

"What do you mean blondie Mr?" Asked Edith trying to fix her apron. She had never heard anyone ask for a 'blondie' "What is that even?" She asked herself. She doesn't even know who blondie was. All they have in there is coffee, buns, shakes, blended juice, fries, burgers and some other things they can cook. They don't offer five-star cooking. What they offer was something the middle-class people could afford.

"Sorry sir," she cleared her throat before looking at the guy who had ordered 'a blondie.' "We don't offer five-star food, we only offer a few things in here," said Edith wiping the forehead of her head with a handkerchief.

Edith was not a clumsy person neither was she shy or fearful but today she didn't know what was wrong with her. 

The gentleman with bangs hanging in front of her cleared his throat and Edith looked at him eating the tip of his pen. "I mean, I need the lady who was here before," said The man before focusing on his phone.

"Sorry sir, but she is not feeling well today, she has a headache." Said Edith with confidence in her eyes.

"I didn't expect any less, I mean with all that fat, her heart might be fighting to be free of it," said the other dude laughing out hysterically. The other three boys joined him together laughing while hitting the table.

Edith was not pleased with the way the four gentlemen were talking about Dee. She hated when people talked about other people's bodies. "Everyone was created in God's image and likeness," defended Edith calmly.

"Uh, but for her, it seems God didn't create her, it looks like God forgot to put his image in front of him so that he can mould her," joked one of them.

"Noo, do you think she even moulded or he just threw some clay carelessly and left it to dry," laughed the other one.

"Haaaa, I don't think so, don't tell me you didn't see the way she sweats, she didn't even dry up, she was brought in while still wet" added the third guy nodding his head while grinning.

Edith was now clutching onto her pen tightly and was about to do some harm today. She wanted the pen to go into those three pairs of eyes that were talking badly about Dee. She wanted to see how that pain is going to go through their eyes and watch as it drips blood after she pulls it out of their eyes balls.

'The other one won't be spared too,' she thought to herself looking at the man who ordered 'blondie' instead of coffee. She imagined how she would see the pen go deep into his Adam's Apple that was moving disgustingly up and down his throat.

The doorbell dinged and it startled her from her murderous thoughts leaving the four gentlemen to themselves and walking towards the new customer. After taking her order, she moved toward the counter and gave the orders to the cashier before moving toward Dee.

"Are you feeling any better Dee?" Asked Edith lifting Dee's chin.
