

I know I had previously said bad things about him, how he doesn't deserve to be a human. I know to agree with him. It's good to put our feelings and just a side is that I can pursue my goal in life. Making sacrifices and taking risks is what it takes to be who I want to be. 

I had to accept it, I should let their body desire out and focus on what I want so bad, education, career. 

How blind was I to think that living him is the main thing in this world, though a part of me feels like loving him is what I want but that should be the basic priority. 

Imagine if he would have offered me sex in exchange for my education? Would I still be looking at him as the same man he is? 

J would have probably condemned him, stained his name in the street and taken our secret conversation to the paparazzi so that I can get a lot of money the way other people do. Bit, no, he is not that type If a person, he is offering my education in return, I work for him and that's all he wants.

Finalising our call, I decided to check on my sister. I know she probably hasn't been a home bit I had to make sure everything was okay.

Dialling her number, the probe was ringing but she was not giving up. I tried to give her another ring hoping that she will be in a good mood and respond to my call. Luckily she did.

It seems like she was still sleeping as her voice was hoarse and heavy.

"Hello," I said.

I wasn't sure which reaction to expect from her. She rarely keeps her temper in check and her mind is always running up and down. It took her a long time to recognize my voice as I could hear some shuffling from the background. Like she was waking up and settling.

"Dee?" She questioned through the phone.

"Hello Fern, how are you doing?" I asked her calmly. 

She sighed, I wish I was able to see her face to conclude whether she was in a good mood or I should have called her later. 

"You whore, where have you been?" She shouted and I was trembling from her words. 

I told you I got it at the wrong time. Even when we are together, just waking her up when it's was time to would cost you your peace. She would shout in the whole neighbourhood and scatter things in anger. 

"How could you Dee? You just had to falsely accuse someone of rape so that people may have sympathy for you? How does it feel to lie and steal your besties money when they had trust in you!" She growled. 

I thought things could be better, but lol at how people are growling and roaring here like some mother lion they are. 

Whatever she was trying to pass across would be understood if she just said it in a calm tone and not shouted at me as if I am a deaf being who needs some hearing aid?

Why would she even think that I fabricated the whole story of rape? This is so uncalled for. 

"Fern, I am just here to say hi, I know I am not the favourite pet but I am not here to ask for any favours from anyone, plus why would I claim that somebody rapped me if that's not true?" I asked her. 

I wanted her just for once to listen to my side of things, probably she will slide by me and let my parents know the truth.

"Stop pretending Dee! You've always been pretending. To be sick, to be the good person, to be the best child to our parents. Have you ever thought about what that does to me? I am always considered the black sheep of the family, I bet even the will is written in your name and would get anything, not even a spoon from my parent's house!"

Don't you think she is coming too much? I don't even care about our parent's wealth, she is talking about being the black sheep of the family, how ironic when she is always the one who gets the privileges from our parents. 

She got to go to Disney even when I was the one supposed to go, she was the petite and beautiful lady whom everybody wanted around, but for me, people thought that I was not good enough to reach her standard. She got to have as many escapes as I could. I have never told her how lucky she always got and here she is claiming that I took everything from her.

"I am sorry, I never knew that you felt this way Fern. I thought you were happy," I told her. 

I wanted to make sure everything is kept under control before. Even though she won't agree with everything that I am saying, I just wanted her by my side so that I can get what is going on at home.

Thinking of what Jake told me, about supporting a family that want to kill me, I wanted to doubt him but to some extent, he was saying the truth.

"Sorry my ass, just tell me where you are, mama and papa are worried sick of the favourite kid, the apple of their eye is missing," she said in a sarcastic voice.

I wanted to laugh out and tell yet t fuck off, but I couldn't. I had to keep her close so that I can get that intel.

But it's out of the blue for my parent to get worried about me. 'Their favourite?' Since when? 

I am somewhere safe Siz, if I heal completely I will be ou so that you can visit me," I told her. 

I didn't want to tell her my location, She will tell my parents and everything will turn upside down. 

"Whatever, as long as you are breathing they will be happy, just make sure you attend Kim's burial, I won't be there to wave his damn ass goodbye because I am happy he is going to rot six feet deep," 

"Wait, when is the burial?" I asked. 

I had even forgotten that Kin had passed on and was supposed to be buried. 

"Wow, you are interested, it's tomorrow, at the Mountain Cemetery, mum thought we could go as a family but I am busy for that," she said while twanging.

She has a good voice why would she even be twanging it to make it more soprano.

"Okay, bye little siz," I told her as I ended the phone. She didn't even bother to say bye. 

I had to text Jake and explain to him about the funeral, even if it means giving me one of their security guys, he will have to. I had to be there, just to look at his face for the last time. I don't care about what Fern said about him, but to some extent, he was never the bad person whom people thought he was, he just wanted to earn a living and being just a kid there were no more options.

Inside Fern's room,

The house is expensively furnished, gold chandelier hanging on the roof as dim lights fuse with the natural sunlight. The silk golden brown curtains have been drawn, leaving the little sheet of white curtains that are slowly seated by the wind. 

Fern is seated down with a glass of champagne in her hands, a phone in her hands, swirling the champagne before she drinks it and looked at the person standing in front of her.

"Any success?" She asks as she pours more champagne into her glass.

"The firewall in her phone is so strong and it can't be breached, I think someone knows that she is in danger and is trying as much a possible to lick us out," said the man. 

"Fuck that bitch!" She shouted as she crashed the glass on the ground with so much force. 

"Do you know who is protecting her? If it's a celebrity we could behave known, nothing is hidden with the celebrity, plus I know all the celebrities in this town!" She bragged as she placed her left leg on top of her right one.

She looked at the glass that she had thrown to the ground with anger she crashed it further using her heels. She couldn't imagine that her sister had someone who is protecting her, someone who cares about her.

"Diana, where are you? You can't get a wealthy man who will love your big belly and chubby cheeks, so where are you?" She thought as she raked her head. 

"I will ask around Timber, we will get her at the end of the day don't worry," she said as she stood up and walked out of the room.



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