
Did you get someone's today?

🥀please, not edited. 🌹

Jake looked at him and laughed sarcastically. He couldn't believe that Pete was telling him about any of those assaults. Listening to Pete supporting Dee he was not even concentrating on anything that was being said. Fern had brainwashed him. He couldn't believe that all this time Dee was the bad person.  Then he remembers at times Dee would say that sometimes the victim is also a bad person. Listening to those words and going through everything Fern had said. He believed Fern.  He didn't know what to do though. He was not concerned with anything right now. He checked his phone and it was already four in the evening. It then dawned on him that Dee will be home anytime soon and she will find all this mess and be suspicious. The deal we to make her think that Jake still loved her so that he can downplay her. That's what Jake had in mind. He started making the bed and collected the pack of condoms and placed them under the cabinate's drawing. Spreading new sheets that are always in the closet section, he asked the lady who was helping with the workaround to take the dirty sheet to the laundry. Pete was standing in the room watching him trying to be busy all of a sudden and was surprised with how he is acting all cool. He couldn't even imagine doing something like this to someone and then acting all good. 

"What do you think you are doing? You need to tell Dee the truth and if you don't love her then let her be, don't mess her up because that is not how you treat someone."

Pete was now angry, he wanted Jake to feel guilty and confess to Dee. Jake looked at him and raised his middle finger. 

"At least I am taking my time and I am not crying about it. Plus I am not planning to shoot her head off the way you did with Alex. I am planning to catch her red-handed while trying to kill me. That's what I heard she is planning to do. To kill me and take everything that I have."

Jake was now bragging to Pete. Only Pete couldn't believe that he was using his past incident to accuse him. He thought he was going to handle this whole situation like a man. Wanting to ask him a question, Jake's phone rang and he looked at it. Smiling broadly he slid to answer it. 

"Yeah it has been a long time.....uhm, what about tonight, come on Christopher, I know your wife won't mind that you are drinking and I will be happy to join you...... Okay, all drinks are on me and there is nothing to be worried about, let's meet in the Upper Club in the next one hour and bring the whole crew, okay?"

Done with the call, Pete shook his head and walked towards the door. He couldn't believe that the same men that Jake left a  long time ago are the same people he is going to hang out with. He was just watching him go back to his old ways. He is falling into the same hole that he was in four years ago. He is recycling his habits after being dumped. 

"I know how to handle my things, don't you dare open your big mouth to her, plus I want to go to Canada tomorrow, and you will be accompanying me."

Pete turned around looking at him. There is no day Jake has ever gone away alone without involving Dee in all his plans.

"what are you going to do, to get fucked again and leave Dee all miserable?"

"I am having my own time and I don't have time for a golddigger who wants to kill me, I doubt if she even ever loved or she wanted to get an education and use it to kill me."

Pete was not understanding whatever Jake was talking about. Sometimes he talked about Dee wanting to kill him and take over everything. Right now he is talking about how Des was a gold digger. He knows very well Dee has earned everything she has. She bought the same hotel Jake wanted to sell and all the branches and finished paying him all the money. She is building big apartments and now planning to open a cafeteria. Jake throwing words around this made him want to know what happens.

He thought maybe it will be better to ask Fern since she was the one who might have fed Jake with all those dramas. 

Done with the room, Jake took out a clean shirt and some blue jeans. He put on his sneaker and a cap over his head. Carrying his phone he walked out of the room. Pete was left there looking around for nothing. He wanted to make sure the room was okay and Dee won't be hurt after a long day. 

"Oh, before I forget, don't open your big mouth to Claire or Dominic, let them enjoy their vacation."

Jake we back, standing by the door. Pete just nodded and he left again. Since the house was on top of a hotel, he watched as Jake's driver drove him off and he was left alone in the room. After being sure that Dee won't be hurt, she walked to Fern's room. 

She watched how she was crying while holding the pillow that was in her hands. The hospital bed had been removed and they got her a special bed that can be adjusted to any angle that she wants.

Her face was now red and tears were flowing down freely.

"What are you crying now, you have all you wanted. To fuck Jake, come into Dee's house and now you are crying like a baby as if someone raped you. Let me guess, you were planning to scream and say Jake raped you and dragged you to fuck you. Too bad I came and found you enjoying the game, so what do you have to say?"

Pete stood by the door, laughing at the crying Fern. Ferm was shaking her head, hooking it continuously. 

"I am so sorry Pete, I didn't mean I do that. I regret it, his dick is so big and I can't take it, I am hurt and sore and I don't know what to do. Plus the condom is still hanging in my pussy too painful to come out."

Pete was now forced to burst into a burst of laughter watching as Fern was trying to ask for his help, he was not going to say anything. Maybe let her cry from the pain. He knew how well they were endowed and most people couldn't take them. Right now Fern lamenting and crying because she couldn't take the whole dick in her is just funny to him.

"I don't care, Fern, Jake had asked me to write down, the name of the doctors that Dee went to for an operation. Plus he wants other sources of where you get the information from."

Fern was startled by his words. She looked at him and couldn't believe that Jake was now trying to get the information. 

"You know I had amnesia during the period I have been sick and I can't remember anything, but if I do remember many of those, I promise I will share everything. Maybe I can check from my phone when I get one because I don't have one right now."

Pete was not pleased with the information. He thought that he was going to start his investigations right away but he was delayed by Fern's excuses. 

"Simple advice, run away from here and even lie to Dee that you are okay and need to get a job somewhere else. You have ashamed yourself enough and it will kill your sister to know what you did."

