
Childhood Crush

"I hate accountants, you know! Don't you think they are too nerdy and bookish! And some of them even look like vampires they are so pale! And accountants that seem to think that they are part of the police are even worst! I mean where do they get the idea that they can handle suspects. They should try becoming a real person with physical hard work! They are all so soft!"

"You seem to know a lot about softness, Adam Perry! Did you try to feel up your accountant? And I dont know about all accountants but the one that I just hugged was not soft anywhere. And he most certainly did not look like a vampire.. He looked more like a.."

"A side character from a useless video game!"

The angry rebuttal finally caused Alice to giggle as she teased,"Mr. overtured bottle of vinegar! You need to control yourself of the entire car is going to smell foul! Kieran is like a brother to me!"