
Trading with tribes

Chapter 6

Trading with tribes

8 months later:

I was barely able to survive the winter which continued for 2 more months after I encountered the bears.

Thankfully, I had enough food to keep my belly full, on most days. There were only a few times when I slept the night on an empty stomach. The bear meat alone helped very much. I liked it best when I fried the red meat in its own fat though I kept the usage of fat, minimum, as, without it, I didn't have anything else which can be used to fry.

The fish had its own oil so I hadn't needed anything to cook the fish and I usually saved some oil from fish to fry the other animal meat. But in the winter, fish were scarce.

I did some trading with the Thenns in the winter like the Bear's bones as they were nearest to my cave. The Opayol Tribe was actually the nearest but by that time, I hadn't encountered them.

Some of the Thenn tribe members were shocked to see me as they thought I perished in the blizzard. I was amused by their shocked looks. Obviously, they asked questions. I was already prepared for them. I specifically told them that God flame helped me. They didn't ask any questions after that. The people of this time were a superstitious lot.

When the Thenns asked me about the bears' bones and the other bear parts (like claws), I just said that I found the bears. I couldn't bullshit them with any lie like I got the drop on them or they were fighting and I killed the winner by the lucky shot. Sometimes their excellent hearing can be a pain in the ass. They could hear the heartbeat so they could easily discern the truth. The best way to lie to them was to tell them half-truths.

After all I 'found' them, resting in a cave. Let them assume I found the carcass of the bears. It helped that I only took the bones after all the meat was over. If they had some ways to find out the time passed since their death, all they would have found out that they died some weeks ago, not how they died.

In return for it, I got a bear trap. I really was lucky that the 3rd tribe was so desperate for the food that allowed me to take 2 bear traps. Here, I had to do some hard bargaining to get that single bear trap. I decided I would do something good for the 3rd village once the winter is over.

They also tanned and mended the bearskin according to my instruction for the bear claws and teeth. I kept a bear claw from each bear with me but traded the others. At last, a sleeping bag was made of the bear hide. Their furs were on the outside and one could just slide in and remain warm even without the fire.

I knew, making it would not be easy so I traded the claws as I knew they could be used in making so many things. And it really wasn't easy. It took them a day a night to properly make it. I had to remain there for 2 nights. I watched them work as I didn't want them to cut any hide from it. It was perfect for me. It was quite a bit long for me but it would be perfect when I get older. In fact, it was perfect for 2 older people.

I also learned that the tribe was formed in reference to a famous tribe according to the founder. I kept it to myself that the famous tribe was probably from a famous book and their founder was probably a fan of ASOIAF books.

I also started my exercises again as there were not many things you could do when there is snowing outside. After 10 months of continuous exercises, I could now do 5 sets of 10 exercises, each. I was a little surprised that I was able to increase the sets so much (a set per two months). After thinking for a bit, I shrugged. Still, suspected that it was because the boy was fit when he used to live with his tribe and before he starved to death. And my lifestyle only increased my body's vitality.

On days when it didn't snow, I spent my time practicing my archery skills. I was able to increase the range by 2 steps in the last 8 months. All in all, I could get a bullseye under the range of 10 steps. And my steps were getting longer with time as I continued to grow. I could also kill any animal under the distance of 12 steps but the arrow would not hit the exact mark I would be targeting. But it doesn't matter if the arrow hits the animal an inch away from the eye. It will still kill the animal after getting an arrow in the brain.

I could feel that my range of attack wouldn't increase any more until my puberty hits. Even the increase in the last 2 steps of the range was only because of my regular practice.

I also spent my time working to use the bow and arrows without the use of my eyes. I found a bell and got the idea from it, though, I practiced that archery in the safety of my cave. I knew the blind people could use the arrows from the cannon so I could also do it. I would tie the bell at a big lug near the mouth of the cave. And it would ring with the help of cold winds. I would then use my hearing to take aim. There was a chance that an animal could happen to me at that time so I always uncovered my blindfold after taking a shot. That way I wouldn't get any surprises.

My traps also held fine considering I was unharmed though I saw their effectiveness during one night of the winter.

One night I was woken up by the wolf howling. It took me some time to came out of my sleep. Once, I came out of my sleep and realized the situation, I quickly picked up my bows and arrows from the other corner of the cave.

When I looked at the cave mouth, I saw the 4 wolves standing behind the first line of fire so I did what anyone would do. I fired my arrow. It was a perfect shot and the arrow went through a wolf head which dropped dead. The other wolves fled and didn't try to attack me. Still, I couldn't sleep and kept vigil. I knew the wolves hunted in packs larger than 4.