Fern looked at him and threw the pillow that she had aside. 

"You think I am enjoying any of this? My sister is a pathological laid, and she knows what she is doing. She doesn't love any of you. By the time she has received everything she wants, she is going to discard all of you like pieces of trash. She will be bragging about her life like you guys were never  there."

"What about you Fern, what about being brought back into this place though everyone never wanted you inside this place? No one wants you and  she was the only one who wanted you to be here and get better."

"Don't turn the table on me, that bitch never wanted me here, she always ignored my calls and Jake was the only one who heard me. If not for Jake I would be dead in the first place. Dee said she didn't want me to Claire!"

"Because she knew you were going to mess everything up for her! The way you have done just now! Fucking her husband, the man she has matured and developed from scratch. Don't think you are that important. You are draining Jake and making sure he is falling with you. Why do you want to kill Dee this way?"

"Because she is also a liar and only pretending to be good when around you guys. You just don't know her."

"Just think of where the doctors are because that is the only way I am going to get the answers. You have today and tomorrow before I tell Dee what you have down. Don't even make me choke you with be pillow right now and shove that condom up your womb to kill you properly."

Pete backed the door and walked out of the room. Fern was left crying. She held the pillow and sobbed.

She tried to remove the rubber or toy but it was painful. Done with everything, she took a shower and make herself look clean. Bliwdired her blind hair and placed everything in order. Peeping by the door and making sure there was no one by the door, she opened her pillow and rugged into it deeply, removing a small cell phone.

Fern: I need a doctor's number whom someone can go to have her virgin fixed.

Unknown: Which stupid idea did you come up with. You know that going to be costly for us. You just needed to be about something. How did today go?

Fern: Jake is too huge and he kept calling Dee's name and burning my head deep in the ground. Plus there is a way he held me and started at my back but later stopped slapping me painfully.

Unknown: You wanted it, just take your time. Soon you will be swimming in money all over the place and no one is going to tell you any shit. Just make sure you beat Dorcas at everything. Sue was the

 one was supposed to sleep with him first but you did, make sure you even lie about being pregnant.

Fern: How when he has all pieces of condoms at her bedside. I can't go in there when they are not around. 

Unknown: Just just fucking  do it!!!

Fern sighed while closing the phone and placing it away. She jumped from her bed and placed on her awful look. Taking the dust in, he walked out of the room looking down. 

While walking, Dee was from work and was busy with her phone. The home was not looking up either and accidentally they knocked each other making the rubbish scatter all around. 

"Fern, I am sorry, let me help you."

"No, Dee, I will do this on my own."

Dee beat her at it and quickly started to puck the rubbish on the floor. Get a heart was beating very fast whole Dee was collecting the rubbish. She prayed she doesn't get the condom but whops, she got it.

"Did you bring a man in today?"

Fern tried to access Dee's expression while holding the condom in the air. Looking down, Pete was starting at the bathroom then. fern didn't know what to reply. Shebstartrtf stammering.

"Come on Siz, I am happy that you had a good time and I am excited that you are becoming yourself. Just don't bring them into the house I alee always cautious with the type of people we bring in the house."

"Ohh, I am sorry Siz, I will take him somewhere else next time. Maybe his house."

Fern sighed when Dee placed the condom inside the bin. Pete on the other side was giving Fern some deadly stares when she out that she had someone in the house. He wanted to interject but he was not going to do that. He didn't want to be the one who relates the news to See. He wanted the two grown-up adults to be responsible for everything. At the see what happened.

Dee left and got inside her room, Fern tiptoed and went to pour all the trash inside the big trash that was supposed to be derived outside in the evening. Pete just watched her act all nice.

"Do you got a man, what man? Stop being obvious, remember you have till tomorrow to say everything or else I am going to say everything."

Settling on the bed, she didn't see any sign of Jake. She became sad seeing that the bed was neatly made but there was no sign of him around. He picked up his shirt and sniffed it before placing it back. 

Here knocked on his door and allowed him in. She tried to compose herself but Lete couldn't miss the frown on her face. The sadness was engulfing her. 

       "You are doing okay?"

 She food Pete and wondered why was he always nice to her. She wanted to te someone about the problems with her weighing up on her but again telling Pete was something she wasn't sure about. 

Though her mouth beat her coincided and she blurred that Mr King called her twice.

"What do you mean he wants to see you? Are you sure all this is okay?"

Pete was now worried that Dee might be in a lot of trouble if, goes to see that man in prison. At the same time, he thought that maybe they had something to te her. 

"You know, too knew nothing about your money and I think it will be good for you to go see him and hear what he had to say. You might have been angry when you found out about your mother but maybe there is something more can't you need to know. Just make sure he doesn't brainwash you into believing anything.  Walk there with a vague mind imagining nothing. If you weren't here with the idea that he is going to be the changed man I think that is going to fall apart, okay?"

Deesmuled and nodded at him. She thought that it was a nice idea to jump away from Dee those problems to him. She didn't talk about her and Jake but the biggest weight of ng problem was now over.

"Did you see the man that Fern brought in the house? I am just worried he will pick the wrong people in the house so I suggested she use another place but not the Condi, does that make me a had person?"

Pete was looking at Dee trying to explain a lot of things at a go. He wanted to shout that Jake was the one who messed up and she is having a hard again his mouth was held righthand he couldn't say anything.  He just agreed with her and told her that it was a nice idea.