

I was busy working out some calculations from the report that I had received from the office. I was absent from the place today and yesterday. I had to do some more work or else other entrepreneurs will defeat me in business.

This my empire, my baby, well if you want me to say so. I have natured it from scratch after my dad tried to buy one using my sister as collateral for his greediness and later lost it because of the same. 

I can't say he has nothing to his name, but what I can say, the only thing he did was to educate me and am grateful, but apart from that, there is no respect I can give to that man. Not after he sold my sister for money and thinking that he could move up the ladder.

This company is the only thing that keeps me going, I want to build a legacy and I am already eating on the high tables. Am not even the guest, I am the host and getting anything I want is what I do.

"Babe, can you please come to bed?" 

Not now again. This is like the tenth time she is coming in here to ask me to join her, what she doesn't get is that I can't sleep and win at the same time, I need to sacrifice one to win.

I placed the folder I was holding on the table and removed my glasses to look at her.

She is beautiful, a model who anyone can fight for.  But why not me? 

I wanted her so bad, when she was walking on the runway, I wanted her to be on my bed, her body writhing in the painful-sweet pleasure as her legs lay spread apart as she continuously calls my name. 

Look at us now, it was just love embroidered lust and it has faded. I have just kept her here like a pet that you don't want but your parents want you to be responsible, who they force you with it.

Looking at her now, I can't see anything good. I don't feel the pleasure rush that I wanted previously. It has faded, and she is just like any other girl I know.

"I see how you look at me, come to me now," she pleaded while doing her cat moves towards me. She touches me and caresses her hands on my body but nothing, it was like holding a dead snake and waiting for it to bite you but it can't.

What do I tell her that, I am not in the mood? How do I explain to her that she should go get some sleep because I am not going to join her tonight?.

I don't want to force myself into her the same way I did yesterday. Using Dee's image to get hard and to fuck her while imagining my body was intertwining with Dee's is not a good thing.

She moved closer and placed her lips on mine, "Get out!" 

She jumped up and accidentally fell back on my study table.

"Babe, am sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen," I apologised as I moved closer to her. I grabbed her and placed her in my embrace.

She removed herself forcefully out of my embrace and walked out of the study room. I thought that she had hurt herself but she had not. 

I thought of following her but just let her go. I also needed to calm myself down before I walk out.

I went back to my desk, trying to work things out and focusing on the sheets that were spread on my desk but it was not happening.

"What have you done to me, Dee?" I asked myself.

As much as I want to focus on something else I can't. I don't even want to see her because Nick threatened to get her out of my house if I go on depressing her and acting inappropriately.

I decided to look out for her pictures on her social media. I bet she has some photos there or someone who jas tagged her in some photos. Her sister or Edith maybe.

Searching through her name on Instagram, I couldn't find any account related to her. 

How couldn't she have an account yet everyone right now has an account including newborn babies?

Unless she is using different names that she doesn't want people to know. I left social media and decided to look at the pictures that we have derived from Kim's house. 

The pictures had a perfect angle of her. Some were her nudes and most of the pictures were of her in briefs. 

I don't know why I was looking at these pictures. Because if it was meant to satisfy my urge for Dee, they didn't work out. I ended up getting frustrated and angered with every picture that was taken without her consent.

Everything about these pictures doesn't add up. The interest was only shown on Dee. Mostly, her private areas, boobs and armpits.

But what of importance will be of that to that person? Unless they wanted to use her body or they wanted to kill her and use her body parts?

"Don't you think you are concentrating too much on that rather than listening to what is going inside?" Said Dominic.

"I am just trying to look at these pictures and they don't add up," 

"Dude, can you just stand up and come with you, or do you want to call the police and explain to them what happened to Dee's body," he said Sarcastically and my headshot up on hearing Dee's name.

"What happened Dominic?" I asked home while jumping up from my seat but after placing the pictures back in a safe.

"Come talk to Dorcas, or she is going to kill Dee in her sleep," replied Dominic while moving away from the door.

I rushed past him and went to Dee's room.

Dorcas was standing on her bed with a gun to Dee's head. Her body was shaking and I feared she might accidentally fire the gun on Dee's head.

"Talk to her man, I don't have time to bother with her, but if she tries and even hurt her even a scratch on her face, I will repay with a big scratch on your pretty face!" Shouted Dominic and stood outside as he watched me walk inside the room.

Dorcas was not talking, she was just standing with the gun pointed at Dee's head. She was asleep and I know she doesn't know what is going on around her. Nick had given her some sedatives to help with her sleep before he went away.

I took a step forward and Dorcas cocked the gun and forced it on Dee's head with force.

I regretted the day image accompanied my shooting. She only had three lessons with me, I do t think she can probably get the main idea on how to shoot.

But who am I kidding? What are youtube videos there for? She might have gone there to read more and watched more videos. Plus who's gun is she holding?

I moved further and she pitched the gun at my face. Her eyes were full of tears. Her make up had now faded and dry lines of tears were visible on her cheeks.

"Not a fucking step, I do t mind fighting your forehead with these bullets Jake," she said amidst tears.


That is the only word she would accept from me, the only way to smoother her heart.

"Don't babe me Jake, just tell me if you love me," she shouted while pointing the gun at me before pointing it back to Dee.

"Dorcas I love you, I was just going through something today sweetheart," I said to her in a soft pleading voice.

My main aim was to get to the gun and disarm her before she does something drastic about it.

"No, Jake, you don't love me, why would you bring get into the house, even if she is sick Jake, you have never brought any sick person into your house, have you forgotten this is the first day am in your house, the other days you use expensive hotels and lie that you are tired to go to your house, but her just a sick person and you give her a five-star treatment in your house!" 

"Oh boy, this is bad," I thought to myself as I was trying to think.

"Babe," I called again but the gun went off.



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