

As Alice was slowly escorted into her room, she could feel her body feeling heavier by the second and her stomach seemed to be suffering from some earthquake. Just as the hotel staff left the room, Alice rushed to the washroom to retch violently. This was what happened when she was too happy! After a high there was always a fall. Holding herself up with the help of the door, Alice threw up the meager contents of her stomach along with all the fluid that she had partaken and as she straightened up slowly, she felt the world spinning around her. Holding onto the wall for support, she turned on the water in the shower and stepped under it. 

Slowly, the world stopped spinning and as she leaned against the wall, the fog in her mind cleared. And with clarity came worry. Adam was not one to forget about her. So if he had not called then there must be some other reason.. She would try calling him again once she was outside of the bathroom, she decided.