Only, when the fire died down, I exited the cave with the arrow ready to shoot at anything that moved.

On exiting the cave, I found a wolf whimpering in 1 of my traps. It looked like it tried to run too but the trap held. The guy was still alive after getting caught in the bear trap so I put the arrow through his head to put it out of his misery.

For the next few days, I was a little scared that the wolves would attack me and couldn't sleep properly for the next few days. In my paranoia, I even increased the area of the spike trap making it about 4 feet instead of just 3. Thankfully my estimation of the cave was a little wrong. The cave was about 10 feet long so it wasn't getting cramped. It was a pain in the ass to take them out every day but I only took out some spikes from the side to exit the cave.

Thankfully nothing happened like this for the rest of the winter though the meat from the wolves was a godsend in the middle of the winter. I hadn't been able to catch any fish at that time as the river was frozen. They really came at a good moment when I needed them the most.

I took both of the wolves with me to the tribe for the trading. I also told them that I would keep most of the meat and the hide to myself. They weren't happy that I would be taking the most important parts but considering that they wouldn't get a thing otherwise, they didn't complain. I already told them that if they tried to cheat me, I would never trade with them. I would instead go to the other tribe. They didn't need to know that, the only tribe near my cave, other than them, was the Opayol Tribe and I definitely didn't want to go to them.

So they let me saw them doing their thing. I saw them work their magic on the wolves. That way I also learned the proper way of skinning the wolves and storing which parts.

The tribe again asked how I killed the wolves. I just said that they got caught by the bear traps I had. It was the truth as 1 of the wolf was caught in the trap. I already knew they would ask so I brought the bear traps. I could easily cover the distance between the tribe and my cave in 1 day by running so at first I wasn't going to take the bear traps with me but later took them when I thought about the situation.

During that time, they spent quite a lot of time trying to make me sell. I even heard some people planning to kill me and taking them all. Thankfully, one of the men nearby dissuaded them.

Still, that conversation left an impression on me. I didn't want to kill or injure anyone. I would do it if I had to but I didn't want that situation to arise. Moreover, I also knew that I could die in that situation. My eyes would help but I don't know if I would be able to escape unscathed. I also felt pity towards them as they were trying to make the ends meet. The meat could also go bad if I left it for some days. The cold climate would help but it would not stop the deterioration as salt could.

All these points made my decision.

Still, I let them try a few more times before agreeing to sell meat from one of the wolves. I also traded the bones and other unusable things (for myself) for a big pot so that I could warm the water and bathe myself with it. I hadn't been able to bathe at that time considering the river was frozen.

I didn't have to tell them as they tanned the hides of the wolves on their own.

I thought about telling them to make me proper clothes from the wolf hides but decided against it. I could keep them as it is and make them once I am all grown up. The clothes now would just get short. Instead, they added some more furs of the animals that I hunted on my clothes on my instruction. The new clothes were a little loose so they would be enough for at least a year or two.

I still felt that they got a better deal but after a day and a half, one thing changed my mind: I could bathe again.

Bathing with warm water was really something else. I felt all my worries and frustration when I bathe with warm water for the first time all those months ago. After that, I felt that it was one of the best deals I made since I arrived here.

I was also lucky that I didn't get sick in the winter otherwise I was a goner. I got the gift of the vision but I needed to know other knowledge to not only survive but to thrive. If I got sick, I was a goner. I didn't have any healer with me to even look after me. And if I get sick, I wouldn't be able to catch my food which would make the situation even worse.

After that, I didn't trade with them for the next 5 months as that talk about them killing me left an impression. Instead, I traded with Opayol Tribe a few times during the middle to the late spring season. I still remember the first time, I went to trade with Opayol Tribe.


When I felt like the Opayol Tribe would have enough food for the moment, I went to their tribe. It took me 2 days to find their tribe's location. I only took my dagger, bow, and arrows for my protection and some trading material. I didn't take the bear traps as I used my old spot for spending the night. I didn't even need my furs as the nights were not that cold compared to the winters. My furs and the fire was more than enough to keep me warm on the nights. I also closed my cave with a big boulder so that no one could use it while I was away.

I knew that the Tribe was said to be made of scavengers and thieves but considering that I was armed I thought they would not be reckless. Moreover, my knowledge came from a show that showed the things that will happen quite sometime in the future. It could be wrong or maybe they were not on that level yet. Other tribes did not like them much but they didn't say many bad things about them either.

I made myself known to them and stated my intentions clearly.

