

Living as a slave under the Baek Clan, Baek Yisoo was no more than a slave to his fate. The meaning of his existence was to follow the orders of his masters and to be a slave. Until that day... Seeing something he shouldn't have, Yisoo paid a price that would change his life forever. Unjustly killed, Yisoo was condemned to disappear into the depths of darkness. But a twist of fate offered Yisoo an unexpected second chance. Reborn by the miraculous power of the Seduction System, Yisoo was a different person. -------------------------------- WHAT DID THEY SAY ABOUT THE NOVEL? "Thanks to this novel, I've won every battle I've fought with women." (Sun Tzu) "Could such a great book have written itself? Seriously I ask." (Darwin) "The book was good and bad at the same time until I opened it and read it. Now only good." (ScHRÖDINGER) "I saw myself in the novel." (Giacomo Giralomo Casanova)

DonPablos · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Eternal Spring Mantra

Baek Yisoo took out the contents of the bag and put it on the bed. Minji, wrapped in blankets, watched him with wet but murderous eyes. No matter how hard he looked, Baek Yisoo did not get offended or angry. Instead, he did his part.


"What time is it?" asked Minji, she couldn't take it anymore. She was going through a critical time and any absence would be to her detriment. Especially since there were many maids who wanted to become Senior Maids in her place.


"Don't worry, I took the day off for you."


Minji's eyes widened with concern, "What did you say?" 


"I'm not that stupid. No one will ever know what happened. Unless you want them to. I told Yong-mi that your mother's illness has relapsed, so she can't come today," Baek Yisoo explained.


Minji breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want them to find out that she had lost her virginity. Otherwise she would be ostracized by the others, perhaps losing her chance to become a Senior Maid. After all, no one would want to take on an adulterous maid as an assistant, would they?


 Especially not next to a newly engaged lady like the second young lady...


"What are you planning to do?" asked Baek Yisoo.


It would be wrong to say that he didn't feel a little guilty. Partly because it had happened against Minji's will. Baek Yisoo had gotten the help of the Target Coupon, forcibly raising her Interest Level from 51% to 100%.


He had also enjoyed it so much that every time he remembered it, his body involuntarily became excited. He was erect, his heart was pounding. He wanted to do it again.


Of course, that wasn't the only reason.


[Interest Level: 73/100]


Above the Interest Level bar, another bar appeared. This bar had a light blue indicator that moved like a liquid.


[Available Seduction Points: 100/100]


When he woke up in the morning, many things had changed in the system. When he received his mission rewards, the System was truly his.


Name: Baek Yisoo


Level 3 (23%)


General Points:


Life Points: 313/333


Inner Energy 30/30


Form Points: Breath 3 (+2), Health 3 (+2), Strength 3 (+2), Libido 4, Appearance 12, Charisma 9 (+1)


Statistics Points: 21


Ability Points: 4


Seduction Score: 70



-Eternal Spring Mantra (0.1%)


Now he could level up. Also, another form point called [Libido] was unlocked. For completing three quests at once, he gained 100 Seduction Points, 21 Free Stat Points, 2 levels, and an ability called the Eternal Spring Mantra.


And he realized that each woman now had a separate bar in her head called [Available Seduction Points].


Although no one but Minji had ever seen it go past 20, he realized that this represented the points he could earn from that woman.


Of course, how he could get those points was a question.


Baek Yisoo was busy studying the system while Minji stared at him in silence. He didn't even realize how he looked from the outside.


"I don't know what to do, I can't possibly marry anyone else now," Minji continued, "Be a man and take responsibility."


Virginity was a very important thing. Minji didn't think any other man would accept her like this. She had two choices. To remain single for the rest of her life or to continue with Baek Yisoo.


She was going to think about it...


"It's up to you to decide..." Baek Yisoo said. He had no intention of taking responsibility. Of course he would help. But she was only twenty years old. Getting married? He didn't think he should be in such a hurry to ruin his life.


