

Don't worry, you have a very strong and brave man, Dominic. He will be standing by my side tomorrow when we tour the campus, no hard feelings but he is more of a gentleman," 

Jake looked at Dee saying those words as if she had grown two horns. Dee couldn't bark out from the staring contest. As much as she wanted to be shy she didn't, she had to show that she doesn't fear him and can face him like a big girl she is.

If you had to accidentally walk into the room, you would assume that there is a staring contest going on here. 

"What's got into you, are you feeling okay?" Asked Jake when Dee didn't shy away from looking at him. He had failed at the staring contents because Dee's gaze was intense and he couldn't bring herself to focus more on it. 

"Yes, I am feeling more than okay, I am strong and healthy and grateful for this opportunity, don't worry," she explained while placing her hands in front of her chest making her yogos bounce a little before settling down.

Jake knew something might have happened to her for her to behave this weird but he couldn't understand, why She chose Dominic over him to escort her to the campus for some tour. she probably will never step into the campus for her classes. Jake was planning to put her near him but looks like she is already flying far away.

'Don't be jealous, it's her time to shine," reminded his inner self before running away.

Does this make me jealous? No, I am trying to help her, and I know Dominic will just leave her to roam around carelessly.

"I want to sleep now, can you please leave?" Asked Dee in a serious voice. 

Jake realized she was trying to keep a straight face because she was having trouble projecting her words. The way words were coming out of her throat it was as if someone had filled it with its sand.

He knew if he just steps inside the house then she will let her guard down and all that pretence will be shoved under the bus leaving her shy as she was. 

'Why do I fear when she is this serious? It's like she is more intimidating, unlike those other times. Is this how I will feel when she jas the knowledge with her?' Jake thought to himself.

He couldn't imagine a situation where Dee will be commanding him to do something, that will be so tough if this is how she is tough.

"I am spending a night with you, I can't go anywhere at this time," said Jake. 

Dee cursed beneath her breath as Jake talked about sleeping in the house. She knew this is a bad idea and if they will be sleeping together then she will mess everything up. She tried to rake her brain for anything to tell him but she couldn't. 

Jake walked into the room and left her standing by the door puzzled. He walked to the kitchen counter and started getting some ingredients for supper.

"Any particular food you want this evening?" Asked Jake as he smirked at Dee. 

"I am full Jake, I think I will be reading," she said and disappeared from his face. 

Jake was disappointed, he knew that being around would change everything but seeing Dee walking back to his study room he knew that she was focused on assuming him for the rest of the evening.

"We move regardless," he said and started on the food. 

Dee was peeping by the door, watching him do his stuff, he placed his phone on the counter and was busy cooking as if it was the last supper. 

She wanted to study but she knew that was not true, she was not going to study with Jake's handsome face all over the place. She walked back into the room and decided to man up and help him make a meal for them. 

"Don't be afraid, just come in, I will be happy if you help me you know," said Jake as he chopped some onions on the chopping board.

Dee smiled and her face was turning red all of a sudden, she knew this was Jake's doing.

"Don't get overexcited Mr man, I am just here to help you," she said as she picked the other knife and chopped the tomatoes that were on the table.

"Be careful, I do t want you to hurt yourself," Jake told her and she smiled knowing that Jake was by her side trying to make things less awkward. 

Diana was undecided on what to ask Jake. She had lots of questions running through her mind but the right word to start with was not coming through. 

"I am sorry for not asking you about your sister before meeting her," Jake started, slicing through the onions carefully in a circular manner.

"You don't have to be, you have all the rights to investigate about me, but I will be happy if you ask me next time instead of asking someone," said Dee.

Though she knew she was also trying to ask Pete about Jake, she thought the same should also apply to her.

"Is there anything I should know about you?" Asked Jake. 

Dee smiled and looked at the tomatoes she was slicing in cubes. "For starters, I don't know how to make a good meal, but as you can see I can follow the rules just as you want me to, like slicing this tomato,"

Jake looked at the tomatoes she had sliced into equal cubes and smiled back at her. He had come across many women but most of them are good cooks, except for his sister who almost burnt the whole house just because she didn't know what temperature to use in baking a pie. 

"Clare, she sucked at cooking let alone following the simple instructions, when I lived with her I used to do all the cooking, but for her, she would just volunteer in serving," explained Jake. 

Diana couldn't help but notice the sad mood that came with his explanation. Not wanting to dwell on that topic, she decided to ask him something else.

"Ever thought of getting married?" 

Jake choked on the wine that he was drinking when he heard her ask that question. 

'Married?' He asked himself again. Just to be sure he was not trying the wrong information.

"What's good in marriage, I mean why would I be responsible for someone's happiness?" Asked Jake as he stirred the food in the pot.

Dee was surprised by his response. He knew Jake had everything but why not get married?

"I don't believe in that, I mean, marriage is between two people who love each other and they mature enough to know what they want Jake," 

Jake chuckled, he didn't believe in marriage whatsoever and as much as he loved kids he has never thought of having someone known as a wife by his side he better adopt a child and that is it.

"Exactly Dee, what's Love when all you get is heartbreak and depression, I mean what is the need to keep that person by your side when at the end of the day he will get bored of you and go to someone else?" 

"Jake?" shouted Dee as she looked at him, Jake just went ahead to do what he was busy doing. 

He didn't want to dwell on that topic anymore. He jas seen how his father mistreated her mother till death and right now he just can't think about it. 

Removing the pot, he started frying the beef and just pretended not to be noticing Dee by her side. 

"It's okay if you don't want to get married but someday you will find someone who loves you and you will think about is having babies running around the house that resembles the both of you Jake," Diana explained.

Jake just nodded while turning the onions in the pot, 

"I am sorry if someone hurt you that much to make you hate marriage that bad," added Diana.

"It was my father, the way he treated my mother made me feel like I don't want to get married or even have a family," he said.

Diana went towards him Nd higher him from behind tightly making Jake's stiff body relax.

"That's why I hate anything to do with marriage and loving people, the only person I loved was my sister who died and I regret it every day because I was not there for her," 

"It's going to be okay, I know wherever she is at, she won't be happy if you are still blaming yourself and she is happy that you are living a happy life," said Dee before looking at his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Asked Dee as she saw the moist in his eyes, "please don't you are making me cry now."

Jake laughed and looked at her, "No, I am not crying, I am allergic to these onions," 

They both laughed together and went on to prepare the table for their supper.


Thanks for reading🤗

Wishing you happy holidays and a happy new year.