

The days have been going on well. Dominic and I had toured the campus, I picked my timetables and settled on a Business Management course. 

Today is my third week, most of the time I have my classes in the evening because Jake keeps me busy with work on most of the days, and for the days that my hands are not full, he allows me to go for my classes. 

Sometimes he gets an excuse to drive me to campus just to give me some highlights for the day. Like today, he decided to driver claiming that neither Pete nor Dominic can drive me because they are busy with work.

I swear being around him is awkward most of the time but sometimes it's fun because we get to talk about other things. He claims that he doesn't want me to stay in campus hostels because life there is so weird and not good for me, I mean who told him that I can't handle life on campus? I am a big girl, right? I can cook for myself, buy my food and do other things but he doesn't believe I can do that.

Whatever I have to agree with his ways, it's fun being driven home and back to school every day but most of my classmates live far from their homes ao they stay in school.

The only problem is I don't get to engage in other activities, evening clubs and even going for sit-in competitions that the campus offers but I hope one day I will get to indulge in them. 

"What are you thinking about?" Jake startles me from my thoughts. 

What should I say? 

"I just want to engage in afternoon or evening clubs but I can't because of your strict nature?" 

I can't say that, I understand I need to be grateful for the great things he has done for me and this is how I am repaying for it, I mean, who offers to take you to an expensive college, pays for your tuition fees and except nothing in return, 'you should be grateful that you will have your monthly stipends at the end of the month, something that your classmates can't afford, smile and be grateful!' Reprimanded my inner self. 

"Nothing, just how good the weather is and I believe it's going to be a good day ahead," I said calmly. 

Not like I was angry or something, I wanted to maintain my calm posture throughout the day.

He focused on the road and took the final turn to the campus parking lot. 

The space is always full. Being a prestigious university, most students drove themselves to school, especially fourth years and some newbies in schools. 

"I will pick you at one," he said parking the car at the VIP section. 

I avoided looking at him and watched as my classmates were walking downstairs to the lecture hall. 

"One?" I questioned as I threw him a look.

"Yes, you had anything planned?" He asks.

Yes, I had ten things planned, Valarie, Brian, Bob and I had agreed to take our lunch and discuss some things for our class. How can I give an excuse?

"I have a group discussion, my term paper needs to be submitted in three weeks," I explained hoping that he was going to reconsider his opinion. 

"I thought I had requested you have your solo projects rather than group discussion?" He asked as anger was now evident in his voice.

Solo project? Can't I have a group discussion? 

Groups discussions help and doing solo work seems difficult. Though even if I tell him that, he won't listen to it. He is among the board of managers in The University and whatever he says is listened to. 

"Okay, I will be available in the afternoon," I replied and opened the door to walk out. 

"Hey," he called and I faced him. 

His eyes softened and he gave me a warm smile, "have a nice day, okay?" 

I smiled and nodded my head to agree to his question. 

Walking out of the car, Jonathan was also walking towards the lecture hall and he saw me walking towards him. He stood and gave me his usual wink before hugging me tightly.

"Morning beautiful?" He greeted as he placed his backpack steadily in his back.

He was the first person to help me with the campus tour when we came with Dominic. We have grown close as classmates, we are in the same discussion groups and we handle the same course. 

"Morning," I mono_replied.

"Your brother again? Why can't I meet him?" He asked as he moved towards Jake's car.

Jake quickly took a turn and drove in front of us freaking him out.

They believe that Jake is my brother but I don't want to explain to them why he has to pack in the VIP section. Jake told me that sometimes, your classmates need to be your classmates and whatever you share with them is just classwork. That's what I have tried to do, creating a boundary between my school life and personal life that doesn't need to be known. 

Though Bob is not playing a good job at keeping away from it. He has explained to me how he comes from an influential family though I didn't bother to ask more about it because that's not my concern. 

"You are not supposed because he is none of your business Jonathan, let's get to class," I said leaving him with a pout and frowning face.

Settling in my class, I felt a vibration from my phone, since the lesson was far from starting, I looked at my phone and saw a text from Jake.

Jake: I don't like that boy, stop flirting on campus you are there to read.

