
What Type Of 'Mary' was She?

🥀Happy of reading😊🌹

I started to feel like I did something wrong. He was having it hard too hard, his eyes were dilating with every minute that I held the oxygen cylinder. It was like I was killing him and at the same time resuscitating him.  The moment I pulled the tube out of the oxygen, he would have long breaths and all of the were long and it was like it was painful for him.  After getting the fine back, he would then breathe in. This game went on for twenty minutes without giving me something important. I was angry and I  wanted to slap the shit out of him. He was just looking at me every time I removed the tube and waiting for me to give it back only to look at me again without any particular words coming out of his mouth.

Maybe, I will throw this cylinder to the other side and pretend that you didn't want it, you wanted to die. Then by the time, they will be bringing the ambulance, fuks, you will be on the floor trying to gamble with air and at the same time, the oxygen cylinder will be wearing out and you will be nothing else. What about that?

Why is he not ready to die but he can't talk? You know this issue can just be completed with one DNA Test but that can't be done because I left the place a long time ago. There is no way I am going back there to try and get some toothbrush and then match it to one of the Kings. That is going to be hard and it's either he comes up with answers and is done or I am sadly going to kick this thing very far away from me. There is no way I will ve having some liar and some stupid asshole trying to mess me up and another douchebag has already started messing me up. 

"Okay, for Jake, her mother was coming to me every day, complaining that her husband was not doing anything. She used to ask me if we have a secret meeting every time in my office. That time I had an eye for your mother because she is the woman I was supposed to get married to. For, Jake's mother, we were in the same school and we had once crossed paths. She wanted us to go on with the relationship though I didn't want to because we had broken up once after she left and said that I was the one assaulting him. He now wanted us to be together, something that I was not ready for. The secret meeting went on for quite some time and she was not giving up on us. What was her word? At that time, she was not paying attention to her family. Claire was two years old and mostly was left with the maids making it easy for her to lie that she was running an errand. Mr Daniel was always on trips here and there, for me I was a young business person and was coming up so easy but being with Jake's mum confused me. She wanted me to look at her, she wanted to be the priority every time, everything that I did, was because she wanted it to be done. I couldn't ignore any of them because I thought it will be a good way to resurrect the long-dead love that was buried deep down.  Speaking of my brother, he was always not in the country, he took trips to Dubai because he loved to engage in business. It was hard for him to notice the deterioration in the business and all that remained was a difficult moment after I started taking loans to sustain my days with Jake's mum.  After a while, she was pregnant and I never saw her again. I wanted to confront her about the baby but she said the baby was not mine. Deep down in my heart, I knew that was my kid and there was no way that kid was not mine. Though he didn't inherit most of my features, he inherited most of his mum's features. I left the issue but again some five years later, I was called to the hospital to donate some blood for a baby, deep down I knew who the baby was. It was Jake, the same kid I was told was not mine. At that time, it was hard to confront her because her mother was giving me under pressure that she was pregnant. At that time, my brother had taken over after I left her for Jake's mum. Mary, your mother was frustrated and she fell for my brother who was treating her nicely. At the same time I couldn't help but feel mad and one night I forced myself on her when my brother was out of the country. That forcing went on until it turned out she was pregnant.  I didn't notice any of it and was happy that she was pregnant. Mary couldn't stop giving me the eyes of, 'if he knows......' I knew that was going to be a disaster so we looked for a hitman to kill him and then escape with my Mary."

I wanted to interrupt him but the only moment that I got to interrupt him, he would sniff the mask to get a new fresh air for himself. This left me lamenting if my mother was a good person or if she was just an asshole person like him here? Sleeping with him instead of the man who loved her, what type of idiot does that? I didn't want to imagine. She could have told her husband that she didn't love him and both of them could have gone their separate way and stopped with this stupid murder that was going to mess everything up.