He knew what was on Minji's mind. He was not above her in status, so she didn't have any respect for him. But for someone with an interest level above 70%, she was talking too much. And it wasn't getting on his nerves.


"Hey, you can't be so reckless!" Minji snapped, contempt and anger in her voice.


"Are you sure?" Baek Yisoo said with a frown. He knew Minji was bigoted and narrow-minded, but he hadn't thought it was this much. 


Baek Yisoo embraced the young woman and put her down on the bed.


"Let go of me!"


The young woman struggled but couldn't get out of Baek Yisoo's arms. "Hay, hay~" Baek Yisoo said with a mischievous smile and let her go suddenly.


Minji fell on the bed with a light cry. She was like a little rabbit in front of a wolf. There was no trace of her earlier calculating demeanor.


"I've prepared everything, I'm going out again, I'll give you some time to think..."


 "To think?" Minji asked, a little shy, a little sullen.


Baek Yisoo didn't answer that.


"Enjoy yourself and don't forget to take the medicine."




After leaving the inn, he stopped a carriage and headed for the back streets. At the same time, he looked at the [Eternal Spring Mantra], the new skill he had won.


It was the first skill he had acquired and it was very exciting for him. Because this skill was a breath art.




[Eternal Spring Mantra]


Description: The Eternal Spring Mantra is a breathing technique inspired by nature's natural cycle of regeneration. It stores the energy received during sexual intercourse and transforms it into Spring Qi. Spring Qi is softness in the face of hardness.


Grade: Legendary


Mastery: 0.1



Although Baek Yisoo had not yet stepped into this world, he knew the importance of breathing techniques.

These techniques determine the type of one's inner energy, strengthening and qualifying it. For example, the breathing technique of the Mount Hua Sect was called the Plum Blossom Breath. Plum Blossom Breath makes one's inner energy sharper and stronger.


To use the special techniques of the Mount Hua Sect, such as the Seven Swords of Plum Blossom, one had to have Plum Blossom Qi.


Every great clan and great organization built their legacy on breathing techniques. For example, Baek Yisoo would learn the first part of the Baek Clan's breathing technique after one week. Then he would learn the skills specific to that breathing technique.


"What does legendary grade mean? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious."


He tried to use the skill, but a warning popped up.


[Since your mastery is below 10%, it is recommended that you use it in a quiet and secluded place].


Baek Yisoo knew why.


'I've heard that martial artists shouldn't be distracted while meditating. When they are distracted, they can lose control of their inner energy...'


"We're here, sir."


Hearing the driver's voice outside, Baek Yisoo closed the windows in front of him and went outside. After paying for the carriage, he told him to pick him up here in half an hour and gave him some more money.


'Back alleys...'


This was Yulin City's beggars' and gangsters' paradise. There were three great rulers of the back alleys. The first was the Beggars' Sect, one of the Ten Noble Sects. Anyone who called himself a beggar had to belong to this organization.


For a while, the Beggars' Sect did intelligence work for the Virtue Alliance. About a hundred years ago, in the War of Good and Evil, it declared its independence and became a separate organization. They had a surprisingly deep and great heritage.


The other of the three rulers was the Hao Clan. The Hao Clan was not a clan characterized by powerful experts. Or rather, they were not a clan. Rather, it was a syndicate of people from the lower strata of society.


They shared information, spread rumors, and dominated intelligence. They were the Beggar's Sect's biggest rival.


The last was the most terrifying of the three, the Green Valley under the Blood Moon. The Green Valley was the common meeting place for thugs and bandits in Shaanxi. They were undoubtedly the masters of every back alley.


The person Baek Yisoo was going to visit was a Green Valley gangster.


He went through the back alleys and came to a dilapidated building. After walking around the building, he entered through an alcove.


Inside, sleeping in the sunlight, was a fat middle-aged man. The man was so fat that Baek Yisoo was sure he weighed more than one hundred and fifty kilograms.


"Mr. Green Dragon..."


Chapters will come according to the level of interest...

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