Two devil emojis were accompanying it. 

Was that flirting? I mean, we know each other and he hasn't even shown any signs of wanting to be with me in any way. This is why I hate it when Jake drives me to campus.

Dominic will just tell me to have fun and wink when a boy says hi, what's wrong with Jake it's not like we are in a relationship for him to lecture me about flirting!

Diana: I am not, he is a classmate that's all.

I didn't even need to explain who he is to him, leaving him on read is better sometimes but that will have to be answered for.

He didn't reply, securing a seat for the group, we loved sitting on the second row of the hall. It was more convenient than the back. 

People thought we were book warmers, that was not the idea, we just wanted to be focused in class and that's all. 

Though sometimes Brian and Valarie loved to settle in the back after arriving late from where I don't know. 

Bob sat beside me and watched me with the side of his eyes as I opened my mac book, I was trying to keep myself occupied before he starts with his questions about how my night was and why I didn't wait for them after our last lessons. 

Trust me, it's always hard to explain to them why I have to go away early and why sometimes I opt for online group discussion. 

I can't tell them that I am working for Jake or I am busy, Dominic explained that it will be good to use a different technique other than that. 

So I use the one for going for regular checkups because I have high blood pressure and I need to rest well in the afternoon or I have to babysit for my brother because he doesn't trust a nanny to do the work. 

They always feel sorry for me, but it works, especially with many sitting though it's hard to showcase the baby I am babysitting because there is none.

"So, about our afternoon discussion, are going to be there physically today?" He asked as he moved closer to me avoiding the personal space that we had created.

"Yeah," I replied quickly to make him change the topic. I can't say no but I know I will say no again to attend one of Jake's numerous meetings.

The classes started, I do enjoy the classes once more. I had decided to be available in every class and unlike high school where I used to rarely be available mentally. 

Though sometimes mathematics is difficult, I try my best to make sure I get everything correct, Jake is also good at it so he guides me most of the time with the work. 

The other things are quite easy to work on and don't require me to stress. 

"Where are you at, focus," came Valarie's voice. 

"I am, just zoned out a bit," I replied and she chuckled. 

Watching her direction, her hand was clasped on Brians. Bob had said that they were a thing since they were in high school and they had moved in together. 

I am happy for them, though that is something that I can't focus on right now. I need to be busy with classwork and not some little drama in relationships.

Though is still believe a time will come when I will get what I want but now, no, I news to focus on the opportunity that had landed on.

"Miss Kings, I would love to see you," came the lectures voice as I was busy checking the assignments presented in our emails.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the so-called Miss kings. Bob looked at me with shock written all over his face.

I heard that whenever a lecture calls a student, especially a girl the other students think it's an affair they have going on.

Mr Collymore has never called me, but he has a good relation with Jake, I have seen him several times in Jake's office. I knew it was about the group assignment and I was not bothered about it.

Walking towards his office, he smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Good morning," I greeted.

"Morning, come in," he said and offered me a seat.

"Mr Jake said you need to carry out the solo project and he is against the idea of group work. He feels like the only way he will know whether you are doing well on campus is for you to have your work, so group works don't count for your term paper. I will present some term work I'm your email, in case of any problem you can consult me," 

Well, I told you, this is aimed at killing me. It's not like I am a lazy person when it comes to group work, I am a good team member but I don't know why Jake feels solo work is more effective than group work. 

"Thank you Mr Collynore," I faked a smile. 

The truth is, I feel like Jake is being too hard on me, he wants me to him extra with my work. Even in the office, he wants neat work without even a dot of untidiness. 

Most of the days I sleep at two in the morning to make sure that his work is in order and ready before office hours. Though he keeps me company, most of the time he is in business calm with investors from Dubai or Pakistan. 

 Unless you have a different opinion about that, but to me, that is the feeling.

"Don't be worried Miss Kings, this is for your betterment and not like a punishment. Most people in a group depend on others to work for them, but in a solo project your tutor will know your area of weakness, so focus on it," told my lecture.

Was that supposed to make me feel special?

It still doesn't help, but what do they say about success, no pain no gain that's what I am doing right now.