

The villager is now in a panic. He comes to understand that he slipped up by saying 'bread stall'. Of course, he admitted to not seeing the stall yet knew which products it was.

"Uh… That isn't enough to excuse me for something I didn't do! Hundreds of people see your stall every day as well as seeing your face! So of course I'm going to realise that it's a bread stall..."

On the other hand, the shopkeeper doesn't believe a single word of it. He stares at him, releasing some intent of harm. Not killing, but harm. In response the villager is provoked and in retaliating shouts:

"Did you glare at me just now?" he states, angrily.

"And so what if I did?" the shopkeeper responds in a domineering manner.

"You're making a stupid mistake!" the villager responds while preparing for a fight.

"I'll say it again, let me see what's in your bag," he says while glaring at him once again.

A villager is completely furious, and charges at the shopkeeper.

Meanwhile, back to the scenario of Lebanon looking at the king, he averts his eyes from direct focus and looks down into the ground. Walking down with his friends: Zachin, Europhrian, and Lydia, they go down into another cargo that will eventually lead them into a city.

Back during the chaos, there is a young girl along with her father who is a bystander to this gruesome and fierce battle. No one can understand what's going on. Villagers are instantly fighting against each other and are inflicting harm upon one another.

"Father..?" she questions.

"Yes Sharda daughter?" he responds while clenching his fist.

"Why are they fighting over there? What's going on?" she asks, worriedly.

"I have no idea but what I do know is that these people are doing something which doesn't make sense. I don't think any of the higher officials are aware of this feat so in their ignorance they just allow this," he responds in the tone of anger.

Now, it begins to get even more chaotic as the villagers are now severely injuring each other and inflicting serious pain upon one another. They fight and attack one another by breaking bones, causing bloodshed. Any longer would lead to death. Two other figures seem to be specifically different from the others as they are the ones leading this attack. They appear as people who are hooded wearing matte black cloaks and as their eyes are completely black. Almost as they are possessed.

They raise their hands and spiritual things seem to fly out of their hands and begin to whisper in the villager's ears.

"That man called your wife ugly. When he kills you he is going to marry her for his carnal desire and kill all your children." one spirit whispers.

"He likes your garden and wants to plunder your goods for himself. Kill him before he kills you!" another spirit whispers.

"You have worked hard to be faithful to the I AM but you're still not pregnant! KILL YOUR HUSBAND AND BE MARRIED TO ANOTHER!" another spirit whispers.

All these whispers seemed to cause a feeling of anger towards the villagers. All of them have but one motive. One objective. That was to:


They begin to kill each other as they are filled with rage and bitterness. They're being manipulated and deceived to destroy each other. Blood is smeared all over walls and pathways. The whole street was a warzone and anyone accidentally warped in by accident will be a victim of evil circumstances.

"Father!" Sharda yells.

"I'm aware. We'll have to help them! Let's go!" he responds while looking for an object to fight with.

Lebanon, Zachzin, and the others are currently in a cargo hold. They are heading to the heart of the city. The village is a ways off from the city so nobody is notified of this war going on and the disaster that is befalling everyone there.

"What's the 'heart of the city' like?" Lebanon asks.

"Well, it's the most beautiful location for living, and being," Lydia says.

"What does 'being' mean?" Lebanon responds with questions.

"Being means to live. You just have to be yourself you know?" Europhrian responds while looking out of the cargo.

After a short pause, he continues:

"Well, everything here was made by the I AM."

"The I AM?" he responds.

Back to the palace, the feast between royals and the guests seems to have ended. The king who has now settled down a bit goes back to his quarters and closes his door. Walking in, he lights a candle which seems to dimly light up the place just a bit. He sits by his desk and begins to write. The note states.

Dear Unknown,

What is going on?! I have numbered days! This isn't what we promised! You're not upholding your end of the promise! Respond to me immediately.

After writing such a short letter, he removes his garments and goes to his bed. The king's hair was a delicate red as he was a descendant of the line of the royal family. People who inherit his hair is a sign of relation towards the royal family. His face appeared to have some sort of wrinkles and he also possessed a beard. That too was indeed red. His eyes were also a scarlet colour which correlated with his hair. He lays his head down and appears to fall asleep.

On the other hand, the letter seems to have other words he hasn't written by himself. It states:

"We'll sort something out."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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