
First Concert Ever

As Adam popped an allergy medicine, he finally had calmed down a bit and thoughtfully typed out a simple "Thank You" message. But somehow, that felt incomplete to him and after thinking about it for a moment, he clicked the picture of the flowers and the note before captioning, "Thank You. I miss you too." and clicked on the sent icon, his previous grievances and resentment of her not checking or replying to his messages forgotten in a minute. Whistling, Adam brushed back his hair and booked a cab to take them to the final location for their rehearsal. They had a final rehearsal today for their last concert and then the final performance the next day. On one hand, Adam hated to finish off the tour as it would mean saying a goodbye to their fans for a while but he also looked forward to seeing Alice. Even more so now that she had taken such a huge step in his direction.