
DAY THREE: "Someone stepped on a Poo ?!"

The room was was clean, neatly arranged. The bed was made and the pillows were neatly arranged on the top of the bed. The floor was clean, meaning, somebody has been cleaning the room daily.

One peculiar thing about the room was the wall. There were a lot of pictures on the wall a lot of pictures. Rage started building inside me as I looked at every picture taken from every angle.

This raised my suspicions. Why would this room be clean and the other rooms were not clean? The picture on the wall was Dee's. This made me wonder, why were Dee's pictures over this wall?

They were clear, it's like Dee was posing for them and it's not like they were taken in secret. But why would Dee pose for pictures with her naked body for someone? I thought she had some moral decency. But seeing all this made me burn with rage and anger. 

Maybe she was just pretending but deep down she was a real whore who sleeps around and like it when someone takes her pictures. 

"I want these pictures all packed and placed in a safe Box!" I shouted while trying as much as possible not to shout. 

Dominic was standing there, shaking his head while looking at me. He turned around and went on to inspect the other parts of the room.

"Sir," called Dominic from the washroom.

I quickly rushed in his direction and I found him pointing at the telescope that was in the washroom. I looked at the telescope and I didn't want to look through it, lest my confirmation was true and u hated them to be true. 

"Wait a minute," I said to Dominic while looking at the room and Dee's house. 

When we came in, a woman was walking from this house to Dee's house, what was he going here?

"Is everything okay sir?" Asked Dominic while looking at me. 

I nodded to him and asked him to call my driver.

"When you saw the woman who was walking across the road, are you sure she came from this place?" I asked him while looking over to Dee's house.

"Yes, she was from here, I even heard the gate creaking," he said and I dismissed him while looking into the telescope.

The person using this telescope can easily see the person in the bedroom. These houses are built alike so they have the same designs for their rooms.

I adjusted the telescope and moved it around Dee's house. I could see everything in the house because of its high magnifying lenses.

"Can you tell if these pictures are for someone posing or they snapped secretly? " I asked Dominic while rubbing my chin. I hate jumping to conclusions that will make me do big mistakes. And I had to use a second eye to avoid making bad decisions.

Dominic picked the photos one by one and looked at them before placing them in the box. He was tilting them over and over and I think he was finding it difficult to conclude.

When he started to group some of them, that is where my hope started kicking in. At least he was finding some difference in the photos. 

I picked some of the photos and looked at the close. I don't have any experience with photography but I tried my best to help Dominic with his investigations.

"Sir, they are very hard to differentiate, and it looks like they were not taken secretly. The person in this picture was okay with the photos. It's like she was modelling for the cameraman. But some slight difference like this one, where the girl is trying to close the windows, this is the first mistake it shows you that someone was filming all these secretly though he wanted it to look like they were taken on the free will and consent of the other party," said Dominic flexing to me his expertise in Criminal investigations.

This is the only area that I can never beat him in. He knows how to look at things closely and figure out the small details that are hidden. For me, I only know which company I will make good profits from and which investment will make me run into a huge loss.

I was still looking at the picture, while Dominic was peeling the pictures off from the wall and still giving his thoughts about them when I came across a certain picture, it's the same picture Dominic had shown me of Dee closing the curtains and it was at night.

I walked at the telescope and looked at the curtains of the whole house. The curtains were all the same in the three rooms but only one room had different curtains. The room was directly opposite to this room we were in.

"This is Dee's room," I said to Dominic while showing him the photo. 

"Yes, it looks so, because this picture has the same curtain with it," he said while handing me the picture. 

I passed the telescope to him and ask him if he can help me know the difference between this telescope and the other telescopes.

He bent down to the telescope, looking at it closely while touching it using the gloves and rubs the dust from the gloves with his hands.

"Just don't blow the dust now," I told him because I hated dust.

He looked at me and laughed before blowing the dust on my face, "Jesus Dominic," I complained and placed the mask on my face. 

I know he was trying to make me forget the situation that we were in and it was helping a bit.

I went on removing the pictures from the wall as he kept looking at the telescope.

"This is a quite advanced one, it's has a camera attached to it like a space satellite," explained Dominic.

I went to join him, he instructed me to look into the telescope and magnify anything I want and take a picture.

I placed my eyes on the telescope and he helped me magnify the objects inside the house. The curtains in Dee's room were drawn so it was easy to look at the things inside the house. 

Her room was neatly arranged. A small bookshelf was adjusting to the wall of the room. Her bed was in the corner of the room, unlike mine which is in the middle of the room. She had some drawings on her wall. Not exquisite but amazing drawings for teenagers. I directed the telescope to her closet but Dominic hold it into place.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in frustration.

"Why are you moving the telescope, I thought I asked you to just look at one thing and I will help you take a picture," he said while still holding the telescope. 

Lord, he is irritating right now and I hate it. "There is something I have seen and I need to take a picture of it," I said to him and removed his hands from the telescope and decided to move it by myself.

I focused the camera on her closet but it was closed, "fuck!" I cursed under my breathe. I thoughts it will be opened but no, it was closed. I took a picture of the closed closet before moving from the position with a defeated expression.

I moved away from the telescope and we heard something like a machine printing something. 

Dominic signalled for me to move back with his hands blocking me as he looked around for the machine. He started by looking at the wires that were connected to the telescope and quietly followed them up to the hidden digital printer that was covered.

"I found it, you can now come closer," he said while lifting the printer and showing me the picture of what I had captured.

"I thought you saw something, was that thing a closet?" He gave me the questioning look as gr waved the picture on my face. 

I just ignored him and went to look at the printer. There was nothing else in the room. The rest were some erotic magazines that teenagers always buy to help the masturbate the whole night. 

But our magazines were full of dust to mean this guy had been using Dee's pictures to aid in his missions. 

"Sir," called my security from the door.

"What?" I asked him while pacing back and forth with my hands on my chin.

"We have found something," he said and we rushed with him downstairs to go and look at what he has found.

"Where?" I asked as we moved downstairs to a dark hallway.

"Basement sir!" He said as he asked us to follow him. 

The moment we entered the basement, we wished we had not started all this mission!

"Ooh, Lords, I need another mask, am not going to smell this again," said Dominic as he placed his hands on his nose. 

The place was stuffy and smelly! Someone could have easily confused it for a slaughterhouse. Different smells were hitting our nostrils and I didn't want to smell anything. A mixture of urine, blood and faeces was dominant in the area. 

There were no lights around, we had to use our phone lights to help us with our steps. It was hard, trying to keep out the smell from hitting your nostrils and using the flashlights as your guide. 

"Argh," groaned Dominic loudly.

"Is everything alright?" I asked as I turned back to make sure he was okay.

"Nooo, I think I've stepped on a poo," he said while shaking his head.

We burst in a laugh. His face was expressing a funny reaction, away from what I expected.


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I live you❤❤❤