

Dee's P.O.V

I was woken up with a strong scent of bleach. I didn't know where I was but I hated this smell. I tried to open my eyes but the light was too much to allow me to see. I closed them then forced them to open again. 

My eyes couldn't see properly. I was still seeing blurred objects in front of me. There was a lot of noise around me. My head was painting so hard to I couldn't wrap my head around to know what was exactly happening.

Someone came and grabbed my hand and my heart started to beat rapidly while my breathing became hiked. I quickly removed my hand from his grasp and threw the person away. 


I don't know what had come over me, but I didn't want someone touching me violently. The person groaned and then came back. I don't know if it was a male or a female, I just saw a figure towering over me and I become scared again.

I imagined myself, being under the man who was trying to rape me, tried to on my strength to fight him but I couldn't. I become helpless and tears were pouring down my cheeks.

"You will be okay, you are safe now, breathe in, breathe out," a voice started calming me down, caressing my hair and placing his hands In mine. 

I recognized the voice, Jake? 

What was he doing here? 

I quickly forced my eyes to open and looked around me. Despite the light trying to blur my vision, I looked at the sides and the wall was painted white. The more I gazed at the walls, the more my head throbbed. I looked at my hands and I realized that no one was holding them, I was alone inside the room and no one was with me.

I must have been dreaming because I thought I heard some noise and someone was holding my hand. Or maybe it's the medication kicking in. 

The last thing I remember was Jake's soft lips placed on my forehead and he was sitting next to me trying to soothe me but now, I am in a lone room with no one by my side. 

My mind started fighting and my heart was racing, what if he comes back again and decides to finish what he had started or maybe kill me? I just wanted someone to be next to me. 

Wait, my parents don't know where I am, I need to call them and the them that I was attacked. But where I am is what I don't know.

I looked at the little table next to me. There was only a Bible settled on top of it and a bed lamp standing there. Suddenly the door opened and I quickly pretended to be asleep.

A man in a white coat came in and started to examine me. He was gentle with me and I pretended to be waking up and asking where I was.

"You are in the hospital Miss," he said and he went on to examine me. 

"Hospital?" The last time I was not in the hospital, the last time I was in Jake's arms, I was in his house and I remember that very well. What happened to him and why was I here?

"Who brought me here?" I asked as curiosity was killing me.

"A good Samaritan brought you here after she found you dropped by the road Miss," said the doctor while giving me a sorry look.

"Ooh," was all I managed to say.

Well, it was good to think that Jake was going to help me from this situation. Maybe he got disgusted in the way that I looked, maybe he decided to throw me away and left me for dead. If not for the person who had saved me I would probably be lying down and my body would be rotting away.

I didn't want to imagine how the situation could have gone wrong in every way. Anyway, I have the woman to thank for saving me.

"Your parents are outside to see you," said the doctor while smiling.

"At least someone I know to care for me." 

I smiled back at him and waited to see my parents through the door. When he was finished, he left the door and my dad and mom were allowed inside.

The moment my eyes landed on them, tears started streaming down my face. 

I just wanted then at this time. Their embrace was something I longed for.

"Dad," I called as tears were all pouring down. He quickly came and embraced me. 

I cried in his embrace not caring about the pain in my body. The needy were stinging every time I stretched my hands but that is not what was making me cry, it's the happiness that my parents are here with me, I feel safe around them.

My mum joined after my dad was done with embracing me. She also had tears in her eyes. I know we had a little misunderstanding in the morning but I longed for her embrace. She came and placed her head on my shoulder as I did the same to her.

"Stop pretending," she whispered in my ears before getting away from my embrace.

"Mum am not," I said while looking at my dad. 

My dad just looked at my mother before shifting his gaze towards me.

How could my mother say am pretending? After suffering all this time and they didn't even call me at night to ask about my whereabouts. 

I bet if It was Fern she would have called until the whole neighbourhood would have understood that their precious daughter is missing. But for me, it's nothing.

My dad excused himself and went to receive a call. My mother turned around after my father left. She told me next to my bed and forced my head to face her.

"I bet you went to throw yourself at that man and when he refused to fuck you you did this to yourself, are you craving for attention that much Dee? Do you want me to stop what I was going to come to see your big ass in this hospital bed? Thank your lucky stars that your dad was around to force me here, if it were me, I would have just left you to rot in this hospital bed."

"Mum, how could you say that? I was almost raped and I had glasses in my thighs. How can you even say that am lying mama?" I cried while trying so hard to keep the needle from moving.

She grabbed my lips and pressed them together like a bird's beak, and went ahead to press my thighs. 

"These big filthy things are what makes you want to throw yourself at any nan you see around? Dee, do you want sex that bad?" She asked while placing her handbag on my bed and removing something with one hand.

I tried to fight her but she was so strong for me. I twisted myself and the needles kept getting out and getting into the wrong veins which started bleeding out.

I saw her remove a time from her bag, I didn't know what it was for. I just wanted her to let me breathe, I wished for a miracle, my dad to walk in any moment, or just my hands to get t the button but they were not getting any closer, they were aching because of the needles that we're now in my skin.

She lifted the tube, life my hospital gown up to my chest.

"You wanted sex so badly Dee, what about I insert something inside you to help calm you down?" She said in a mocking voice while waving the tube on my face before bringing it down to my thighs. She slowly teased me at the side with it.

I tried crying and shaking my head to tell him to stop but she did not. Sue was going t insert that time inside me and I was scared it might break and I will be bleeding all over again. 

"Is everything okay?" A doctor asked as he quickly walked in.

My mother quickly threw the tube back into her handbag and shook her head.

"I was looking at her thighs," she pretended to be in a pin while looking at them.

"Ma'am, please stand out, I need to stabilize her, her heart is faint," said the doctor to my mother.

I hadn't realized that pressed the button when I was struggling to get my mother off my body.

When she was gone, the doctor looked at me with a worried face.

"Are you okay? Your needles are piercing different veins in your body I need to check it," he said while walking toward me.

"Am fine I said," and put up a brave face, 

"I can report you to know, there is evidence of struggle here, and you might die," he said while fixing the needles.

"I said something and to her, she was just worried but it's fine," I said and looked away from his eyes.


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