"Mary was always a stupid person because she didn't know when to keep her mouth shut. She tried to shut it off sometimes. That was about a year and some weeks. And during that time, she was sexually active with me and my brother. She would lie to me that my brother was not giving her the satisfaction she wanted and came to me asking if she could at least benefit from me. Since I was desperate and wanted her so bad, the guilt of not giving her all the best life before was also killing me. She later got pregnant, within the one year that you were born. I think you were three months old and she came to me saying that she was pregnant with my child and wanted to abort it. I didn't want her to abort it. I was okay with us having a family after we killed my brother. This plan was underway and we even planned what we were going to do. At the same time, I had Fern's mother with me. She came into my life and knew that I wanted to get my brother out of the way, we were in this same group with her and she told me that we can as well give him a sacrificial lamb instead of killing him.  Mary then became persistent and asked if she was going to be alive during the whole ordeal. I was going I forgive her because she was the woman I was supposed to love and have my happily ever after. That all crumbled when she got this call from the doctor that the baby was having some deformity in her body. His head was too way bigger and his kegs were growing out of his stomach. Mary was now frustrated and every day, she would cry herself to sleep. She would accuse me of bringing this upon her. I didn't want a child whose legs were growing from her stomach. How was he going to live? This was now hard for me because all I was thinking of was a way to get her out f the way.  It didn't take long for Fern's mother to get pregnant and her raging hormones couldn't just let her be. The only good thing is, that it didn't range to a rant that we were planning on killing him. How stupid was I? My brother had hired a detective to look into the matter of Your Mother because your mother had once called my name in an argument which they had. I knew that this was going to be a disaster if this person knew that I had three kids and all of them are from different marriages. That's when I heard my brother was also plotting revenge against me and my wife for touching her wife without her consent. Mary had lied that I forcefully raped her and wanted her and I also threatened her. That was a bit true and it happened on the first day but on the other days, she was the one inviting me and spreading the news to me. I couldn't blame, Mary because she was trying to be a good wife. She told me all this. This was not some revenge because I had slept with my brother's wife, it was a sibling rivalry for being bad and for messing with each other while growing up. There was no way a man would want to kill his brother because he slept with his woman. Once in a while, it happens but this was different. A week before it happened, Jake's mum and Mr Daniel were having a heated argument while they were in their house. Jame and her sister were taken to a friend's house. Mr Daniel hit his wife's head on the wall and she immediately died. Since Mr Daniel didn't know what to do, he called me and asked me to help him clear the murder scene. Since we knew a morgue in the area, we paid that guy some money and the lady was placed in the morgue and Mr Daniel called his children to tell them about the bad news. I had a great idea, this was the day everything was going to end.  My brother was now too aggressive and every time he would be threatening me, sending some small coffins to my house as a parcel and telling me that I will be there soon. Mary's pregnancy was also driving me crazy and Fern's mother couldn't stand the fact that Mary had a child who was deformed less and I was just okay with it. When the day for execution came. I didn't know how Fern's mother accompanied me but all I know, I walked into my brother's house and shot him. Mary suddenly woke after she felt the cold blood on her face. When she wanted to tell me that she was grateful for taking me better down, my gun went to her head. I don't know how she had set it but I later came to realise that Fern's mother had changed the bullet and when I was done I couldn't bring myself to believe that I had killed her.  Fern's mother stood by the window clapping for me as if I had won the tournament. It was her goal to erase everyone in the picture. That's when we took you in because we feared that you would be given out. Later that morning, Fern's mother said that there was no use in sacrificing two grown-ups with a lot of sin on their hands and that it will be better to ask the cult if they can change it. They later decided that you were the perfect match for that work. So we had to breed you to think that you were our child but you were not. The truth is you were a sacrifice being prepared and at the end of the day your head was supposed to be at a table."

What a hell of a story. You look at someone and think they are good but they have one thousand and one hidden secrets that if you are asked to an earthen, you will be surprised with what you get. I mean what type of a person still lives with that their whole life. If it was me, I found gave be dead but I am not.

I still had doubts about this story. There is no way he could be our father. If that was the reason that Jake's mum was killed and Mr Daniel could stand it, then it's understandable. Someone will get angry if they find out. Though if he still called him to help him dispose of the body, then that doesn't mean that he knew about it. 

I returned the cylinder and connect the tube but it was still under my feet and there was no way I am giving him the cylinder until I get what I want.

What type of parent was my mother? How could she leave a husband who loved her? Then go to this douchebag of a man who didn't care. Now she is dead because she wanted more than she already had. I wanted to know about my mother and think that she was a good person in this life and didn't deserve any of that. I was wrong. I wish I hadn't asked about her and just went on with my life. Everything said about her has now distorted everything I know about my mother.

What type of 'Mary' was she. Mary is a very respected person out in society but looking at her, she didn't have any of that. She loved to spread her legs to every man who came along. I am mad at her. Mad maybe I should just erase her from my mind. There is no use in having her all around me and she doesn't even deserve any of that. All she deserves is to die the same way she wanted her guns and to die. I was out of strength to ask more questions about her. So far I was satisfied with what I was told. All that changed my perspective and all I could think of was, how dare she do that? Who told her that cheating is the best medicine? She could have already just gotten her business somewhere else. I held my head with my hands. Not that I wanted to process everything, no I was processing nothing. I was just surprised by this. We could be judging people and at the end of the day, they are victims too.

This made me think about Jake, what if he is a victim too? What if he is also a patient here. Maybe someone pushed him too far and maybe Fern wanted this to happen so that it can break my heart. As much as I want to get mad, I can't get mad because I know he has his reasons for doing this. The only thing that doesn't make sense is why would he lie to me all this time? Lie to me about life yet he k eq very well it was all false?

I looked at Mr Kings. I know any day I will be called upon and be told that maybe he is dead but that will be none of my business. He can as well die and be carried somewhere that I didn't know about. 

You are pathetic. Maybe, you should pray for forgiveness and let everything be. Stop feeling that you are happy and excited about your accomplishment. You have accomplished nothing. If you kiss this death goodbye, I will be at peace. BYE!