"My name is Thor Stark. I have come to trade my fish here" I said in a clear, loud, and firm voice. Obviously, I had changed my name. Keeping my previous name didn't feel right. Moreover, it would be totally alien name for this era. And keeping the boy's name didn't sit right with me either. So, I named myself after two of the best characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I knew they had a vast collection of plastic and other wastes. But I could see while they cannot. I hoped that maybe I could find something useful from all that waste. After all, something they thought useless could be useful for me. I also didn't tell them my age so that they don't get any idea. I am sure the idea of robbing a child would appeal to them. By my voice and maturity, I could impersonate as a teenager if no one touched me.

Anyways, after I made myself known, there was a standoff between us. When it looked like they really would try to rob me, I told them that I was armed and could use my sword and spear really well while I notched my arrow to fire at the slightest movement of aggression. Obviously, I didn't have a sword but my bluff worked. Maybe they really understood that my tone was serious and I was ready to kill at the slightest provocation.

I also told them that I heard about their collection and would like to trade my fish if they have something worth trading. I knew the worth of my fish would be less in the spring season but considering that I, myself, was only able to make my ends meet in the winter, I couldn't have done anything.

I was taken to their place. Truthfully the show was pretty accurate. Their tribe was really scavengers. Even their homes were built from plastic waste. The members that brought me called out the other members. Once, all of them were there, I again repeated my name and my intention to trade fish and they should bring me something if they have something useful to me.

One of them asked, "How many fish do you have?"

I looked there to see a pretty woman who looked half-starved with a small child of about 4-5 years old beside her.

I answered, "I have six" after which she and others went back to their homes and start bringing the stuff.

Some of them showed me some waste thinking they would be able to make a fool out of me.

When I didn't show any interest in their waste, only then they started showing me some good stuff. Some were good and some not. But nothing was there which caught my attention. It took quite a lot of time to check as I had to pretend to smell, touch the wares after all I 'could not' see. The act was draining but I maintained it with utmost perfection. After all, I wasn't in any hurry to die.

Suddenly a woman came forward, with a small girl beside her, and dumped a bundle of arrows, with steel at their front. I noticed that the woman was the same one who asked the question. But most of my attention went to the arrows. The quality of wood was quite bad after all this time but the steel was good enough.

'Jackpot' my mind screamed.

Still, I kept my voice even and tone disinterested and let them show some more wares. At last, I decided to buy the arrows. With my hard bargaining, I was able to trade 10 arrows from the lot for half a dozen of my fish. If this was winter, I would have gotten the lot in 2 or 3 fish.

Still, it was more than enough.

By the time I bought the arrows, all the other people had dispersed as I didn't show any interest in their wares.

I also told her that I would trade more fish next time I come for the whole bundle. The woman was quite happy after hearing this. I could feel her joy when she whispered to me that there was 1 more bundle at her home. I didn't know why she whispered as my mind was on other things like if the woman was telling the truth than she had 50 steel-tipped arrows and I wanted all of them.

I told her I would be back in 5 days. She agreed though she told me that she would only sell 10 of the 'twigs' for 6 fish and not a single fish, less. I told her it was fine.

With 'my' arrows in my quiver, I went back to my cave.

Flashback ends

I went back 4 more times in the next 3 weeks and traded 2 dozen fish for the 40 steel-tipped arrows. In between, I learned that the woman's husband almost died a week back, when the wolves attacked him. I suspected that they were the same wolves that attacked me. I was a little surprised as the wolves don't attack men unless they are on their last legs. Considering, this was the height of spring, they should have an abundance of prey.

I also got her name, which was Sheila. Her daughter's name was Delia. I suspected that this was the same Delia who bore Boots with Jerameral. But, I couldn't be sure.

Anyway, since her husband almost died she had to take care of her daughter and find food. The winter didn't help as she had to find food for her husband too. She was even starving herself and her child so that her husband could recover. So my fish actually helped her a lot. Seeing this, I bought some more things from her in the next few weeks after I was done buying the arrows.

I bought some rubber bands, bells, etc. Rubber bands for the string of the quiver while bells to practice my archery while blindfolded. I didn't bargain much as I felt a little pity for her.

I also learned that she whispered about the extra bundle as she didn't want other people in her tribe to steal it from them and they really would have stolen them if they had gotten any clue about it.

I would be lying if the thought of joining the Opayol Tribe didn't cross my mind. But the other people weren't trusting of me. Sure Sheila was warm towards me but my time would definitely be wasted here and not without any pain.

Still, I helped her for more than a month. I also brought some medicinal herbs that helped in healing the skin. By the end of the month, her husband was able to stand on his feet once again.